Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

I wasn't born yesterday

After they helped me finish cleaning, we left. The guys walked ahead while Naomi and I lagged behind. I knew exactly what she was going to say, and I was kind of dreading the conversation.

“So… You and Matt. Huh?” she said smirking. I blushed.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I lied badly.

“Oh come on, I saw that at the bakery!”

“Nothing happened!” It was true, nothing physically happened, emotionally though, was a completely different story.

“Right, Lacey, you know I wasn’t born yesterday.”

“Well, why did you so badly want Matt out of the apartment? Hmmm… especially when Shane and Luke were also out?” she blushed. Ha, now the tables have turned.

“Nothing happened!” Ha!

“Well, Naomi, I wasn’t born yesterday.” I said making fun of her. She shoved me lightly and stuck her tongue out. I laughed and ran ahead to Matt. Hopefully things weren’t still awkward.
“Ahhh! Your psychotic sister’s attacking me!” he looked at me surprised, probably because I was talking to him, but then he chuckled. I grabbed onto the front of his shirt using him as a shield. Naomi tried to get around him but couldn’t because I kept dragging him around. Finally she smarted up and ran around the guys, chasing me down the street, eventually catching up. Although not before receiving many stares from people walking by.

Both of us were laughing like idiots. The guys caught up with us and like everyone else, gave us weird looks.

“What was that all about?” Jacob asked.

“Nothing!” we simultaneously said, looking at each other and laughing.

“Jinx!” Haha I was first to say it!

“The jinx machine is out of order, so get out of town, and give me a quarter!” we laughed.

“That’s so not fair, I told you about that!” I learned it from my younger sister.

“What are you guys, five?” Luke was being an ass like usual.

“Nuh-uh! I just turned 6 yesterday Mister.” I said laughing.

“ Wow, Lace…”

“Don’t call me that!” He looked taken aback for a second, but then mumbled a sorry.

“I didn’t know you didn’t like being called Lace.” Well I definitely don’t hate it, when you say it Matt. I was glad he caught on, and was trying to talk and not make things all that awkward, although this question could have lead to an awkward conversation.

“I guess it depends on who’s calling me that.”

“Do you hate when I call you Lace?”

“No, I guess I don’t.” I certainly didn’t hate it at all.
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Do any of you have nicknames that bother you if certain person calls you?
For me it's Lola, the only person that really calls me that is my mom, sometimes people try to call me that but it just sounds weird.

Any of you have that or am I the only one?