Status: One shot


The flames leaped and flickered.

I winced as Eugene completed the tattoo on my back, the intricate swirls and color. It has taken five appointments to draw and color it completely. It had been very painful, but rewarding. This was my seventh tattoo; they were placed in different areas all over my body. On my ankle, the most beautiful, individual swirl of daises in a swirl. I designed all my tattoos.

“Well now, just keep that covered up, no going in those sun beds India!” Eugene joked, and I slapped at him, he knows well much that I would never even look at a sun bed. Eugene turned around as I slipped on my plain black shirt and I grabbed my bag, slipping the familiar material onto my shoulder.

My hard life, well, let’s not get into that. I live life as it comes, never dwelling on the bad.
I slipped out of the mall shop, avoiding all the masses of people. My bright red hair was tied up in a bun, leaving whatever hair I had missed, to fall freely around my face.

My white shorts rubbed against my skin, the material rough from sea water from when I went swimming.

Leaving the mall, I spotted my little mini in the corner, shining out brightly. I walked over to it, and ran my hand over the smooth, un-scratched surface. The red paint shinned in the midday sun.

“Well hello beautiful” Said a strange voice. I span around, seeing where the voice came from.

It came from a man, around my age, and dressed in all black. His hair was black too, and his eyes a midnight blue.

“Hello?” I said, uncertain.

“How about you come on a ride with me? Sun, fun and luuuuurv.” Said the creepy guy.
“I don’t know you, sorry.” I said, and backed up against my car.

“Well, I’m Oliver, I’m not going to hurt you, I know you, remember, 5Th grade? Oliver Chanley” He said, smiling like a mental person.

“Oh my gosh, I remember, smiley Olli. Always smiled, course; I’ll come on a ride with you.” I locked my car and followed him into his old rusted red truck. I hopped into the cab, and listened to the radio.

We drove down the hills, dipping in between the golden planes. He drove us down to the golden Californian beach, and we sat in the back of the truck, eating food.
His black hair was just slightly longer than most men’s hair, and it covered his forehead with a dramatic sweep, making me lust for him more.

I bent my head to the left, giving him a cheeky kiss on the cheek. He turned his head, and gave me a slight smile.

We backed up to the truck, our lips interlocked. His hands were careful on my newly tattooed back, placing them only at the base. I leaned against the car of the truck and he left me, getting in at the other side.

We took off from the beach, our hands entwined gracefully, and as he lifted them up to his mouth, that’s when that tree came out of nowhere

The car did a triple flip, smashing all the glass in the windows. We both got thrown around, and I heard a crack come from my skull.

My car door opened, and I flung out, and landed in a heap. The car burst into flames, the fire turning the same color as the golden sunset.

I hear sirens, which was very quick. I felt hands on my shoulders, shaking me. “Love, can you hear me? Are you okay?”

“Oliver” I whispered hoarsely, tears leaking down my face.
“Love; there was nobody else in the car.” He replied.
That’s when it hit me, Oliver died in 6Th grade.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Eleanor. <3
Sorry. not very good. <3