The Way You Lived Your Life

Getting Too Invloved

It's not like I hadn't seen someone playing the bass before. I've seen Mike playing it plenty of times over the weeks he's been staying with me, it was just how he was sitting there, at the end of the bench, looking up at me like he knew I had been coming. He had a smirk on his face, and I still couldn't believe he had actually come to school, let alone get the courage to start playing his bass guitar in front of everyone. The bass guitar I had gotten him.

It was with his own money, I shouldn't have spent, but he would have bought something weird, probably like car parts or something like that. Some of the money could have gone into food, and maybe some to my mom, but he never would have even thought of getting himself a bass. Mike didn't sound like he really even wanted one, like he was just using the fact that he didn't have one as a great excuse, and he took advantage of not having one.

Getting him one only opened his eyes though. He probably remembered how awesome it felt to hold something and make music, just by plucking some strings with his fingers or his pick. I know it sent a wave of excitement through me every time I played Blue, knowing I had played a song of my own, or some band's, and got it just right. Mike had a smile on his face everytime he played a song, almost like he wasn't sure he was going to do it in the first place.

Now he was in front of me, in front of the whole school, right in the spot-light, which was the sun coming through a window he was next to, playing for all of us to hear. He didn't have an amp, but the noise coming from the bass was clear. Once he finished the song, I knew it was my own he had obviously taken the time to memorize. It amazed me.

I was lucky to catch his glimpse as soon as the song finished. He looked happy to see me, and I wanted to talk to him, but some grungy-stoner kid cut in front of me. I stood behind him to wait, even though I shouldn't have.

"Dude! That was rad. Who are you?" The guy asked him.

I wanted to yell his name, because I was slowly starting to get mad. Maybe even a little jealous. Here all these kids were, who hadn't even noticed him before, suddenly surrounding him, trying to figure out his name just because he played the bass. It had been about a month and a half that he went to this school, and they just now noticed him because of the bass I got him and the song I wrote.

"Yea, that was pretty amazing." Some grunge-rocker chick said, wearing tight levis that had holes all over, especially in the back, obviously trying to show off her cute little ass cheeks. I hoped Mike wasn't buying into that, especially with the way her baggy button-up shirt was now opened to expose her chest. If he couldn't tell that she was purposely squeezing her boobs together to make her look like she had cleavage, I could, even from behind.

Again, no one even cared about Mike until he magically knew how to play an intrument. That's all the kids saw, was the 'new kid' who all of a sudden had a 'new trick'. Did they not see him hanging around me?

Then again, I was the other kid no one noticed. Even now that I had blue hair, completely standing out, and probably asking for attention, I didn't get one glance in the hall ways. The only time someone looked was when Mike was walking with me, hanging out with me, around the first few weeks he was new to our school. All of sudden people got used to seeing the two weirdo, outcasts together.

Now, everyone seemed to notice him, because not only was he weird, but he was a weirdo with a musical talent. Even the girls were noticing him all of a sudden. I guess that's what made me more jealous...

I liked him first! I liked him when he first walked through the doors, looking as awkward as a nerdy kid walking into a party full of jocks and cheerleaders. He simply didn't fit in, and he didn't look as handsome as most of the guys at school, and by any means, he definitely could not have been attractive to anyone. Except for me.

I sighed, even though no one could hear me.

"My name's Mike," I heard him say, probably still looking at the girl. I could guess he had a huge smile on his face. I turned to walk away. "But uh, can you guys move real quick? I'm waiting for someone." He told them, as soon as I took my first step forward. I got excited and turned around.

The crowd seemed to make an opening for me, and they all stared as I walked toward Mike, like 'what the fuck? Why is he friends with that kid?' I ignored them and stared straight ahead at Mike. "You actually came today." I pointed out with a smile on my face. I had completely forgotten about what he even said the night before. "And you learned the song I wrote."

"It took me all night," Mike told me with a short laugh. "I had to come today though, I wanted to show you!"

I didn't even care that people were all watching, and listening. Many had already walked away, thinking Mike wouldn't be playing again anytime soon. "Even after last night?" I was confused, still.

"I'm sorry, Billie." Mike said, still holding his bass. "I was just going through some shit."

"Like what?" I wanted to ask, but even he wouldn't hardly tell me anything when we were alone, then he wouldn't have said it in front of others too. "So you did all this for me?" I did ask. It might have been an embarassing question to ask, so I worried what his answer would be.

"Yea, I did." He admitted with a sigh and smile. It made me smile.

"I did something for you, too." I remembered.

"What?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pretty good amount of cash and handed it to him. Mike was surprised. "You still did that?"

Before I could answer, one of the kids standing around was instant to talk before me. "Dude! You're Two-Dollar-Bill, right?!"

Mike was stunned that I was actually that popular. I had almost forgotten how I was almost like a top dog in the Marijuana industry. "Yea," I answered, "Why? Have I sold to you before?"

"Yea, man! You're shit is dank!" I kinda figured what he meant by that.

"Actually," I started, then looked at Mike, "I get it from someone else."

"No way!" The kid was impressed. "No shit, dude. I'm going to run into you guys more often now."

I knew the word was going to get around. Perfect. Mike needed the money, I still assumed.

Now Mike and I were somehow tangled into the stoner and grunge group of kids. The grunge kids slowly started to mesh with the stoner kids, and the same with the pot-heads getting along with the dirty rockers. Before long, punks would start coming around to get some, and once the popular kids figured out that the best weed didn't come right out of their parent's wallets, they'd come too.

Mike and I basically had a busniess going now, and he was definitely in charge. I didn't mind it, as long as he saw it as me helping him out. I know he did.

We didn't think much of anything that had just happened at lunch as we walked down the hall, to class, and figured kids would forget about the music. No one complimented him once the lunch bell rang, and no one even looked our way again. We figured it would be good the next day when kids had lunch money to spend.

I didn't even think we could get into trouble for anything, and Mike went along like usual; shrugging life off. I almost didn't see the principal coming towards us because I was too busy looking at Mike, laughing at whatever it was he was telling me.

I wish we would have ran.

"Michael, Michael, Michael."

"Shiiit..." Mike said turning his head to me.

"I need to have a word with you." He told Mike. I was scared for him now, for some reason. But what did he do?

I looked at Mike, like 'Don't leave me', but he started to urge forward, reluctantly. "Can my friend come?"

Mr. Riley looked at me, like he was trying to peer into my soul. "Why do you let Mike consider you his friend, Mr. Armstrong?"

"He's my best friend." I told him, trying to stick up for Mike. I guess.

He huffed. "Maybe it would be for the best to invite Armstrong along."

Mike cut in. "He isn't apart of it though."

What was Mike doing? First he wanted me to go, and all of a sudden he was trying to protect me from something. I wasn't supposed to know something, yet he was trying to get out of it by bringing me into it. I suppose he thought Mr. Riley would'nt have gone for it. He thinks I'm apart of something though.

Mr. Riley looked at me with a creepy stare. "I think you know what's going on, Billie Joe."

I did not. I was weirded out, yet concerned for Mike now. Should I lie? "I wanna go with."

Mr. Riley smiled, and Mike gave me a sad look. He was letting me know I just made a mistake, and it would have been better if I hadn't tagged along. I needed to find out what was happening though. Mike could not get kicked out of school, not without me stepping in to help, at least.

We followed Mr. Riley down the hall, and kids stared at us then. Some of the gangster kids and mexicans called out as we walked past, 'Ooooh! Someone's in trouble!' Were we?

His office was smaller than you'd think, but it didn't surprise me. It had to have been why he was so angry all the time, because he was obviously pissed that he didn't get a better office like the vice principal had. I wanted to laugh as we sat down, but I didn't forget the concern on Mike's face. I didn't have any trouble holding it back.

He had pictures on his desk, some facing outward, toward the seats, almost like he was bragging that he was married or something. I guess if he knew how awful and cruel the things being said about his wife were, he wouldn't have pictures of her in his office at all. It just made it funnier that he was so proud of himself for being married, when really, we were all just teenagers who weren't nearly as close to being married as he was to having sex again. Ha.

The other pictures that were facing him, as he sat down, were of his mom and dad, I guess. All I knew is that they were old, and resembled him a lot. Pretty ugly family, if you ask me. My mind kept thinking of how Mr. Riley was as a kid, and if he even had any friends.

How did he become this asshole? Did he try to boss kids around in school, when he went, too? He was just mean, and I'm not saying it because every student thinks it about their principal. I had a nice one in Jr. High, but Mr. Riley was just a dickhead.

One time, about a year ago, some girl, I think her name was Michelle, got shoved into the boy's locker room after gym. Her clothes had been stolen and the other girls were mean to her. So, they hid her clothes and pushed her into the boy's locker room. Of course she was naked, and the boys were all shocked. Who knows what they did to her, but the boy's gym coach found her crying in the shower, in the corner. He was being nice, I guess, and figured he would talk to the principal, trying to get things straightened out.

She had some clothes on by then, when she went into the office. The second the coach left Michelle inside the office, I know he figured she'd be fine. But, once Mr. Riley got in there, he yelled at her, "What do you think you're doing? You can't pull stunts like that, going in naked to arouse the boys! You've probably corrupted more than half of their minds!"

I'm sure she was in shock, stunned, probably stammering a bit. What could she say to that? She told the coach what happened, and he told the principal. The whole school, no matter how new the students are each year, all say he's sexist.

Mr. Riley still had to talk to the other girls though, to prevent him from being fired for lack of concern for his students' well beings.

"Mr. Riley, she told us she wanted to see what the boys would do if she went in without her clothes on." One of the girls told him.

"Then why were her clothes missing?" He asked the all of the girls in P.E. the period it all went down.

"We don't know. All we saw was Michelle walking around naked in the locker room after she finished her shower. We just guessed they were in her locker."

By now, the lead cheerleader had Mr. Riley convinced, even if his questions continued. "They weren't in there." He told them.

They all laughed and one of the other girls said, "She's that desperate to get a boyfriend?" They all laughed again. Except Adrienne. She was in that class and saw everything.

I didn't blame her for not ratting out the girls though. Then she wasn't as tough as she is now. She was too skinny and the athletic girls could all gang on her. I bet she was scared, but she still tried to help.

"She didn't do it on purpose." Adie spoke out. "It wasn't her fault."

"Oh? Mrs. Nesser, tell me what happened then."

"I... I didn't see who did it, but she got pushed in there and her clothes got taken from the bench while she was showering." She was still brave.

I guess one of the girls glared her down. She said she ignored them all by this point, because what they did was fucked up.

Michelle Parkins wasn't beautiful compared to these cheerleaders and popular girls, but she had a better body than them. Even if Adrienne hadn't explained to me about how jealous she was, I saw enough curves through her clothes. It was Sophomore year, and she had bigger boobs than all of the seniors, especially the girls in our grade that year. The head cheerleader didn't like that her boyfriend, one of the football players (go figure) was starting to get interested in the smart girl, with an amazing body, who just so happened to tutor him after school.

No wonder why she got all of her cheer squad to help drag her into the boys' locker room and throw her clothes into the trash. I wasn't on her side or anything, because I hated that she did that, but I understood as much that she thought she had every reason to. The only reason being is that she was a stuck up bitch who couldn't handle being dumped for the 'four-eyed-nerd' in her gym class. I wanted to hug Michelle after Adie told me the story.

I think she should've stoled that bitch's boyfriend. I would approve of it anyday. Michelle had to have been much nicer, and she probably liked him for more than his good looks and body. Unlike his original girlfriend, Michelle actually got to know him. He liked Michelle as well, aparently.

So, end of story, Mr. Riley wasn't too happy about Adrienne sticking up for Michelle, because he wanted to have a reason to expell someone, or suspend them for a really long time. Now that he knew the truth, he couldn't find out who did it. He obviously believed all the pretty girls didn't do it, so he dropped it.

Asshole, right?

So now Mike and I sat before him, and I was completely unaware of what was about to happen. I was more worried for Mike than anything. Still, he told me he would stay with me... Stay living with me, anyway.

"Micheal Ryan Pritchard," Mr. Riley said, pulling out Mike's file, for some reason. "'Says here that the last school you attended caught you with illegal substances in your locker..."

What was the point of that? I knew he got caught for Weed-

"Cocaine and Ecstacy. Interesting."

My eyes widened. It caught me way more than off guard. "What?" I mouthed at Mike. He put his head down.

"I told you," He spoke quietly, "I didn't have my car then and I needed money to eat-"

Mike got shut up quick. "I don't give a shit about that, Michael."

Woah. Mr. Riley just said 'shit'. "I think you know damn well what this is all about, Michael."

I heard Mike sigh. "Tom said he's going to make things right-"

"When?!" Mr. Riley slammed his fist into the desk. "I want it now." Mike didn't even flinch.

"I'm just the runner," He said, and I could tell he was wishing I didn't even have ears anymore. I felt bad, seeing him sitting there like that. Inside he must have been writhing in shame. "Please, James, I will go tonight."

Mr. Riley's nose turned up in disgust. "You probably pinched the bag and did it with your new friend-"

Mike yelled, and I was watching in terror. I didn't have a fucking clue what was happening, and now Mike was yelling at the principal of our school. I wished he hadn't, yet I was glad at the same time. Whatever he said was sticking up for me. "If you're going to accuse me, then fine! But leave Billie out of this! He doesn't even know what we're talking about!" His eyes were watering. This was... alarming. "This is something you need to discuss with Tom! He knows I didn't fucking take anything! He knows he weighed wrong, so you need to lay off, asshole!"

Mr. Riley sat back down in his chair with an amused look on his face. What the fuck was going on?

"Billie," He said looking at me, "do you understand the situation here?"

"No," I said shakily, "I don't w-want to."

Mr. Riley smiled and Mike put his head in his hands against his knees. "Mike and I have a deal, a deal that will allow him to stay in school," Mr. Riley went to explain.

"Stop!" Mike yelled, sitting up again. "Stop!" He was crying now, and why? I don't know. It made me want to hug him and cry too. "Leave him out of this!" He practically begged.

Mr. Riley's face stayed as smug as it had been the second we walked in. "Then I want more."

"I-I can't ask Tom do to that!" Mike defended, sadly.

"Steal it." Mr. Riley suggested. It made me sick.

"Now hold on," I stammered, "If you need money or something, then I'll fucking do it."

It caught both of them by surprise, but mostly Mr. Riley. Maybe he had a change of heart? "My, my... Looks like you have someone in your life that is definitely much too good for you, Michael. If I weren't so impressed with his stupidity and obvliviousness, I'd kick you out."

Mr. Riley stared at us both, and I felt a little choked up, and Mike was avoiding my eyes now. He wasn't even looking in the same direction as Mr. Riley was sitting anymore. I heard Mr. Riley clear his throat, and his smile came back. He was such an asshole. I hated him even more now.

"Just get me what is owed and all of this will be over, Michael. I'll be waiting after school, and I better see your car in the parking lot when everyone else is gone."

Mike nodded his head. I felt so sad for him. I didn't even care what was happening anymore, I just wanted to hold him.

"I've had Tom on hold, and I'm sure he's pleased with what a good little runner boy you are."

"He heard everything?" Mike asked, looking up? Mr. Riley answered his question by picking up the phone he had placed down, not even lose to the holder.

"Thomas?" Mr. Riley asked. "No need to apologize for the inconvenience. Just don't allow it to happen again or your runner boy will run out of town. He has a tendency to do that you know?"

I heard mumbles, and I figured it had to be this Tom guy on the other line.

"He'll be there shortly," Mr. Riley told Tom, "and he'll have company, so don't take too long." Mr. Riley added a laugh afterwards.

They hung up, and Mr. Riley turned his attention back to Mike. "I'll be in the parking lot after school, and if I don't see your car when everyone else leaves, you're done."

Mike only nodded and stood up. I followed his lead and Mr. Riley still had a nasty smirk on his face.

I really hated the guy now, especially when he kicked us out of his office.

I wasn't sure where we were going, but I follwed Mike from behind, giving him enough space. I wanted to talk to him, so bad, but I didn't want him to get mad at me. He snapped at little things, and I never knew what I should say or when. I let it go.

He didn't say a word the whole way to his car. Once he got in, he started it and stared out the front window. He had no expression on his face, yet he spoke and I could hear how sad he was. "I'm so sorry." he told me, still facing forward.

I didn't give a shit what he'd do. I flung myself over the middle and hugged him tightly. The side of his face pressed against my chest and my chin was on top of his head. I heard muffled crying noises coming from Mike, and I held him tighter.

"I'm so sorry," He sobbed. "I'm so fucking sorry!" I felt him move, wiping his eyes, I think, but he continued to cry. "I don't want you to know what's happening and what I do," He started, as best as he could, "but I don't want you to hate me!"

I hugged him even tighter. "I could never hate you." I told him truthfully. I loved him, no matter what he did and what I didn't know. I wanted to know every little thing about him, even the twists and curves on his brain. I could wait though, as long as he needed me to. I would wait forever, no matter how much I was dying to know him. "I don't want to know until you want me to." He pulled away from me to look up at me. I smiled at him, "I can wait until you're ready."

He pulled me back into his arms and I held him again. It was the best hug I had ever had, no matter the reason it was happening. I could try to push all of it out of my mind until he reminded me later. I was able to forget while we hugged in his car, because my only concern was him and I never wanted to let him go.

"I love you," I mouthed. He'd never know my secrets either.

The street didn't even look familiar as we pulled into the neighborhood. I wanted to ask Mike what it was we were doing, but to ease my mind, along with him, I told myself he was just selling some pot to our principal. It sounded like this was something to do with money or drugs, so I went off of what I thought Mike would be doing. I didn't believe the file Mr. Riley pulled out.

"Cocaine and Ectascy," He said, and that's why Mike got kicked out. No way. Mike would never do the drugs... Then again, Mike was mentioning how he didn't have his car then and he was just a 'runner'. It was one of the easiest puzzles to solve, but I mixed up all the peices on purpose. I couldn't sleep if I knew what Mike did.

He was fine now, though. He had me, my house to stay at, and even my mom. He had it alright now, so I didn't get why he was still apart of this huge deal. I would understand if he was selling the drugs, or whatever it is he does, but he shouldn't make it out to be his job anymore. He has a place where someone wants him to stay. He's not getting kicked out anytime soon.

Unless he was actually doing the things I thought he sold. That would be the only reason Mike would be stuck in a situation like that. ...I don't know.

I heard Mike sigh as he pulled in front of a house. "I'll be right back."

I looked up at him, probably looking too concerned for what was about to happen. He obviously knew what he was doing. "Okay," I told him and let him go.

I watched him walk up to a driveway, and as confused as I was, I wasn't surprised when he hopped a fence in someone's back yard. It was weird though. Where was he going?

Mike's POV

I couldn't believe Billie pulled himself into this- No, James did. That stupid fucker knew Billie had nothing to do with it, because even one look at the kid and you already thought he wouldn't even dare to touch one cigarette, let alone any sort of drug. I wanted to punch that fucker right in the face as he accused me and Billie of doing his drugs, which I didn't even steal.

Tom weighed his shit out wrong, because he was so strung out himself. If James were a true druggy, like he liked me to believe every other week with how much he bought, then he'd know that when you're high on meth or whatever, then you probably can't see straight when you're weighing the shit. Still, Billie was one of his best students, as far as attendence and following the rules went, and he wouldn't even be capable of doing anything worse than smoking pot.

James wouldn't know that though, being the principal of our school. He was always right, in his mind, and he liked to think he had us all living in fear. Especially me. It wasn't fear, I just was so ashamed that Billie had a little window to look through now. I only hoped he had no idea what was going on, but it was more than obvious now.

I knocked on the back door at Tom's, already freaked out that he heard the entire conversation I had with James. Maybe I said something wrong, like he could have thought I was ratting him out? I didn't though, I thought. All I said was he knew he weighed it all out wrong, and I couldn't get hit for that. I hope.

He answered in his boxers and a messy tank top. I tried not to look at the stains all over his shirt, but I knew it was from the party last night. He looked beat.

"Mike, did you steal the shit out of James' bag?"

I was in shock. "What?! You know I didn't."

As I stammered, Tom started to laugh. Jesus. "You take me too seriously, Mikey Boy." He said, turning around and leading me into his house. "Who's your company he warned me about?"

No. Not Tom too. I did not want Billie involved anymore than he was now. "He's a friend that James saw me walking with at school," I told him, kind of telling the truth. "He made him go with to witness or something." I guessed.

"Ah," Tom got quiet. He had a bag in his hand, and it looked like the missing amount from James' fix from last week. "Well here. I know you won't take anything. You're too prude to touch the shit."

I wanted to defend myself, because I was not a prude, but if he figured that was why I didn't do meth or whatever, then I'd drop it. I was a prude in that sense then. "You know I won't steal from you, Tom." I swore.

"You're a kid kid, and you've been the only runner I've had and trusted. So go get him the shit and we won't have this happen again. I can't have my best man running out of town now."

I wanted to sigh, and I wanted to get pissed. Everyone always assumed I ran from my problems, but it wasn't that. I didn't like sticking to one town, one city, just to be knocked around my schools and fucked up drug dealers. I left to try somewhere new, and it just so happened that my problems didn't follow me. I couldn't argue with the craziest drug dealer in town though. He already had two strikes on him.

"Yea, yea," I mumbled, "I'll catch you later."

"Mike?" He started before I was even able to take one step away. "Karlee told me she has a question for you."

I got excited at that point. "Really?"

"It's something important, I take it. Go see her before you leave."

I smiled as I ran out of the sliding glass doors. I was quick to hope the fence, back into the old lady's yard. She wasn't out this time, lucky me, and I was able to get back to my car. I'm sure Billie was weirded out that I was suddenly smiling.

"What?" He asked.

Billie's POV Again.

"I want you to meet somebody," Mike said excitedly. Now I was more anxious than worried. What the fuck just happened wherever he just went?

I watched him put a brown paper bag behind and under his seat, then he drove off, ending up right in front of the house he hopped the fence to. What the hell?

It was a nice little house, compared to the one next to it, that looked broken down and I guessed it's purpose was only for druggies to party and crash. This house he stopped at though was the nicest house on the block. It didn't fit in.

"Who am I going to meet?" I asked, suspiciously. This was too weird for me. I didn't even want to get out of the car.

"You'll see." His smile was big, and he was quick to get out of the car. As for me, I was reluctant. I opened the door on my side slowly, and he was already halfway through the front gate, surrounding the porch. He noticed how far behind I was and motioned for me to come, faster than I was.

I sighed and walked up to where Mike was, at the front door, and I watched him knock, not knowing what was about to happen. I was surprised when it actually opened, but when I saw who opened it, I was positive Mike was high or something and got the wrong house.

"Hi, Mike!" The lady said, and I knew Mike knew what he was doing, but what? She looked over at me and smiled. "Is this...?"

"Yea," He said, with an even bigger smile on his face, "This is Billie."

They'd been talking about me? Who is that?

"I'm Karlee," she told me, and I didn't get why Mike knew someone like her. She looked too sweet to be hanging around troubled teens like Mike. "Come in, guys." She was quick to look back at Mike, "I have something awesome to tell you!"

I followed them as they talked on like they had been long-lost-brother-and-sister, seeing each other for the first time in years. Really, what the hell?

"Chris told me he's thinking of moving out. I got the call this morning," she shouted, obviously very excited about this Chris guy moving out from somewhere. Who?

"That's awesome! So, where?" Mike asked, not even remembering I was behind them as they sat down at the kitchen counter.

"I'm sure he's going to move in with some skank, and good! He's her problem now. I hope he beats her just has hard as..." She stopped herself, probably realizing I was still there and she made it seem like she was talking about something i wasn't supposed to know.

I was more interested now, though. She was being beat by some guy, and he was moving out now. That's all I got out of it. Mike seemed to have understood why she stopped talking.

"That's good, Kar." Mike said, still smiling. "So what else is going on then?"

Now her smile got even bigger, "I met someone."

Mike's eyes widened, and now I wasn't sure if I should even care what was happening, because I wasn't allowed to know, aparently. "Aww, Kar-Kar," Mike said, and I never heard him talk like that. Maybe it was his sister? "I'm happy for you."

She smiled a thank you, and put an arm around his shoulder. "So, yea, he's asked me to go out of town with him this weekened. That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Why?" Mike asked, and her arm slid off from his shoulders. I was just a kid in the background, and I felt like I was eavesdropping.

"Well, I was wondering," This Karlee girl started, then glanced back at me for a few seconds, "If you, and Billie, would watch my house for me?"

What? She obviously knew Mike enough to trust him to do that. He looked a little sketched about it at first, but then his smile came back.

"Hell yea we will!" Mike looked back at me, "Right, Bill?"

"I... I guess." I forced a smile. I was just along for the ride now.

"Hell yea!" Mike sounded excited.

"Okay, and you guys are allowed to throw some stellar parties if you want," She told Mike, and I guess me.

Wait. What? "Aren't you supposed to say, 'You're not allowed to have any parties when I'm gone', or something like that?"

Karlee started to laugh, and pulled something white and long from behind her ears and lit it. Was she smoking a joint? I was blown away. I watched her take a hit, then pass it back to Mike. "I'm not the typical lady," she explained to me.

I can see that, I thought. "You seem pretty badass to me."

"My kids don't think so," She said, facing sideways in her chair now, probably trying to get me involved in conversation now.

Kids? This stoner lady has kids, and she's going out of town with some guy, and she's going to let two teenagers stay at her house and throw parties? It didn't make sense. I guess I shouldn't have cared, because it was pretty badass. If she was being serious.

Mike seemed to think so. He showed no sign of disbelief. "Okay, so when are you leaving?" Mike asked her.

"Friday morning. You guys can just head on over here after school, with a group of kids, and party on in the basement."

"Why the basement?" I asked.

Her smile turned into one like you see in the movies when one of the main characters is planning something evil, nonchalantly. "That's my exhusband's cave. He can fuck off for all I care."

Great. She was using us to get back at her abusive husband or something, just by letting us party in the basement? I sighed to myself. I was going to go if Mike was, I already knew that.

I was unsure about it all, but if Mike trusted it, and this lady, then I was fine. It did sound fun, I just didn't know what would go down. I had never been to a party before. Especially a crazy one in a drugged out neighborhood.

"I stole his stash of money and got you guys some pot," she told Mike, taking another hit off her joint. She handed it out to me after, almost like she wasn't sure if I smoked or not. Of course I did. I needed it right then, too. My nerves were on high.

I took it from her, and inhaled deeply. It felt way better than freaking out about Mike and everything else that had been happening today. "Thanks."

"So will you guys watch the house? And no messing in my boys' room. I just had them clean it before they left to my mom's." She was laughing again.

"Yea," Mike said, sounding more than sure.

I nodded at her when she looked at me, and she turned away from me again, getting closer to Mike. I couldn't hear what she had said to him, but it was obviously about me. Mike shood his head 'no' at whatever she said.

"Aww," Karlee said, sounding disappointed. "I hope you do it soon."

Do what soon!? I wanted to leave to talk to Mike right about now. This was all too weird.

It didn't take long for them to finish their business, and I guessed Mike remembered about Mr. Riley waiting for us in the parking lot. That's exactly where we took off to as soon as he pulled out of the neighborhood.

"Who was that?" I finally asked.

"That's Karlee. She's like the coolest lady I've ever met!"

I could tell. Mike had never been so enthused about someone. It made me jealous that he was better friends with this stoner mom than me. "Yea, but who is she?"

"I met her hopping through a fence a while ago. She caught me in her backyard on my way to Tom's..." He stopped himself. His mind went back onto the seriousness of today. Damn it.

"She seems way cool," I said, trying to get his mind back to the good things. He was down now, again. Even if he was high.

"She is," He agreed. "Are you sure you wanna stay at her place this weekend?" He asked me.

"I'm sure my mom won't mind if I tell her it's not going to be a party house."

"You better not tell her." Mike laughed.

"I won't." I swore. My mom would kill me if she thought I was even thinking of going to a party without any adult supervision. I was still her 'baby' I guess.

We kept small talk about how awesome the party was going to be, but Mike's mood died down when we pulled into the school's parking lot. Sure enough, Mr. Riley was walking out to his car, and everyone else was gone. We were gone that long?

Mr. Riley saw us, and began to walk toward us. I swallowed hard as he came up to the window on my side of the car. I rolled the window down and Mike leaned over, seeing what he had to say.

"Billie," Mr. Riley said, looking at me, "Did you seem Mike take anything?"

"What?" I asked, confused all over again.

He looked pleased. "Good. Hand it over."

Mike sighed and reached back under his seat, grabbing the same paper bag he had earlier. He handed it to our principal and he snatched it quickly. What a freak.

Mr. Riley examined what was in the bag, and smirked. "Tom's a good man, Michael. Don't you betray him."

Mike glared outward, out the front of his car's windshield. I could see he was pissed. "Never." Mike said, quietly.

"You boys have a nice day," Mr. Riley said fakely. "Keep on eye on him," he told me, looking at Mike. I flipped him off once his back was to us. I heard Mike crack up at that.

"Wow, flipping off the principal on school property? Tsk, tsk." I wanted to laugh too.

"Yea, I'm sure it's much worse than what you two just did on school property." His smile faded after I said that. "Sorry."

He nodded his head at me. "Wanna go home?"

"Yes!" I was relieved he even wanted to. I needed to lay down or something.