Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles


Even though it felt like my heart was cracking in two I managed a smile and a small wave.

“Hey… I just stopped by to return your book” Crap! Why would I randomly be returning it? Think. Think. “I was just doing some cleaning around the house.” I quickly lied. He nodded, buying the lie.

“So yea I’m gonna get going now.” I said turning around a leaving “See ya”.

“See ya” he called after me.

I didn’t even want to wait for the elevator so I ran down the stairs. I tried to hold the tears back, but I really just couldn’t. They began to fall as my vision blurred. By now I was running through the streets, shoving past people, and receiving dirty looks from all the people I had just shoved. I didn’t care though all I cared about was getting out of here and under my bed covers where it was safe.

Safe; shielding from any more thoughts of him. But truth be told even my covers couldn’t keep the thoughts of him away. I didn’t really know what could.
When I finally made it up the stairs of my apartment, I burst through the front door, and headed straight for my room, where I jumped onto my bed and began to sob, hoping to not be disturbed. But that wasn’t going to happen.

I heard the door creak open.

“Lace…?” She let out a slight gasp. “Oh Lace” I could hear Kayla’s footsteps as they came to a halt in front of my bed. “What happened?” she asked as she hugged me.
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ok a week my ass it's been like months since the last update. Sorry it's super short A while ago I tried writing another chapter but I was "what is this". I forgot the people's names and what was going on. When I tried to read it I was just "the fug is this?" so I'm going to try and get updates out soon. (hopefully not ages apart this time) and then I'm going to edit the story.
Btw check out my one shot? By theLake