Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

Chinese food and Naomi's brother

A week past and it was already Saturday. Today was the day Naomi’s brother and his friends were coming. Naomi and I have been cleaning all Friday and some of today, even though it’ll probably be a mess again. No doubt.

I baked some brownies. No, not magical brownies as Naomi accused me of, but they sure were wonderful. We had re-arranged some of the lighter furniture to make room for them to sleep. I found out there would only be 4 guys staying.

I was currently straightening the back of Naomi’s brown hair, she wanted it to be super straight today and didn’t want any curly pieces left over in the back.

“Aww trying to get all sexy for Jacob?” I teased and laughed. She turned a bright shade of red. So obvious she still liked him.

“Haha I knew it!” She just stuck her tongue out and pouted. It was now about 5: 30, they were supposed to be getting here in about half an hour to an hour. I was kind of excited, but also nervous I mean it was a new thing I haven’t lived with so many people since I lived at home, which was about 3 years ago before I left for college. I still had some time to kill before they got here so I decided to go pick up the Chinese food we ordered.

I put on a blue Abercrombie and Fitch sweater over my white tank top and got a scarf. Hopefully it’s not too cold today. I started for the stairs and quickly made it down from our loft, and said bye to Charlie the doorman. He was a sweet old man probably about 70.

It was pretty chilly outside but not too bad for early November. I love this time of year. Ha. I loved all the seasons, fall with it's beautiful colors, the snow in winter, the flowers of spring, the long nights of summer. I love it all. I grew up around this area my whole life so I was used to having all four seasons, and can’t even imagine not having any one of them. There are some places I wouldn’t like to live because I wouldn’t want to give up the seasons.

I made it to the Chinese food place and paid for our order, surprisingly it wasn’t that heavy considering all that we got. Naomi got chicken lo mein, we got some sweet and sour chicken, chicken and broccoli, orange chicken, spare ribs, pork fried rice, and for Naomi’s brother we got general chicken. Apparently he had been obsessed with it for that past 4 years, ironically I loved general chicken too so we got a large.

I felt a buzz come from my pocket. It was my phone, Naomi sent me a text.
“Start making your way back there here.” I looked at the time, wow it was already 6. Maybe I shouldn’t have walked so slow. I replied and told her I would be getting there soon. I quickly left and started back. It’s basically a 15 minute walk but since I had a bunch of things to carry it might take a little longer. Most people would definitely find this heavy, but I guess I was just used to carrying heavy things. When I was just opening up my bakery I had to do a lot of work and still sometimes have to.

I finally got to my building. I smiled at Charlie and said hello. I decided to take the elevator up instead of the stairs. As I was getting in Mrs. Parkson was getting off, she was an older lady probably about 70, but she was the sweetest thing. I greeted her and chatted for a little, then I got inside and pressed the number 6 button. When I finally got to my floor, I just wanted to eat; being in an enclosed space with such good smelling food just makes you hungry.

I made good time, it was now 6:15. My phone buzzed again. Naomi sent me another text asking where I was. I didn’t even bother answering back, because I was already here. I couldn’t get my keys out so I knocked on the door with my knee. Naomi came to answer it.

“Here! Next time, you’re going to pick up the food.” I said handing the food to her. When I got in I saw luggage bags all over the room. There was 4 guys, they were pretty good looking but, one of them had their back towards me so I couldn’t see his face. He had a built body and could easily tower at least 3 inches above me, and I was 5’7.

“Hey guys this is Lacey. Lacey this is Jacob..” She said pointing to the lanky guy with black spiky hair, he was probably about 5’6. I smiled and said hey. This guy looked almost like the guy from the store we saw a few days ago. That made me smile in amusement but I don’t think anybody noticed. “.. this is Luke,” she pointed to the sort of built 5'7" guy with a blonde buzz cut. He smiled at me and I smiled back, he’s pretty cute. “this is Shane…” and she pointed to the lanky 5’6 ginger. Aww what a cutie, I just want to pinch his freckled cheeks. “and that over there is…” He turned around and I gasped,no fucking way. “my brother Matt.”
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So I forgot to read for English because I was writing this, but I still managed to finish before my English class.