True Daggers

True Daggers Chapter 1

Chapter 1
The Beginning

“Come on Mom I going to be late. You know this is only a one life time chance that I get to go to the first day of school as Junior. I yelled.
“Mom its 7:15 lets go.”
“Why do you have to be there so early?”
“Mom you know it takes us 15 minutes to get there. Besides I have a lot of stuff in my bag and my hands that I don’t want to carry. I want to put them in my locker,” I said. She is standing there with bags of school supplies and a book bag full of binders looking at her mother. Mother gives her a smile and look at her like she is amused. Then I reply,
“Why are you looking at me like that? Do I Look funny right now. Oh my god it’s my hair isn’t it.”
“No dear you look fine. I’m just surprised on how you changed lately. You’re so nervous about your junior year it’s like what happened to Jamia. You never were like this before. Why are you like this?” Mother asks. Then my brother, Mikey, comes down the stares with his stuff. Then he replies,
“I bet she wants to get there early to see Nathan Myers.” I then spoke surprisingly, “You little pain in my butt. You had been reading my diary.”
“Oh and it gets better she’s in love with him.”
“Oh little Mikey just wait until I come home from school you will be sleeping and I’ll stick a sock in your throat and then…….”
“Alright that’s enough.” Ms. Connors goes.
“You be nice to each other. Now get into the car I don’t want to hear anymore. Mikey and I get into the car and sat there while their mother drove to school.
In just a few moments they were at school. “Newark High School we meet again.”
I said to myself.
“Ok Mom I going now. Bye.” I give a kiss to mother and then goes.
“Jamia,” Her Mother replies, “Don’t go ballistic on the first day. It’s not like your first day of High School.” I then turn around and walk toward the school. Every One is outside waiting to go inside. Then I felt something poking her in the back.
“You know what dude if you keep poking me I will …..” I then turn around. It’s was her best friend Robby. They have been friends since 1st grade. Then I gasp.
“Dude you were going to be beaten till you bleed.” Robby Bailey then says,
“Yea it’s really nice to see you to. You haven’t changed have you?”
“I’m still Jamia Connors that’s all that matters. Well welcome to our junior year.” I said.
“What did you do all summer listen to that stupid Goth Rock band My Chemical Romance?” Robby asks.
“You know you better shut your mouth ok they are sending a message on how it’s okay to be messed up and making an inspiration.” Robby then bursts,
“To send a message in what killing yourself and become Satanists and killing yourself. Yea, that’s real inspiring. You Know what Jamia I have this strong feeling that you’re going to become one of them someday.” Then the only thing I could do is punch him in the shoulder.
“What the hell was that for?” Robby then cries. I then say,
“That’s for being such a jerk.”
“Well can we get to class please before you punch me a second time for being bored.” Robby goes. I walk into the school. I catch up with her other friends. She is really close to them. They always stay true to her and like I for the way she is. Amanda Rose is one of them. She is short and is honest to I. Amanda is also Italian. Angela Nichols, Wendy Brooks and Ronda Lai are my close friends. Angela and Wendy is Chinese, but Wendy has Korean in her. Ronda Japanese and get along great. Angela and Wendy were best friends with me since 4th grade and Ronda since 6th. Sammy Casco is a preppy girl and is random just like me. Andrea Caitlyn listens to the same types of music as I do, but considers her Goth. I’m alright with that, she has no problem. Chloe Peoria is like Sammy but she is African American. Chloe and I are really close when is comes to boys in stuff.

I walk and then Amanda goes,
“Nice punch I could see it from over here. What did he do this time?”
“He said I’ll end up like a Satanist like My Chemical Romance. Ok dude, My Chemical Romance is like not Satanists you know.” Andrea then goes,
“You know you guys are like not very good friends. I now your nice to him, I know he is nice to you he like says stuff just because you have all these dreams and listen to all this music and discriminates you just because your like that. I like you outfit where did you get it?”
“I bought some on Skeleton Crew and some at Spencer some Aerospatiale.” I reply. She was wearing jeans that had little rips in them and a red headband with a skull bracelet, a Skeleton Crew shirt to. Along with it was a belt with a chain that had My Chemical Romance written on it. To go along with it was a ring with hands holding a heart. It was the ring my dad gave me before her parents divorced. The ring says From Now Til’ Forever. I go into one of those trances when you remember your best memory. It was I and her Dad when she was little. I then stop because she still had anger in her from Robby. I then go,
“Okay I am a little obsessed with My Chemical Romance, but that is no reason to call me names.” First class was Homeroom. All the kids got to know their teacher, Mr. Lewinski. He is also the English teacher for the high school. All he talks about is respect and attitude. Mr. Lewinski passed out our schedule for people in certain groups. Everyone was in different groups. Homeroom is the only time we get together. People names are on the paper for what group.
I was 11R. All her friends are in that group.
“Dude, Nathan Myers in our group.” Chloe says. I was surprised. I liked Nathan since 8th grade. At first she thought someone she doesn’t talk to was behind her. Someone poked me, it was Nathan.
“Nathan I never knew you were in my homeroom.” I say surprisingly. Nathan then goes,
“You should look behind yourself more. Well, um did you know that we are in the same group?”
“Yea, I just found out now. We are going to be in the same classes now.” I spoke.
“I want you to sit next to me in every class.”
“Every class!” I looked at Chloe. Chloe was smiling.
“Sure I would love to. “I said. Then out of nowhere Robby comes over and goes,
“So buddy we are in the same group to. Are we going to sit next to each other?”

“Sorry Robby Jamia is sitting next to me.” Nathan says.
“Don’t worry I’ll sit behind her so I can watch you two.” Robby says with a sneer.

“I got to go Jamia see you in class.” Nathan goes up and went to sit on the other side of the room.
“Robby what is that all that about? You know I like him why are you trying to like burst my bubble.” I said in embarrassment.
“Jamia ok you’re my best friend ok I’m just trying to be friendly.”
“Well every time I talk to Nathan you come up from behind and you scare him. He even told me.”
“Jamia I like you a lot and trying to protect you.” Then he walks away.
“Jamia, Robby is so jealous of you likening Nathan. Did you see his face when Nathan said you were going to it next to him in every class? Robby got really jealous when he said ill sit behind her to watch you to.”
“I know it’s really weird. Robby always does that when I talk to Nathan, he really needs to stop.” Bell rang. First Class was History. Nathan was sitting right next to me. He has the cutest face she ever saw before. Nathan and I both hate history. I see Nathan take out a sketchbook that’s like a comic.
“Oh my god, you are a total artist. Is that a girl, who is she?” I look at the ring she has on her finger. It looked like her.
“Nathan what’s with her ring?” Nathan then smiles and says,
“Oh, um the ring symbolizes her. She never told why she had that ring. It was a secret that she shouldn’t tell.” Nathan then turns the page.
“She is not actually is not afraid to face her fear. When any guy gains up on her or makes fun of her she knows how to protect herself. The only thing she was fond of was that one special guy.” Amanda Rose then pokes me and says,
“You know you could stop blushing.”
“Amanda I think I should be better. I should change my image. Get the girls together and come to my house Friday after school. We don’t have no band practice on that day.” I told her. Then Robby come up and goes
“Hey Nathan what is that crap your drawing. Looks like you have too many fantasies.”
“Robby do you mind.” I said in a low tone voice.
“What did we talk about? Robby, are you kidding me?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry for being too protective.” Robby then goes and sits back in his seat. As Mr. Bronson talks about class expectations I write a song.

I Love you but a devil is controlling me
You see me Standing Here, but nothing much to say.
I wonder if that everything is going to be ok.
We are both messed up in so many ways
So are you going to save me?
From this pool of despair
Help me no please I am desperate.
Someone Call the doctor, and someone call my name
I love you, yes it’s true
Yes its true I love you to
So will you please save me from the devil in my veins?

That’s how far I got out of History class. Soon every class will soon be the same. It’s like Robby is like trying to split me and Nathan apart.
“Wow it almost seems like a soap opera moment,” as I thought about in my head.