Don't Go

A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None.

I still couldn't twist my sisters words to make any form of sense. But I decided to let it go and meet my new 'friends' without being asked constantly why I wore a confused expression.

An unwelcome whip of cold bit me on the nose as I followed Sean out of the school, making me huddle deeper into my hoody. My hair became the rope in a tug-of-war competition between my head and the wind, being thrusted one way and tugged in the other making me groan, I hated my hair being a mess. Sean noticed me tackling pointlessly at my hair and chuckled.
"Who are you trying to impress eh?" The boy who's name I still was unsure of raised his eyebrows at Sean, who noticed and proceeded to hug him around the waist.
"I think the question is, who are you trying to impress Sean" He spoke pushing Seans arms away with a pout on his face.
"Hunny you know I only live to impress you" Sean placed a quick kiss on his cheek before turning his attention to me "This is Ian by the way Oli"
"I thought so"
"Yeah, Ian, Oli, Oli, Ian" He gestured his hands back and forth while Ian took a good luck at me and stepped forward into a surprise hug.
"Nice to meet you" He husky voice echoed through my ear as he stepped back into the open arms of Sean
"Uh, yeah, you too"

"Oi Sean! Stop hogging the new guy"
I matched the voice to the girl I had spoken to in Maths.
"Hayley right?" I asked.
"Your a quick learner"
"You have really bright hair, that's how I remembered" I chuckled, because she was close I got a full eyeful of the blazing fire that was alight on her scalp, flowing from a bright yellow to the tips that were a crimson red, but what amazed me most was how well she could pull it off.
"Thats usually how people know me, I see you have met Sean already, He leaves quite an impression doesn't he"
"Yeah he does" I couldn't help but think this was true, at first I thought he would be a joker, someone to bully the new guy, but so far he was ok.
"Hayley, I have to ask.. Are him and Ian-"
"Together?" She chuckled "Take a look for yourself"
Like an idiot I let my head revolve to catch a glimpse of the two of them enlocked in a passionate kiss, their tongues freely flowing around the others, I felt my eyes bulge, my mouth formed a perfect O shape at how casual they were being about it, I don't know exactly how long I was staring for but Sean caught hold of my facial expression and roared with laughter, followed by a small chuckle from Ian, who had also caught my looney-tune face.
"What's up newbie?" Ian teased "You wanna' join in?" Sean pulled a shocked face and pretended to turn away from Ian, who quickly and gracefully embraced him back into a kiss as turned away feeling impersonal.
"You'll get used to that" Hayley mused.
"I doubt it" I replied.

The bell sounded again alerting me that my being "eaten alive" was over. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Sean bounded up to my side again, tripping twice along the way bringing a smile to my face.
"P.E" He announced, overly happy, I groaned. All through my life I had been beyond terrible at sports or anything related to excercise for that matter. My hand eye co-ordination was none existant, I had bandy knees so I waddled whenever I attempted to run, I was always steriotyped for being naturally bad and at least one "hard" kid would say "Oh, he can't play because he is gay" then the anus that had made the statement would become highly amused by the fact that they had made a rhyme, because they are that simple-minded. But the thing I loathed the most about sports wasn't fully fledged waddling or the dicks. The worse part of sporty events for me was that by the end my hair always ended up playing the role of a fully developed tumbleweed.
"Why are you groaning?"
"Because I re-define the term bad at sports" I explained to Sean with an exasperated look.
"I doubt that, your in the same lesson as me, our class suck really bad" he giggled "besides, think of the before and after" I shot him a confused glance and he chuckled "The changing rooms" he joked prodding me in the side "Come on Oli, loads of hot, sweaty guys stripping to their boxers is definately something to get excited about" I couldn't help but laugh at him, he had such an optimistic output on everything "Besides, we need to find you some meat to chew on"
"I- Uh- What?!?" I coughed through fits of giggles
"You can't fool me Oliver Sykes, in that outfit and with that hair you might as well have the word GAY tattooed to your forehead, BI my arse" I looked at my shoes, he had me there. "I have to pee" I glanced up to see we had stopped outside the toilets, I hadn't even realised that we were walking until now "Unless you want to join me" he winked at me, making me smile.
"Thanks but I don't think Ian will approve" I winked back playfully "Maybe later"
He roared with laughter and shuffled into the bathroom to do his business whilst I propped myself up against the lockers and let my mind ponder on the events that had happened throughout the day.

I was brought out of my daze by a surreal episode of de-ja-vu as a hand motioned backwards and forwards in front of my face. I scowled as I looked into the eyes of Josh.
"Hey there sexy" He announced with a smile, he was far too cocky for my liking and I really wished Sean would hurry up "You seem to be leanin' on my locker, you trying to tell me something" He winked, deadly serious making my brows meet in the middle.
"No, sorry" I moved quickly to the right before being stopped by a rather muscular arm, I changed direction to the left and was blocked once again. Both hands connected with my shoulders and turned me towards him "Whats the rush" He stated in a deep whisper, grabbing my jawline firm enough to make me yelp. He smashed his lips into mine and moaned, I placed my palms on his shoulders and pushed to no avail. Though he persisted to invade my personal space I managed to shout the muffled words 'Get the fuck off me' but he didn't move. He just carried on getting worse as he tried to thrust his tongue into mine.

Suddenly he was jolted to the right, I gasped and finally unclasped my lips.
"What the actual fuck!!" I screamed revolving round and connecting my fist with his face, making him tumble back into the rest of the lockers clutching his jaw.
The painful image of Lee flashed through my mind and how he reacted when I kissed him. I refastened my lips as a tear pricked my eye.
"Didn't you learn your lesson with Sean, I got the fucking police on your ass last time Francheski, Don't think I won't do it again" My rescuer screamed as Seam came bursting out of the toilets.
"What the fucks going on Mikey!" He demanded.
"Josh playing his usual games with the new kid, poor guys been here a few hours and the twats already violated him"
Sean shot a concerned look and saw my tear strewn face and lunged at Josh. My saviour leaped forwards and held Sean back with ease.
"What are you gonna do about it eh?" Josh taunted, sean spat in his direction and squirmed under the resistent grasp that lay firmly on his arms
"You scum, you fucking SCUM, you may have scarred me in ways I will never forget but now you have the fucking nerve to try it on with Oli?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" He hissed as Josh laughed, waved his hand and walked away, I jumped infront of Sean as he struggled further.
"Sean don't, I'm fine, can we just go to P.E please, I don't want to be here"
Sean looked down at me hearing the panic in my voice and sighed easing up.
"Fine, but if he kisses you again without your permission i swear to god.." He trailed off and strutted ahead with his hands firmly in his pockets, mumbling as he went.
"Dont worry, he'll be fine, i'm Mikey by the way" I turned to Mikey who had his hand outstretched, I shook it noticing he had really warm, soft hands.
"Are you okay?" He tilted his head and I noticed I still had a tear on my cheek which I quickly scrubbed away with my sleeve
"I'm fine" I smiled.
"You have P.E now right?"
"Unfortunately" This made a musical noise slip off his tongue and brought a smile to my face.
"Don't worry, nobody is worse at sport than me and my brother Gerard. Seriously, we suck. Everyone says it's just because we're gay, but if I'm honest. We make the gayest of men look like olympic champions" We both giggled in unison. I rather liked the sound of his laugh which made me grin even more.

We both walked in silence to our lesson which I was content with, neither of us felt the need to fill the silence and it gave me time to get a really good look at Mikey. We was slightly taller than me and he had a slender figure that was coated in a similar attire to mine. His hair was blonde and consisted mainly of a long fringe that was pulled back across his scalp in an elegant yet scruffy way. I couldn't get over his eyes though, they were easily my favourite part. They kept changing, one moment they would be a smooth milky hot chocolate colour. The next they were solid hazelnuts. Everytime they changed it made my stomach flip and I grinned slightly which he noticed at one point and flushed pink as I quickly averted my gaze to my feet.
"You keep staring at me like that your going to go blind" He joked, covering my eyes with the palm of his hand making me smile
"I highly doubt that" I replied unable to stop giggling as he removed his hand again to expose his beautiful face
"Well, here we are" He gestured towards a pair of old doors that stated the words 'Physical Eduction' over the top of them "See you on the other side" He winked making me flush pink behind him while he shoved open the creaky doors.

"Ahhh, Nice of you to join us boys"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok. Long ass chapter I know and I know I haven't mentioned alice but that's the point ;) 1) to keep you wondering and 2) it's supposed to be a 'I'm going to take my mind off it' period for Oli and let's face it, until you read this you had taken your mind off it ;)

Sooo.... Mikey and Oli ;) Hehehe :)

I don't own Mikey Way OR Gerard Way :3 As much as I would like too. And their music :3 Nom.
Thanks to my commenter and subbies :) ily all <3