‹ Prequel: Unbelievable
Status: Jason's Story Before Death

When Hours were Timeless

Fatal Nightmares.


It was late in the season of summer and everyone was preparing for the new school year to start. Senior year, I cannot believe I made it. We made it. Amy was sitting alone in a meadow full or daisies. She smiled at me. “Jason, my love, come here!”She said in her soft sweet voice. Her voice, I loved. I smiled and nodded. I walked up to the blanket she was sitting on. She signaled me to sit down, so I did. We stared into each other’s eyes. I put my hand on her cheek. I pulled her face closer to mine. Our lips locked together. She was the one. When our lips unlocked, she smiled and opened her eyes.

Her eyes sparkled like diamonds at me. That was the other thing so remarkable about this woman; she mystified me with her beauty, just so irresistible. She kept her smile; her red lips were so soft. Her flawless pale skin was as smooth as fresh silk. She shook her head keeping a happy face. “I don’t know how you do it.” I laughed. “What do you mean?”I asked. She laughed with me. Then her face got serious. “Like…How you understand me, like how you fascinate me with every move you make. You are irreplaceable.” she said in response. I put my arm around her, and then moved closer to her. “It is just miracles, baby. Miracles that has brought us together, I don’t know what life would be like without you. It’s just unimaginable, never have I ever had a thought about that.”
She put her head down on my shoulder and smiled. “I can never imagine life without you, you lead me on where or what to do next, you protect me from harms way and put your own life in danger for mine. I hate putting you in danger, if a man ever tried to harm me and… and he murdered you…I don’t know what I would do. I would not have the will to go on.” she said. I pulled her into my chest. I held her in a warm deep embrace. I put my head on top of hers. I stroked her hair. Then I put my hand under her chin. I pulled her face up. She looked at me with love filled eyes, and then I kissed her.

Long and hard, taking her breath away. When I finally let go, she stared at me breathlessly. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise never to leave you.”I said. She smiled. She held out her hand. “Take my hand, promise to never let go.”I nodded as I grabbed her hand. “I promise.” She threw herself at me. I caught her in my arms. I spun her around in circles. I put her back on her feet. We laid down together in the meadow full of daisies. Then red roses grew in the meadow. The time was timeless. We forgot all about the time. We may have been there staring for hours, days, weeks, and never would have noticed. The red roses bloomed and stay beautiful. “Amy, these roses grew because of your beauty.” She smiled and kissed me. I never wanted the moment to end, the hours were endless. I only wanted bad memories to leave. But that will never go away. As I snuggled her in the meadow, the blue sky grew dark. It was raining hard outside. We got up off the ground. Amy was laughing loudly and just smiling away.

That’s another thing to love about her; her laugh. She put her hands out and let the rain pour down on her. She was spinning around in circles. She was very graceful. I just stood there and watched her, amazed by her beauty. She smiled. “Come on Jason! Join me! It’s a lot of fun!”She screamed happily. I smiled, showing my milk white teeth at her. I ran over to her. Once I got to her, I picked her up and spun her around once again. I held her high as we were spinning. Then I lowered her to match my height and we stared at each other. “There is no one else in this world I would rather be with than you.” She smiled back. She put her hand on my cheek. Held her gaze and smiled. “You’re the one.” she said. We kissed for a long moment, in the rain. “I’m never going to let you go.”I told her loudly. I kissed her again. “Amy! You are the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!”She smiled. That is when everything got bad.

The red roses faded black. The sky grew even darker and everything started turning black. Even the grass. Everything except the daisies. Daisies are flowers of the dead and it stayed bright. Amy’s smiled faded. She held onto me tight. “Jason, what’s happening?! What’s going on?!” I held her close.

I was confused. “I don’t know.”I replied. “Jason, I’m scared.”She said in fear. I stared with her. “I am to.” Tears were in her eyes. “Jason, don’t let go. Don’t leave me.” I nodded as I kept my stare. I looked down at her. “I promise.” Then I felt something jab me in the back of my head. Startled, Amy looked at me. “Ow!”I said. Someone shot some type of dart on the back of my head. I yanked it out. Amy was hit to. “Ouch!”She said. She looked at me oddly. Whatever she was saying to me, it was all echoing. My vision was blurry and fading. Then I was surrounded by darkness as I hit the ground. Amy was scared. She pulled the dart out of her head. Stared at it then joined me on the ground.

When I woke up, my head hurt. I didn’t open my eyes, I was afraid I may be in danger or find Amy dead next to me. All I knew for sure was that I was in a dark room. I heard movement. Feet. It echoed because of the silence. Then the footsteps faded. I figured it was safe. I opened my eyes. I looked around. Where was Amy? I cannot see her anywhere. Or maybe its because of how dark it is in here. Put a light on for crying out loud! I looked over to my right. Amy was lying right next to me, still unconscious.

“Amy?” I whispered. “Amy. It’s me; everything is going to be alright. I promise you.” She heard me. “I’m afraid to open my eyes.”She said. I touched her hand. She screamed. “Ah! What was that! Something just touched me!”She said in panic. “Shh...It’s okay. That was me. I want to hold your hand. I’m here open your eyes.”

She sighed in relief. She opened her eyes. I got off the floor and helped Amy up. “We got to get out of here, before whoever kidnapped us, finds us. Don’t go anywhere. Stay with me. I know its dark in here, hold my hand. I’ll lead the way.” She nodded and put her hand in mine. We walked around. The room was pitch black, I had a little night vision, enough to find away out of here. She never let go of my hand. I held her hand tight. She didn’t wander off. This must have been a funhouse. There was no visible exit available.

How the hell do we get out of here? This is madness. This man wants something from us. But what, what could he possibly want that Amy and I have? We do not have anything valuable that others want. The only valuables we have is what we only cherish. The other thing; the last thing valuable to us is…well each other. Nobody means as much as Amy does to me. She’s the only love I have besides my mother and father; well sometimes I don’t even like them. No acceptance from them of what I look like. Thank God, they do at least love Amy, and she is exactly like me. She was breathing fast and heavy as we walked around in a quick fashion.

She was hyperventilating, in other words breathing to fast and can cause you to have a panic attack. “Jason, what should we do?” I shrugged. “I have no idea, but I promise I will not let go of your hand for anything unless it’s matter of life or death, to save you.” She nodded. “Okay, I’m okay with that. As long as I am with you, everything will be alright.” I kissed her on the forehead. “Now that’s thinking positive, good work.” We went on. Then we heard footsteps. “Amy quick, hide with me.”

We ran fast trying to find a quick hiding spot. We spotted a bed in one room. We hid underneath it. I covered her mouth so the psycho did not hear Amy’s uneven breathing. “WHERE DID THEY GO!!!?”The man yelled. He walked around everywhere. He was very smart. We thought he was gone. I uncovered Amy’s mouth. She let out a sigh in relief. Then something grabbed Amy’s legs and was dragging her across the floor. She screamed. I grabbed her hand so she can stay but it failed. She grabbed the medal leg of the bed, and held on for dear life. I rolled out from under the bed and stared at the guy. Once he saw me, he let go of her.

“Your time’s up Jason.” I shook my head. “No!” Amy stared at me in terror. “No! Jason! Don’t leave me! Never let go! Stay! Promise me!”She said in complete panic. I nodded. “Amy, I’m not going anywhere. My job is to protect you, and I must keep my promise unbroken for all of eternity.” I stared at the man. He harmed Amy, and then went to me. I went over to Amy. I looked down at her unconscious body. “Amy, I will protect you. Now is the perfect example.” I stared down at her. Then the man tried smacking the back of my head with his gun. I grabbed his gun before he could do it. I had good reflexes. I turned around to face him and turned his arm over in a position to break his arm. As I tried to keep him down, he grabbed a glass vase and smashed it across my head with his free hand. Blood streamed down my face. He was winning now. He pushed me to the ground with strong force. It was unbelievable.

I woke up from this unholy dream, in a cold sweat. I sat up instantly when I woke up. I looked over at my alarm clock. 3:45am, Shit I hate having these dreams. They start out as a good perfect day in my dream, then it turns into a nightmare and the dreams are similar every night. I don’t know why, but in every dream…I die. I wake up early most nights, exactly like this. I put my hand on my head and yawned. Since everyone in my house was asleep, they would never even know I ever left if I did. I put on slippers and my black and grey striped hoodie and walked slowly down the steps. Then closed the front door silently. I walked around the neighborhood. I pulled out my cell phone to text Amy.

Amy: “Love, I’m sorry to wake you, but can I visit?” I pressed the send button and held my phone in my hand as I walked to her house. Then my phone vibrated. I smiled, Amy was awake.

She wrote: “Hey baby! No need to worry about waking me up. Come on over, I will open my window.”

I smiled. I responded back telling her okay. When I reached her house, I saw her wave to me from her upstairs bedroom. She looked like she just woke up. I had my clothes and toothbrush with me in my jaw string book bag. I pointed at the bag and she laughed. She opened her window. There was a tree in her front yard, the best way to sneak into her house unnoticed.

I climbed the tree and went into the window. Amy was delighted to see me and kissed me tenderly on the lips. “Good morning Early Raven! Do you want to sleep with me until my alarm goes off?”Sometimes, I came over to sleep over; her parents never caught us in the act. “Good morning and I would love to sleep over.”I responded. She looked hot even when she looked like she just woke up. Her hair was messy, her blue eyes glowed, and her lips were still red. She wore a revealing black tank top and blue and black striped mini sleep shorts. I picked her up and threw her onto her bed. She liked me being forceful like that. I pulled the covers over us and snuggled her close. I think she noticed her sexy level towards me because it was driving me insane. She laughed. “Something is poking me.”She said. My face turned red. She laughed. “Oh.” I nodded. We fell asleep. Now this was a way I calmed my nerves : Amy in general.


Hours passed, the alarm clock started beeping softly, then loudly, until Amy finally smacked it. She sat up and shook my shoulder. “Jason, time to wake up sweetie.”I yawned and smiled. “Jason?”She said in a confused tone. I kept my eyes closed. “Jason-“I grabbed her and pulled her over me. She laughed. I kissed her. I opened my eyes. “Good morning, Love.” She smiled and laughed. She pulled me off the bed. We walked towards her upstairs bathroom, she put her finger to her lip and took my hand and led me to the bathroom silently. Kylie, her sister who was only in the 8th grade, was still asleep and was going to wake up in an hour. Her parents remained asleep until about 30 minutes after we wake up. Her parents always think I come over early. Some days I do and some days, I woke up there. My parents wake up at 8 anyway, so I am already in school when they wake up. We closed the bathroom door. We both got our toothbrushes, and then Amy opened the Medicine cabinet and grabbed the toothpaste. We brushed our teeth. She brushed her hair and I brushed mine. She turned on the shower. She waved me over. “Take a shower with me!”She said. I smiled. She was something special. She had such a fun personality. I ran over to her as I took my shirt off. I closed the shower door. We were in the shower, completely naked, together. She smiled at me, and then winked. I did a sexy grin back at her.

We finished our shower. She got out her hair dryer and hair straightener. She dried her hair. She dried mine. Then straightened mine as well. She applied make-up, and I applied eyeliner. We got dressed and then gave each other a kiss. We walked out of the bathroom and to the steps. Her parents were having coffee at the breakfast table. “Oh why hello Jason.” I nodded. “Good morning.”They smiled at me. Amy grabbed a bagel for me with butter and one for herself. “We are pumped for school today!”She said. She liked acting like a complete rock star in front of her parents. They always knew she was the bubbly happy one. What they didn’t know was how exotic her body was. Beautiful and smooth. They didn’t know we did stuff they would hate us for. They laughed. “Excited? For school? Okay whatever rocks your boat Amy.”They responded. She laughed. She kissed her father on the cheek. “Bye Guys.”She said. They smiled. “Have a good day!”We walked out the front door. We went over to Amy’s car. I could have drove myself over but sometimes, walks are just more fun. She stopped at ‘Starbucks Coffee’ and ordered a Mocha Frappachino. She looked over at me. “What about you?” I smiled. “The same as you Love.” She smiled. She loves it when I call her that. We got our Frappachino’s and drove away.

We parked in the school parking lot and got out of the vehicle. She locked the car and I put my arm around her. She put her arm around my waist. We walked into the school building. We had 1st period together. We had English 11. She sat down and listened to the teacher try to read Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ and she was lost in her literature. I smiled. Focusing in class when Amy was in there was like a child with a disorder that makes them easily distracted. She looked over at me. Then smiled. I slipped her a note.

It said: “Funny isn’t it, when I have classes with you, you just mystify me. I can’t focus on the school work because I am hypnotized by your beauty.”
She laughed and smiled. Then grabbed her pen and wrote back.

“Shouldn’t you be listening to Mr. Grassi’s lesson? I cannot seem to ignore you. You distract to me as well. But I am smart. I love English class. I like writing about how I feel. It is a good way to express my opinions or self. You know, it’s just right.” She handed the note back to me and glared at me. I laughed. The next class we had together was Chemistry 4th period. We were lab partners. We had to use the Buns and Burner today.

We were making some type of experiment with chemicals. We put our goggles on. She tied her hair back. Then we put white lab coats on. We smiled. “We are scientist!”I said. She laughed. “Bill Nye the Science Guy!”She began to sing. “Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!” I said in return. She laughed. “Ugh…We are such dorks.” She said. I laughed. “Yes we are but who cares. We dare to be different Jason. We are special.” I kissed her. The teacher clapped his hands at us. “No Lip Locking in class! Do you hear me?” I looked over at him. I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry Mr. Dunham. It won’t happen again.” The teacher nodded. “Let’s hope.” We resumed setting up our experiment, and did every step of the experiment correctly.

We walked to lunch together. My sister Annabelle was already sitting at the lunch table. She is a sophomore. She leaves to go to school early. She is my friend. She has my back and knows at night I sometimes go over Amy’s house. I explained to her that it was love. Annabelle was beautiful. She had Golden blonde hair that was flawless and smooth as silk. She looked like a Barbie doll.
She wasn’t loveable like a Barbie doll though. She wasn’t dark. But she was smart and gorgeous and unlike most blondes, has a brain. Amy’s natural hair color is Golden blonde. She hated it so she died it herself. Her parents did not like that but, they cannot stop her. Unlike Amy and Annabelle, my hair was naturally jet black. Amy never had any friends, not really, well from what she had told me. I decided to lie to my parents and tell them I was sleeping over a friends house. I wanted to be with the girl I loved all night. Amy smiled when I told her that. Her parents were out for the weekend. Therefore, I’m staying over for 3 nights with her. She led me into her house. She was kissing me, sweetly and hard. She lured me into her bedroom. I was dressed up because I had to dress up today for Amy. She ripped off my tie. Unbuttoned my dress shirt, and then ripped it off. She kissed me as I unbuttoned her white blouse. Things went on in that bedroom for a couple of hours. Amy is the most beautiful woman on the planet. She had everything I needed.

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