Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

New Years

I was so excited today was New Years Eve! A brand new year was just around the corner. It was exciting just thinking about New Years, what would happen, all the new things. Naomi, Matt, Jacob, Luke and I were on our way to a New Years Eve party. Our other friends would be meeting us there. I would finally get to meet Molly and maybe I would run into a few people I knew. A lot of people were invited to this party, it was always known as being the biggest New Year’s party ever. People would just die to be able to get invited.

We arrived at 1,1 meaning there was only an hour left until New Years. It looked like a winter wonderland inside. Saying house was an understatement, it was more like a big mansion. Every year the decorations seemed to look better and better, I don’t even know how that was possible since they always looked so great.
“I’ll be right back.” With that I wandered off to find something to drink. There was a lot to choose from, some punch, champagne, and other alcoholic drinks. I decided on taking some soda for now. I brought the cup to my lips and drank. Once I started drinking I realized that it wasn’t just soda, it also had alcohol in it. But it wasn’t too bad, so I took it and went off to find my friends. I looked at the big clock on the wall; it read 11:20, another 40 minutes.

As I was wandering someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes. They smelt faintly of alcohol. For some reason this felt so familiar but I couldn’t place why.

“I really have no idea.” I was able to see again as the hands left my face. I spun around and smiled. Matt. “Hey, I was just looking for you guys.”
“Yea, we're over there.” He pointed in a different direction then I was headed. No wonder I couldn’t find them. There were so many people around, it was hard to move. Matt and I almost became separated but then I felt warmth surround my hand. I looked down and smiled, Matt was holding my hand. It felt nice, even if he was only doing it so I wouldn’t get lost.

It felt nice having his hand around mine. It engulfed mine, because his hand was much bigger. It was ruff, but soft and gentle. Having his hand hold mine made my heart rate speed up. He shouldn’t have this effect on me. He shouldn’t.

We finally made our way back. 11: 27, 33 minutes left. Shane had finally arrived, and Luke was nowhere to be found.

“Shane!” I yelled squeezing him, and that’s when I noticed a short little girl standing next to him. She was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Freckles spread across her face, and her vibrant green eyes. She stood there silently twirling her brown hair awkwardly as I glanced over her.

“Hey, Lacey.” I said extending my hand. She looked at me nervously before raising a shaky arm.

“Molly.” Her voice was soft, barley above a whisper. I gave her a big smile, to which to responded with her very own with a bit more confidence in her.

We began to talk, and before I knew it she was talking animatedly; she was so easy to talk to. I felt as though I could tell her anything, as if I had known her for a long time. I found out she was studying to become a doctor, and was in her 1st year of med school.

She was smart, but she didn’t use it to make me feel stupid. As far as I could tell, she didn’t try to undermine anyone. 11:52, only 8 minutes left.

“Hey guys, so you ready for the New Year?” the DJ spoke. People replied with a bunch of ‘yeas’ and ‘woos’. The host came up and gave a speech but I wasn’t really listening, instead I was looking around for Matt. Hmphh, he probably went somewhere with a girl; not that I should care.

“Okay now everybody grab that one special person, and let’s begin the count down.” He gave the microphone back to the DJ who then began to count along with everyone else.

“10, 9, 8…” I looked around for someone,. That was just great; I was going to end the year alone. I didn’t want to end the year, and start a new one without a kiss, hell I’d rather even kiss Luke, then be by myself. “4,3, 2,” I sighed, but then found that I was being spun around. “1!” and with that, the persons lips came crashing down on mine. I looked up before closing my eyes and sighing into the kiss, Matt. I savored the kiss, knowing it was probably the last we would be sharing.

After what seemed like eternity, we pulled away. Matt looked down at me and kissed my forehead, “Happy New Years Lacey.”
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Was going to post this earlier but I got distracted.
UGH I have to figure out what's happening for prom, we have to find a hotel room, and then I have to figure out who I'm sitting with bleh.
And I also have to do my marriage project for health, ugh it makes me want to never get married. It's not even a real marriage and I'm freaking out about it.