Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

Going for it...

Breathing rapidly was not helping my unsteady heart beat. The walk to Matt’s apartment felt more like running a marathon rather than just walking a few short blocks and the cold wasn’t helping at all. What was I thinking leaving without a scarf or hat? That’s right I wasn’t thinking I was too preoccupied worrying.

When I finally reached the building door I hesitated, fear taking control again, although it never left in the first place. Deep breaths. I told myself, deep breaths. Everything’s going to be fine. Now if only I could get myself to believe that.

Why was I doing this again? Why?

Because you let your younger sister convince you. A voice in my head answered. I groaned. I did somehow let my sister convince me to do this. Why was it that at one point I actually thought this was a good idea? Ugh why am I so easily persuaded?

I probably looked like an idiot standing there staring blankly at the door. How long have I even been standing here? Probably not that long but people don’t usually stand in front of doors just staring at them unless they belong in the loony bin, or like me are to chicken to go inside and proclaim their love. Eww I sound so sappy.

I just gotta get through this. Taking a deep breath I reached out for the door handle and opened it, a wave of warm air hit my cheeks which had become rosy from the cold. It felt nice and toasty inside compared to the cold outside it felt like heaven.

I walked up to the elevator pressing the up arrow. Deep breaths. I stood there awkwardly just waiting for the elevator to come down. Panic was beginning to set in even more. Deep breaths.

No, I can’t do this I really can’t what was I thinking. Shit! No I have to leave. As I was about to turn and leave the elevator dinged and Shane exited.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” he smiled giving me a hug.

“I have to give Matt his book back.” I said holding up the book. Shane kinda just stood there with a small smirk on his face, which I pretended to ignore. “Well I better get going.” I waved bye and with that I walked off into the elevator, waving bye as the door closed.

Oh crap! The door closed. That was not good, I was planning on leaving. Damn Shane for forcing me into the elevator, even though he technically didn’t. But it wasn’t like I could just walk away after he saw me there that would be to suspicious.

The elevator door opened. OK Deep breaths. I began making my way to the door. Last chance to back out now, you can still leave. Before I could my feet could carry me away to a safer location, my hand had already risen and given a small knock on the door.

My heard was beating so fast now, I was sure anyone looking at me could see it beating out of my chest. I can still run away, my feet will still carry me away. But once again my escape plans were foiled because Jacob came and answered the door.

“Lace? What are you doing here?” I just held the book up in response. He raised his eyebrows questioningly but let me in anyways. “Matt’s over there he said pointing to a room.”

I began making my way there, but then I heard a woman’s voice and I froze, but quickly recovered. It’s probably just the tv. I hope.. Although when I got to the door I saw Matt there, but I couldn’t miss the gorgeous blonde standing right next to him. I froze. I’m sure they heard it half way around the world; the sound of my heart breaking.
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What? Another chapter and it hasn't even been a month? *gasp*. Maybe I'll start writing the next chapter soon. Writing this chapter I had to re-read the last few cause I kinda forgot what was going on. Yea I think I'll start writing the next chapter soonish and maybe maybe get it done tomorrow? Err no that probably won't happen but we'll see. I'll try to get it out within a week.