Don't Go


"Alice" I stated again, not quite believing that she was stood right in front of me, it had been a short period but it felt like it had been so long since I last saw her. The only thing that had changed about her was her appearence. Her face practically screamed the words 'lack of sleep'. Her eyes were darkly outlined and the colour that once remained prominant in her irises had faded into an endless grey. She flashed a quick smiled in my direction then let her face fall solemn again.
"Listen to me Oli, I don't have long and I have to leave quickly, but you deserve to know the truth even though you won't understand it at first" she glanced at Sean who looked at me, smiled and nodded,
"I'll wait outside"
"Thanks" Alice replied as he skipped out of the room. My gaze met hers and she took a step towards me "Listen Oli, everything mum tells you is a lie, she..."
"She doesn't tell me anything, she says it's her carreer" I quickly bit my tongue for butting in but Alice just snickered "Thats a lie baby bro, Our family are unique in so many ways. But dad was wrong and he denied who we truely are and when I challenged him he..." She trailed off and looked at the wall before looking at me with tear filled eyes "Your more special than you know Oli, but I can't explain now because I don't have the time, they are coming for me Oli and soon they will come for you too but I won't let that happen, do you understand me"
I shook my head "No, not at all, your making less sense than mum"
She hugged me tight "I wish I had more time but I had to see you were safe, I know this sounds odd but try and spend as little time at home as possible, make friends here and stay with them, let them surround you, I'll come back for you and we..." she stopped abruptly and stood up flicking her head around. "Shit, I have to go" She kissed my head, "I'll be back" She turned on her heels and sprinted for the window, diving out of it gracefully and shooting out of sight.

The door creaked behind me and I reeled to see Sean and a few more classmates enter the room "You okay Oli?" He questioned.
"I, uh, Yeah"
"Where did your sister go?" He glanced around the room wearing a confused expression, I just shrugged and went to sit at the very back of the room, I had no answer for that. Where had she gone? And what was that speech about?
Everything mum tells you is a lie... Our family are unique... Your more special than you know... They are coming... Make friends here and let them surround you
What did it all mean! My brow furrowed as I tried to piece together everything my sister had said.
I looked up, searching for the unfamiliar voice that called my name.
"Uh, Yes sir?" I replied. Oh crap, I hope he wasn't going to ask me a question, I really wasn't paying attention and the room was now full of people, including Sean who was sat in the chair to the right of me and I really didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of everyone on my first day.
"I was just asking you to come to the front of the class and introduce yourself" he smiled.
Oh god no. Ask me a question. I'll take the question!
"Come on, don't be shy, we won't bite"
"Speak for yourself" giggled a different voice from somewhere in the front of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sean roll his eyes and shake his head.
"Back off Francheski" He growled whilst frowning "Ill make sure that Oli knows about your reputation before the end of the day"
"Chill out queer, you have Watkins remember"
Wait, queer?? Was Sean gay? I glanced at him and he had flushed a deep shade of pink, he leaned forward in his seat and glared toward the front of the room.
"Leave Ian out of this" He stated.
Ian?!? That has to be a boys name right?
"Chill Sean" Came the voice of a dark haired boy who patted Sean on the thigh making my eyes bulge "He is just jealous because none of his relationships ever last more than a week"
"Now now boys, let's not have a bitch fight on Oli's first day eh? Now Oli, why don't you come to the front and introduce yourself"
I sighed as I stood erect from my chair "Yes sir" I replied, making it known I really didn't want to. I couldn't stand the fact that people would just get to speculate me all over again. I reached the front of the room and turned to meet the eyes of hungry classmates, eager to figure me out.
"Uh, Hi" I started, swallowing and not really sure what to say "I'm Oliver Sykes, but I hate being called Oliver so please call me Oli"
"Good" The teacher spoke, cutting me off. Wow that was a fast introduction "I'm Professor Wood, but everyone calls me Gus" he tried reassuring me with a smille but I had far too much on my mind. "Now, does anyone have a question for Oli" ...Fuck my life.
Several hands raised making my stomach flip, I felt like I was being probed and I hated it. All I wanted was to be left to my thoughts about my sisters little enigma.
"Yes Josh" Mr Wood said to the boy that claimed he was going to bite me.
"Are you gay?"
He said it so bluntly that my face exploded red and my throat tightened.
"I.. Uh.. I..."
"Thats a yes then" He raised his eyebrows and Sean got to his feet looking exceedingly angry, followed by who I assumed was Ian, he whispered something in Sean's ear and made him retreat back to his chair.
"I.. I'm bi actually" Most of the girls in the room seemed to perk up after I said that, I don't know why I felt the need to lie and give the girls hope, but I didn't want to give this Josh the satisfaction of being right.
Mr Wood sighed. "Anyone else have a question for Oli?" He peered around looking for a sensible hand, he smiled at a tiny looking girl who had exceedingly bright hair "Yes Hayley"
"Thanks Sir, You seem like your into the rock kind of music Oli?"
"Yes I am"
"Whats your favourite band?"
I paused to think.
"I don't really have a favourite, but I write a lot of my own songs based on my emotions and a lot of the time they are inspired by the bands I like"
"Cool, you write your own songs, can we hear them some time?"
I swallowed, everyone had their eyes on me and they all looked expectant.
"Uh, well"
The bell sounded through the room making me jump. Officially saved by the bell, I smiled and let out a sigh of relief
"Maybe some other time" She winked at me gathering her stuff.

Sean bounded up to my side, he seemed to have regained his happy composure again and he was soon joined by (ian?) who rested his head on Sean's shoulder.
"You ready to be "eaten alive" by the group?" He laughed making his hand a claw.
"I think so" I smiled back.

I really wasn't sure but I guess I didn't have a choice in the matter, as soon as I could get this day over with the better.
Everything mum tells you is a lie... Our family are unique... Your more special than you know... They are coming... Make friends here and let them surround you
What did it mean??
♠ ♠ ♠
Woaahh :) update :)
Few more characters that I don't own :P
Josh Francheski - You Me At Six
Hayley Williams - Paramore
Gustav Wood - Young Guns

Title - Awkward - Lostprophets

Hope you like this, I'm trying to mix reality with fantasy and I have no idea how this is going to work but ya'know :) Thanks for the subscriptions and the comments <3 <3