Don't Go

It Was Written In Blood

"Alice will you shut the fuck up, stop lying child, you know as well as I do that's impossible!"
"Dad you saw it, You know it's the truth! You know it! You were there, you saw the change, you saw the shadow, you saw me! For fuck sake dad please! No! No don't hit me"
"Your a lying bitch! I saw nothing and I don't want you in my house"
"Alice! Alice! What's happening to you! Alice... No!"

I sat bolt upright in my damp unwelcoming bed, sweat coating my cold body making my pyjamas and my long brown hair cling to my skin.
"Oli. Sweetheart, you were dreaming again"
I peered through my fringe sideways at my worried looking mother who looked as though she had been crying. Again.
"Oh, Yeah, Sorry mum, I was having that nightmare about clowns again, bastard set me on fire this time" I faked a chuckle and brought a certain amount of reassurance to her face though I could tell she was still slightly concerned "Im fine" I stated smiling again.
"Look Oli, I know moving has been hard on you, but my career needs me here and..." I cut her off, that single sentence brought a bitter taste back to my throat, anger pulsed through my body instantly, I couldn't believe that she was going to try and play this line again.
"Save it, I swear to god, if I hear the story one more time I'm going to fucking scream"
"But Oli. Baby..."
"No mum, For fuck sake!" I lashed out throwing my pillow at her, raising my posture so I was sat upright on my knees "Why can't you just tell me the thruth! Why do you have to lie! I saw the blood, I heard the screams, Both my dad and my sister suddenly refuse to go through with an over-night move and your trying to lie through your teeth to me and tell me it's because of your job! I'm not a fucking child anymore, I'm 17! So just tell me what happened! I at least expect my mother to tell me the truth, even if I can't rely on anyone else. I didn't expect you to be a liar" I spat, adding emphasis to the word liar.
I loud crack echoed off the walls of my small square room that was full of cardboard boxes waiting to be unpacked, I collapsed flat on the bed clutching my face. I shot her a look of hatred only to see her body quaking with the anger I had unleashed within her, she inhaled as if to stop herself from attacking me.
"That is ENOUGH" she hissed through her clenched teeth, "There was no blood, there was no screaming, it's all in your head, and I am NOT a liar, you ungrateful little shit! Now get ready for school and get out of my sight" she growled before exiting my room all too quickly slamming the door in the process.
"With pleasure" I murmered, "I would rather be the outcast at school again than hated by my own mother"

I stumbled over to my wardrobe whilst in the process of restraining tears, I refused to cry, it showed weakness and I hated that more than anything. I couldn't bare the feeling of being weak, of being worthless. I refused to let anyone see that side of me, not even my own mirror image. I had myself to rely on, I didn't need anyone else. I clothed myself in my black skinnies, white skin-tight shirt that showed a pack of angry snarling wolves and my favourite black hoody. My hair was mostly straight much to my relief, I wanted to get out of this hell hole, I really didn't have any time to rummage through the endless scattering of boxes to find my straighteners. I grabbed my bag and bolted down the stairs heading straight for the door hearing my mother crying in the next room. I left her too it, I couldn't deal with another confrontation with her.

"Where did it all go wrong" I murmered to myself as I reached the gate. It wasn't always like this. I used to have my family just like any other 17 year old, I was always secluded at school, keeping to myself which wasn't difficult considering I was the outcast because I was different, I was the "emo". But no matter how much shit I got through the day I always had some form of comfort in my house. Quiet family meals passing comments on how each others day had been (I usually skipped past the parts where I was being used as a punchbag), my mother commenting on my dress worrying that it was draining the colour from my face, daily bickering with my older sister Alice. It was... Normal.

It all changed so fast it still makes my head spin thinking about it. But the most frustrating part is, I can't remember how it happened. All I recall was that I had spent the evening in our local recording studio recording a few vocal samples for some songs I was working on so when I got home it was pretty late, I wasn't hungry so I went to bed. And it becomes a horrible surreal blur from then onwards. Alice... No! ... Always the same nightmare, the same ending, the blood, the screaming, always the same and it never gave any more evidence as to why my father and sister are missing.

The sound of ringing brought me out of my daze, glancing up I realised I had arrived at the school.
"Fucking Great" Sarcasm was apparent in my unimpressed voice "Time to become a loner yet again, maybe this time I'll set a new record of being abused on my first day" I let out a long moan and proceeded to walk through the gates of my new-found hell.

♠ ♠ ♠
Setting the foundation for Oli :)
Hope you like it, I'm going to be spending more time with the wording and grammar on my chapters this time so updates may be less frequent, but they should, in theory -shifty eyes- be better :)
Any comments?? <3

Title - Bring Me The Horizon - It was written in blood