The Solution Isn't Always That Simple

The Last Night

Rich, full brown hair, just reaching the top of his slender neck. Running my fingers through the locks I started to feel weaker, as if I was giving in to his charms. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction so quickly. I turned and slowly walked away, making sure his eyes would follow. I was slowly loosing my grip on reality. Each step, each breath, each look. I couldn't take it any longer.

My hands worked their way slowly down the buttons of my shirt. Undoing them one by one a small grin slithered its way across his face, he was impressed. As soon as he was close enough my hands worked their way up and down the front of his chest. I could feel every inch, every detail of his form. The look I gave him urged him to also reveal his bare chest.
As soon as he had, 'complied', I pulled him close and teased him by withdrawing my lips from his. This made his body tense and his hands become more adventurous. I'd never had such a feeling surge through my body. He held me, hard against the wall, asking for entry to my mouth. I wouldn't grant his wish, instead I just inched towards the bed. Knowing what I was planning he released me, moved with me, undoing my belt as we went.


By the time we reached the bed, all of our clothes were scattered across the floor. I was lying motionless, waiting for him to make his move. But he didn't. He just stared , a longing in his eyes, yet he still didn't move. It was almost as if he was thinking, thinking of what he was going to do next.
I nearly started begging him to do something to me. I just felt like I needed him to do something, anything, as long as I could share in the moment.

Before long my wish was granted.
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I know this was a bit short but I didn't want to reveal too much right from the start. I haven't added a lot of detail and will only do so upon request. Thanx for reading! Don't forget to comment!!!!!!!!!!!!