Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

Trust Part 2

I ran home. I was a mess. Good thing I didn’t wear eyeliner or else I would look like a raccoon; a hopelessly lovesick raccoon. I was terrified to go home, what if Naomi sees me? What if Matt sees me? I didn’t know who would be worse. Naomi would make me talk about it and I couldn’t face Matt right now.

I took a deep breath, and opened the door slowly; carefully and silently I stuck my head in. I let out the air I had been holding in. Nobody was in the living room, though I could faintly hear someone in the bathroom. Slowly closing the door, I tip toed into my room. Hopefully whoever was in the bathroom wouldn’t realize I was here.

When I got to my room, I collapsed on my bed and started sobbing. I promised myself I would not become an emotional mess. I promised I would never do this to myself again, and here I am doing exactly what I said I would never do.

I heard the door squeak open. Oh shit!

“Lacey! What did you sneak in here that you don’t want to share with me?” she looked around, and then noticed me. Shock was written all over her face and she rushed over to me. “Aww, Lacey what happened? Why are you crying? Are you OK?”

Sniffling I replied, “Nothing, I’m fine. I just got something in my eye.”

She shook her head, sarcasm filling her voice. “Yea, obviously that’s why you’re bawling your eyes out.” She wrapped her arms around me in a hug. “You know, you can tell me anything.” I nodded, I knew I could trust her but it was her brother. Would she pick my side or would she defend her brother? As a girl she would pick my side, but as a sibling, who knows. I didn’t want to cause any problems.

“Naomi, it’ll be fine.”

“But it’s not fine right now, what happened? The only reason I can think of you not wanting to tell me anything would be because of Matt.” Realization hit her, but then confusion. “But you didn’t see him today, and this morning you didn’t seem mad.”

“This morning I wasn’t mad.” Unfortunately, stating that piece of information told her that it was about Matt.

“What did that idiot do this time? I swear if he…”

“No, stop. He didn’t do anything.” She looked at me confused.

“Then why would you be mad at him?” Her eyes softened, sympathy filling them. It feels nice to have someone care, but at the same time I feel about worrying her with my problems. I hate having to trouble people with my problems.

I explained the whole situation to her about what happened last night, and about the conversation I overheard at the café and how I couldn’t trust Matt anymore. Throughout my story her emotions went from happy and then to mad and sad. I begged her not to say anything, and she said that for now she wouldn’t. She felt sympathetic but I didn’t want her sympathy, I wanted to be able to trust her brother again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter was kind of short. Next one should be a little longer, or it might be long depending on if I decided to split it up into two chapters.
So how was everyone Christmas if you celebrate?
I went to Midnight Mass and was falling asleep >,< Bad me
The head priest at my church is pretty mean.
Every Christmas Sunday he goes on some sort of a rant.
I liked the other priest better.
For anyone who celebrates, Happy Boxing Day, and Happy Kwanzaa!

I think I'm going to make a blog, I used to have one but after like 10 posts it kind of died down. Maybe I'll just continue that one?