Status: Rated 'PG-13' for language and some action


Chapter 1

Three almost withered figures walked the streets of the small ocean front town.

“I’M STARVING!” The one on the left yelled grabbing her stomach, brown hair falling into her face in the process.

“It’s your fault! You’re a girl! Girls are required to know how cook!” The middle figure stated, also grabbing his stomach, his black hair covering his eyes.

The one to the left growled, or at least her stomach did, “Sexist bastard.”

“Be calm, here is what looks like to be a cheap restaurant,” the one to the right finally said, pointing to a small bar restaurant.

“PERFECT!!” the other two yelled running toward the restaurant.

The little bell attached to the door rang as the two bolted into the place, which was surprisingly empty. But the two didn’t seem to care, for they ran to the counter and rang the little bell over and over again. “BRING US FOOD!”

“OH SHUT UP! I'M TRYIN TO SLEEP!” a voice yelled the voice echoing across the empty place.

“Huh? Who said that?” The brown haired one said looking around for the mysterious voice.

“Gosh if I feed you will you leave?” the same voice asked still annoyed.

“Yes oh mighty spirit if you feed us we will leave your spirit to be!” The black haired one cried raising his hands.

“That’s if we don’t like your food….then we’ll bottle you up and take you with us,” the girl said still looking for the voice.

“Good enough for me.” A girl stood up from behind the counter her almost white blonde hair covering her eyes, “Whatcha sailors want?”

The two looked at each other and smiled, “MEAT!”

“Ah, meat. How original, and you young samurai? You want rice?”

The one the girl addressed sat in the back his bandanna made it easier for him to see, “Yes young archer I would like some rice.”

The girl turned and took out two slabs of meat, “So what some pirates doin in a town like this? I’m tellin you right now, no treasure here.” She covered the bloody hunks with spices contained in two shakers; her face showed she was still tired.

“How’d you know we were pirates?” the blacked haired asked though his mind was clearly on the meat.

“People don’t come here, so lucky guess. What you guy’s names anyway mine is Juliet.”
The brown haired smiled, “Names Emmaline, I’m a girl by the way.”

Juliet turned and shrugged, “Whatever won’t see ya again so. You?” she asked pointing to the black haired boy.

“Jack. I’m the captain,” he replied his face glowing from pride.

“Ah couldn’t tell, and you samurai? I’ll probably like your name since you’re from Jayo,” Juliet said throwing the meat onto the grill. Jack’s face was red from the embarrassment that Juliet brought.

The samurai smiled, “Yashu.”

“Ah…I miss those names,” she said looking up to the ceiling her eyes closed as though she was remembering something. “So you after the great treasure?”

Jack eyes shined, “Yes! I’m going to be king of the pirates!”

Juliet laughed, “Really now? And how are you goin to fight the navy out to get pirates like you and your friends?”

“We have a samurai, thief, and martial arts master, what more do we need?” Jack angrily replied trying to keep his cool.

“Do you even have a cook? Or a navigator? Or even a cannon?” Juliet asked flipping the meat, a smug smile on her face.

“WE DO SO HAVE A CANNON! AND ME AND JACK ARE THE NAVIGATORS!” Emmaline yelled now getting into the fight.

“So no on the cook?”

Emmaline sat back down, “if we had a cook would we be in this dump?”

Juliet laughed again, “I like you people, here foods on the house.” She placed the plates in front of the two starving people, “tell me if you like it.”

The two dug into it making even Juliet feel sorry for the food, “I’ll take that as a yes.” She walked over to Yashu and set down the bowl of rice, “there you go soon to be master.” She bowed and walked back to the grill.

“I command you to be our cook!” Jack yelled food falling from his mouth.

“I second that!” Emmaline followed in the same fashion.

“…..well….my shop is about to be closed….I sleep to much...and you do have a fellow Jayo with you….okay.” Jack and Emmaline cheered but only for a second and went back to their food. Juliet laughed, “At least I know my food will be liked. Oh only one thing.”

“Sure what?” Jack asked actually done with his meat.

“Don’t ever wake me up again… won’t be pretty if you do,” Juliet said and evil smile on her face. Though the crew didn’t notice or care they finally had a cook, and wouldn't starve again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah my first chap of the story!
Tell me if you like it