True Daggers

Chapter 2: Too Little, Too Much

Chapter 2
Too Little To Much

Lunch time is basically the only time to actually chill and hang out. I sat at the table where all of her friends sit. She sat there eating her lunch a peanut butter jelly sandwich, with a low fat yogurt. Amanda and Angela were talking to each other about class. Wendy, Andrea, Ronda, and Sammy were talking how Mr. Schuler wore those ridiculous sweaters and ties. Chloe then comes up to me and says,
“Jamia like oh my god Robby is all over you this year. Wait until prom.”
“I am just worried about ever being a fight ok. You know how Robby reacts to things when you get him mad.” I said quietly. Then Nathan came over to the table.
“Hey, What did you think of your new classes?” He said.
“Oh it was ok I’m trying to get used to them. Ounce we get review started it will be a lot worth pay attention to than having to listen to class expectations.” I say.

Then trouble starts coming. Robby comes over to the table.
“So, Jamia, you are still hanging around with this kid. That is a record. Oh, and Nathan, just for a newsflash Jamia is kind of with me.”
“No I’m not. Robby you’re such a liar.” I say getting out of her chair.
“You know Jamia I known you longer than anyone has ever done before.” Robby says.
“Hey dude if she says she’s not with you, I don’t think she is with you.” Nathan says getting out of his chair now. Robby gets closer to Nathan where eyes practically meet.
“Hey lover boy, I think it is better for you to stay out of my way. Get the picture.” Robby says. Saved by the bell.
“See you later Jamia” Robby says.
“Are you ok Nathan? You know I could have dealt with it.” I say.
“I’m fine. I was trying to do what’s right. You know Jamia I don’t think Robby isn’t much of a friend.” Nathan says.
“He is trying to be protective. He always got my back when we were kids. It sometimes gets out of hand. He kind of has like this thing for me so.”
“Ha. I noticed. Jamia it’s true that you’re not with Robby right.”
“Yea why is that?”
“I was just wondering.” Nathan says. As I walks down the hallway to her next class all she thought about was Nathan. Then Chloe comes and then says,
“Jamia there was almost a fight there. Thank got the bell rang.”
“Yea its just Robby has a little too much of jealousy. We are best friends. He’s supposed to watch my back.”
“You know Jamia you better make this decision soon.”
“I did. I just got to find it.” I then walk home with her backpack with nothing because it’s obviously the first day of school. When she got home, I opened the door and her mother came towards her.
“How was your first day?”
“It was great.”
“That’s good,” her mother says.
“Oh, Jamia on the table there a letter for you it’s the My Chemical Brothers Tickets.”
“Mom, it’s called My Chemical Romance.”
“It’s the same thing. Well anyway there they are lying on the table.”
I grabbed them and took them to her room. Ounce she opened the letter. I then got excited and called her best friend since preschool, Erin. Erin then picks up.
“Hello, Jamia what’s up?”
“Erin I got the tickets. We are going to the My Chemical Romance concert.
“You kidding I can’t believe this. So how was your first day? Mine was great because I don’t go to school until next week. Ha, I go to Newark Valley that it helps is getting us a job.”
“Erin shut your face. At least I can go to college and get a good job with lots of green stuff.”
“True. Well I can’t wait for the concert. We are so going to tape it.”
“I know I love My Chemical Romance it’s my whole life. Well I got to go.”
“Ok Jamia, I’ll see you Saturday. Oh and Jamia are you going to band practice tomorrow?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Well see you tomorrow.” Then that was that.

On the first day of school, basically turned out very poorly for me, with Robby and Nathan, but soon turned good. Robby was making me feel too little. Just when she thought it could get better, it got worse. The doorbell rang. I ran downstairs to get it. It was my mother’s boyfriend.
“Oh, hi Dominick, My mom is in the kitchen. You can come in.” I said confusingly.
“Mom why is Dominick here?”
“Oh I didn’t tell you. Dominick, Mikey, You and I are going out for dinner.” “Mom I have plans. I was supposed to see Dad today. That’s not fair.”
“Your coming with us and that is final.”
“Mom I should make my own decisions ok. I should see my father instead of spending time with a future one.”
“Jamia you can postpone your plans.”
“You know Jamia I think you are a little too spoiled.”
“Mom I’m not spoiled. You just don’t want me with dad because you don’t want me to get closer with him. You want me to get closer to Dominick. I’m sorry Mom but Dad is picking me up soon anyway and I can’t change anything.” Then Dominick comes out,
“Caroline, let your daughter go with her father. We should have made plans before.”
“Well, fine. But I didn’t like that tone of voice with you lady.” Car beeps.
“I’m going Mom. See later.” I slam the door leaving out the door.
“Hi, Jamia How is my princess? Are you crying?”
“I’m fine.”
“No nothing is fine. What happened?”
“Mom tried to get me to go out with Dominick to dinner with her and Mikey, but I didn’t want to go because I already had plans.”
“Jamia you know you are supposed to listen to your mother.”
“But Mom already knew that I had plans.”
“Ok I understand. Now let’s go fishing shall we.” My dad said. My father and I drove to this beach where people go fishing and boating. I and father boated out to sea. Then they got their fishing poles and start fishing. It was a great summer breeze. I was thinking about how summer is almost over.
“Jamia do you still have that ring?”
“Yes I do” I show my hand with her ring on it.
“Did I tell you that ring was to show our friendship for each other and stay together until the end?”
“Yes you did Dad.”
“Good making sure you still remember.” I smiled. Later we ate seafood and I went home. When I got home she went to her room. Mikey, her mother weren’t home yet. So I went up to her room and wrote lyrics. All I could think of is something that’s all daddy little girls.

Daddy and Me
Dear daddy stay home.
Daddy, come home please.
I’m trapped in this dome
Because it is Right on top of my weak insanity.
Where, I ease, in pain, right here.
You’re going gone.
Why did you have to go?
You’re Daddy’s little girl.
Daddy’s pumpkin
Daddy’s best friend
If there was one thing I could remember you by
Is our ring of togetherness?