Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles



I needed something to drink! It was so hot! The middle of summer did tend to get hot, but right now it was probably the warmest it had ever been in a while. I was on my way to Starbucks; I was craving a sweetened passion tea. It was better than regular ice tea but still was able to cool you down.

When I got there I was so happy, there was almost no line, only two people. I saw a petite Asian girl working; as I got closer I realized it was Ami. YES! She sometimes snuck me some free cookies. Even though she was in a grade lower than me, we still had math class together. She was going to be a junior in high school and I was finally going to be a senior! I was so excited but also nervous.

“Ami!” I practically screamed at her. “I didn’t know you’d be working over summer.”
“Yeah. Unfortunately I have to, you know for college?” I nodded knowingly; she would probably end up getting a scholarship anyway. She was super smart. “Hey, are you going to Aaron’s party later? It’s going to be huge, I heard a lot of people are going.”

“Obviously I’m going!” Everyone was going even people that didn’t go to our school. His summer parties always had a lot of people. We talked for a little longer after I got my stuff, until another customer came on line and I had to go. I waved bye and started walking towards the door. When I opened it, I bumped into something hard.

“Oww!” It did kind of hurt. I bumped into a guy who was obviously nicely built and muscular. I spilled my drink. Ahh damnit.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to.” He said with a sexy voice, it made me shiver. I looked up and our eyes met. He was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. He had luscious brown hair and beautiful bright blue eyes with little specs of green in them.

He reached out his hand to help. “Hey, sorry about that.”

“Thanks. It’s okay. ” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Lacey.” I said stretching out my hand. He shook it.

“Matt. Sorry about that, the least I could do is buy you a new drink.” He said looking at the tea that was now covering part of the sidewalk. I kept saying it was fine and he didn’t need to, but he kept insisting. I finally cracked and let him buy me a new one.

We went inside Starbucks again, Ami was still working. When she saw me walk in with a hot, 6 foot 1 guy, she just smirked. He got me a new passion tea and he got himself a frappe. We ended up sitting at one of the tables and just talking. I felt as though I could tell him anything, I felt so carefree. He made me feel special. I felt safe with him. I’ve never felt like this with any guy before.

I heard some music playing and I realized it was my phone. Regina was calling me. I didn’t realize that it was already 7; she said she would be coming over at 7:30 to start getting ready. I picked up and told her I’d be at my house in a few.

“Hey Matt, sorry but I gotta go.” I did not want to leave. He said it was okay cause it was getting late and he had somewhere to go to. Both of us left, and when I got home I realized I forgot to ask for his number cause I was rushing. DAMN!

When I got home, Regina was already waiting for me. I told her about Matt and said she was so happy for me, but she also said I was an idiot for not getting his number.

“We’ll find you another guy today.” But the thing was, I didn’t want to find another guy. I just nodded.

When we got to Aaron’s, we quickly spotted a bunch of our other friends. We all started to dance and drink, mostly everyone was wasted. I wasn’t there yet, not even close. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Nobody was there; crap maybe I’m drunker than I thought I was. Then suddenly it went black, somebody put their hands over my eyes.
“Guess who?” a familiar voice said.

“Is that you grandma?!” The person laughed, and took their hands off. I turned around and holy shit he was here!

“Matt! Hey what are you doing here?!” I sounded too excited but I could care less at the moment.

“I did say I had to go somewhere later. I didn’t think I would bump into you here.” He said giving me a hug.

“Well this time you didn’t bump into me.” He laughed obviously getting the joke. We talked for a little and then before I knew it we were making out on a couch, and then going up stairs.

I didn’t know that I would lose my virginity that night, but at the moment I didn’t care, I just wanted to be with Matt. I thought he wanted to be with me too. But when I woke up the next morning he was nowhere to be found. That’s when I promised myself I would never fall in love with anyone like Matt ever again.
I didn’t realize how wrong I was.
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Sorry it took a while. It was a really busy week, I had a huge essay due and I had to practice for my driving test, which I passed! :) WOOT!