The Solution Isn't Always That Simple

I didn't understand

The journey was long and uncomfortable. Boredom wasn't an option as I was attending to Danny. He had been beaten up quite badly. His nose was bleeding, probably broken, and there was a large gash on his left arm. Also he was complaining that his stomach was hurting and he thought he was going to be sick.
I didn't know what to do, what to say or how to react.

So far my mind hadn't really registered what had happened. I wasn't scared nor worried. All I could think about was Danny. I had absolutely no medical experience and had never come into any contact with a situation that needed it. I had always wanted to become a nurse but had never gone through with it, instead I had just become a secretary because no experience was needed. The pay is ...... reasonable and the hours are good but there isn't a flare that wants me to keep going. I did go through a rough patch when I broke up with my old boyfriend and I thought that I couldn't go on any more. I was ready to just lay down and die, then fate kicked in and I met Danny.
I know it sounds a bit cliché but he did turn my whole life around. We had only known each other for a couple of days but we had such a solid bond we became inseparable.

Even though we never really have a heart to heart about where we think our relationship is going. We both know that each see a future with us, both of us in it but we haven't got any further, whether or not we have kids, where we are going to live, nothing.

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The back doors of the car swung open and two men appeared. Both wearing ski masks, even though it was so dark they needn't have bothered. Expecting them to reach in and grab one of us I moved in front of Danny, still holding his hand. However, neither of them moved. It was like they were waiting for something.
I could hear footsteps crunching through the gravel by the left of the van and they were getting closer to the back.
The shadow of another man appeared, slightly smaller than the other two but not by much.
"You are not to speak, shout, scream, run or move without my permission. If you do then there will be consequences whether it be for you, or, your little friend there."
The man pointed towards Danny and I knew that I had to do what this man wanted to give us a chance of escaping.
"What do you want with us?"
"Well, I didn't originally have any plans for you young lady, but, I guess you could come in useful."
He said that in a way that made me think that his 'plans' wouldn't just involve talking. I looked down at Danny and realised that I would do anything for him. I decided there and then that I would go through with whatever this man has thought up for me. I would go through all of this. For Danny.

I looked back at the man standing by the doors of the van and I slowly felt my pulse starting to increase. He beckoned the man on his left and he reached in and grabbed my foot. I didn't resist and edged my way out of the van. Only as my feet touched the gravel floor did I realise that they were bare. In the commotion I never gave what I was wearing a second thought. I looked down and noticed that all I had on was a thin blue vest and a small pair of white shorts. But I wasn't the only one looking at what I was wearing. The man that had taken me out of the van was staring at me, and smiling.
Looking around, I noticed that we were outside an isolated building mostly surrounded by dense forest. There was only a single dirt road leading away from the house. So if there was a chance that me and Danny would escape, it was very small.
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It has taken me a while to do this chapter but I am hoping to have some more up soon.
Thanx to everyone that has been commenting and subscribing!!!!!!! XD