Status: Trying Something New ......


“We can't let her stay.” Lyle growled out, digging his nails into his palm in attempts to reign in his breathing and stay calm.

"She’s your daughter!”

“No! That… That thing down there is not my daughter! I will not let your misguided notion of responsibility put this pack in danger.”

“Guess it’s a good thing it’s not your choice, Beta.” Nate spat out.

“Nathan, think of your pack!”

“She's blood.”

“Gentlemen, gentlemen should I come back at another time?” A third voice floated through the room from the doorway.

Lyle flinched before straightening his back, “of course not Alpha I was merely discussing the girl with my son.”

“That girl is Emma!”

Alpha Mason turned to his son’s best friend, regret and confusion swirling in his eyes. “Is it really Emma? She’s survived all these years?”

Nate nodded his head, letting a tear slid down his face as he thought back to what had happened to his sister. “Zack knows more but it seems hunters took her and raised her before setting her to fight other wolves.”

“Phil seems to think the years of torture has forced her to give into her animalistic side but he thinks we could reverse it.”

“Even if we could she’s still very dangerous.” Lyle spit out; hoping both his alpha and his son would see his side.

The alpha sighed turning to his beta, “Maybe Lyle, but Nathan’s right she’s still pack which makes her our responsibility.”

“Alpha she’s’ been trained to kill us all, she cannot possibly st-”

“I failed her once as her alpha, I will not fail her again!” The finality in his voice forced both of the other wolves to surrender and offer their throats to their alpha until he turned and walked out.

“Whatever danger she brings to this pack is at your hands.”

Nate shook his head “It’s not black or white dad, sometimes you have to find some color.”

Lyle paused at the doorway, turning back to face his son, “Your mother died because of that flawed logic, please don't let that thing do the same to you.”
  1. Chapter 1.1
    Emma's Story - 14 Years Ago
  2. Chapter 2.1