Status: In progress. Updates once a week.

The Real Avenged Wives of Huntington Beach

If You Only Knew

(a week later)

(Brian's POV)

I sat up and stretched in my bunk, accidentally hitting my head on the one above me. “Fuck.”

I jumped off and took the sheet with me, just to cover myself since I was completely nude. The girl, Holly (at least, I'm pretty sure that's what her name is.), was already out of the bunk, hopefully out of the bus. I hate it when they cling on afterward.

I wandered to the shower, just to rinse myself clean. I usually feel grimy after banging some random chick on tour, and back in Huntington. After standing in the shower, allowing the water to pour down my whole body, I shut off the water and stepped out, greeted by my reflection in the mirror.

I groaned. I feel bad for doing this to Camille. I really do. I love her more than anyone. I just really have a problem with this...I always have.

This is getting worse. I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror. I don't even want to look my own wife in the face because of how bad I feel for doing this bullshit.

I just get lonely on tour, I guess.

Oh hell, what am I saying? That's no excuse, Brian.

I'm clearly just a stupid person. I have a loving wife and two beautiful kids at home, and I do this. Yeah, I'm definitely an idiot.

(Zack's POV)

“Oh, Zacky,” Holly came and sat down beside me, draping her legs across my lap and wrapping her arms around me. She was wearing a cut-off tank top with a short denim skirt.

Fuck, can she get anymore skanky?

I groaned, pushing her off of me, “For the last time, no.” I've told her so many times that I'm not gonna sleep with her, but she never gives up. Most of these sluts seem to think that if they sleep with the lead guitarist, they're gonna bang the rhythm guitarist. I don't understand it at all.

“But, why?” she inquired, trying to sound like a little girl.

“I have a wife and kids at home, Holly, okay?” I told her, hoping to finally get it through her thick skull.

She sighed, “Well, that doesn't stop Syn.”

I raised my voice, “Well, I'm not Brian! Fuck. Ya know, just because you whores sleep with him, doesn't mean you're gonna do the same with me, or any of the other guys for that matter.”

She scoffed and jumped up from the couch, walking off, “You're loss, then.”

“I doubt I'm missing much!” I shouted at her. I groaned and sat down on the couch.

All of these girls are starting to bother me. I would never cheat on Julia. I love her to death. I'm not like Brian. Well, I used to be a bit of a player, but that was before Julia. Before she changed my life 100% for the better. I could never betray her.

I'm not Brian.

(Matt's POV)

Hey baby ;) i'm comin' soon. U better b ready 4 me;)

I groaned and shut my phone, throwing it across the table. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

Jimmy sat down across from me, “What's wrong, Matt?”

“Fucking Valary. She's sent me like 17 texts just today. It's getting ridiculous,” I told him, groaning.

He raised an eyebrow as he scanned over all of the texts. “This just doesn't seem like the Val I remember. She was so sweet.”

“I know, I don't know what it is that made her act like this, but it's just terrible.”

He sighed, “I'm sorry, man. She's probably just all talk. I don't think you have anything to worry about. You and Leah have always maintained an honest relationship, so it'll be fine.”

I nodded, “Yeah...thanks, Jimmy.” He nodded and got up when he heard his phone ring, wandering off somewhere else in the bus.

I sat in silence and started thinking. What could possibly have lead Val to start acting like this? Did I do something...? I can't – oh no. There's no fucking way that's what started all of this. It was so long ago...why would she...

I really hope that isn't it. If it is...there's no telling what's going to happen.

(Jimmy's POV)

“Hello?” I answered my cell phone, hoping nothing was wrong.

Claire replied from the other end, sounding pretty tired, “Hey, honey.”

“Claire, what's wrong?” I questioned, biting my lip.

“I don't know, Jimmy. My head is killing me, I'm nauseous, I'm sore as ever, and I'm just a wreck right now. Right now the kids are doing good, but we just had an episode with Michael,” she explained.

I sighed, “If you need to me to come home, I will in a heartbeat.”

“No, Jim. This is your job. The kids are acting the same as usual, I think I'm just getting sick or something. I can call my sister or someone to come help out for a little bit, okay?”

“Okay, Claire. Just keep me updated, so I know how you and the kids are doing.”

“That's exactly why I called. I'll talk to you later. Have a great show, hun. Don't worry,” she assured me in her sweet voice that has always given me comfort.

I smiled, “I'll try my best. Bye. Tell the boys I love them.”

“Will do. Bye, Jimmy.”

“Bye, Claire.” I shut the phone and set it down on my bunk. I sighed, leaning against the bunk. I hate leaving her alone to deal with the kids by herself. I hate not being able to always be around for her and the boys. It makes me feel like a bad husband and a bad father.

All I want is the best for them, and sadly, sometimes I feel like I can't give them that.

(Johnny's POV)

After finishing my fifth beer of the day so far, I cracked open another one and sat on the couch next to Zack. He eyed me, a disappointed look on his face.

“What, Zack?” I snapped at him.

He sighed, “Johnny, I really don't think you should be drinking so much. It's not healthy.”

I groaned. I'm in no mood to hear this. “Zack, it''s my life. If I wanna d-drink a lot, I fucking can!”

“I'm just worried about you, okay? This doesn't just hurt yourself, it hurts your family,” Zack told me, clearly worried.

“Just...just mind your fucking business,” I stated firmly before walking off.

You should listen to him. He's your friend. You know how this hurts your wife, the little voice in my head said to me. I shook my head and chugged some more of my beer, hoping I could make it shut up.
♠ ♠ ♠
9 subscribers. Thank you all.
Well, I'm back. It's summer (it's been summer...) but I'm finally starting to get back on track with stories. I'm thinking that you can expect a new chapter for this story every Monday. If I need to adjust the schedule, I will and will let you know in an author's note.

Well, today was a very sad day. We lost a great man, Ryan Dunn. We'll never forget our Random Hero. I thank him for the countless times that he's made me laugh so hard I was in tears. His passing was very unexpected, and I've been in shock all day. I've been pretty depressed all day as well.
We'll miss you, Ry. The Jackass crew will never be the same without you.