Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

Time to Wake Up

The next morning I woke up tired as fuck, it was 8:30 in the morning and there was a commotion coming from outside my bedroom door. I was pissed off about getting woken up so early, but as soon as I remembered the events from the previous night, I smiled. I sighed, Matt and I kissed. Thoughts of it just brightened me up. I didn’t think it was a dream. I hope it was not a dream, I think I would cry. That would massively suck.

“Lacey!! Wake up! Wake up!” Damn Naomi, let me sleep in peace. I groaned.

“Go away!” I yelled, snuggling back into my comforter and burying my head into my pillow. My request was ignored and instead my comforter was ripped away leaving me exposed to face the cold in my tie-die shirt and purple plaid pajama pants. I groaned again, damn it was so cold. I pressed my face further into my pillow.

“Lace, you have to wake up, there’s someone on the phone for you!” Naomi handed me the phone.

“Hello.” I mumbled groggily.

“Heyy sisttaa. You sound mad hung-over. Someone’s been partying way too much.” she said obnoxiously, ugh stupid little sister.

“Kayla, shut the fuck up, we both know that’s you!” I was more awake now. “Not that I don’t love you for calling me so early, but why are you calling?” I asked with concern. We did talk on the phone, but she usually called at strange hours when something was wrong or she needed something.

“Can I stay with you for like a day in about 2 weeks from Friday to Saturday? There’s an open house at Columbia and it’s easier to just travel from your house rather than taking the train so early in the morning. Please?” We can definitely make some room for her, she could probably stay in my room.

“Yea, sure of course.”

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I laughed. We both said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I got up out of bed and got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue shirt with a mustache on it. I was up now, no way I could go back to sleep. I was on a ‘high’ thinking about last night, and I couldn’t wait to see Matt. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and went into the living room. The only one there was Naomi, that’s surprising, I wonder where everyone went.

“Hey Naomi, where’s everyone?” I thought they would all still be sleeping.

“Shane starts classes today and Luke… I actually have no idea where he went. Matt went to set up some things for his job, and Jacob went with him ‘cause they’re going to look at an apartment that one of their friends found for them.” My breathing just stopped. Their moving? I knew they were supposed to but I hadn’t really thought about them leaving. It was kind of sad thinking that they were going to be gone soon. That just killed my happy mood. I’ve gotten so used to them staying here, even though it’s only been a week. I wonder how far away they're going to live. I wonder if they will live close by.

“When?” I managed to say barley above a whisper. Naomi looked up confused but then realized what I meant.

“I don’t know yet, first they have to see if they like it, then after that they can move in but it’ll probably be soon. I’d give it about… a month?” A month. One fucking month! I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon. Even though it has only been a week I’ve gotten used to them being here, and it’s hard to imagine them not being here.

“Oh speaking of them leaving, my sister’s going to be staying with us in like 2 weeks, is that OK?” I just remembered that I had to find out if it was OK with Naomi. Wow. What a great sister I am. I laughed to myself. At least I didn’t forget.

“Yea, of course. You know I love that girl!” I laughed. Naomi loved my sister, she treated Kayla as if it was her own sister. Although without all the arguing that usually went on with siblings.

“Yea. Well in the mean time I’m going to go to the café down the street, I’m really craving for some tea. It always seems to wake me up.” It was true, for most people it was coffee, for me it was tea. While I’m there I can defiantly sit down and just relax this week had been pretty hectic. I'll bring this new cook book I bought a while ago, maybe I'll finally get a chance to read it. I could definitely go for some alone time, hadn't really had any this week with everything that's' been going on.

“OK. Just be back by 12:30.” she yelled. I grabbed my white pea coat, a pair of gloves, and a beanie and made my way toward the door. As I closed the door I yelled,

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>.< Sorry! I said there would be an update soon but it's been a week.Next update will probably be a lot faster. I've figured out were I'm going with this story and I have planned out what I want to do. I had a bit of writers block this week.
Next update will definitely be sometime soon.