Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles


It was him! I just stopped breathing for a second. He was just as gorgeous as before, even if he had half a donut shoved in his mouth. I hoped he wouldn’t remember, but by the look on his face I could tell he did. OK. Breath. Just breath, it’ll be fine. Hopefully nobody else would notice the tension. Naomi seemed to notice something but didn’t say anything, she definitely knew something was up.

“Hey...” I said trying to pretend everything was good, and let me tell you it was far from it. Everyone one replied either a ‘hey’ or ‘sup’. We talked for a little. I sat down on the coach next to Luke and across from Matt. No way in hell was I going to sit next to that man whore!

Occasionally Matt would say something and I would make snippy remarks. Nobody but Naomi seemed to notice, and Matt of course but he knew why. A few times Naomi gave me questioning looks but I pretended not to see it.

Staying in this room was making me crazy! Without even trying he affected me. He drove me crazy! I couldn’t be in the same room as him. I just wanted to go and punch him and yell at him for what he did to me. No, I can’t do that. I had to pretend everything was fine. I was not going to cause a scene. But when he laughed, that was it I couldn’t take it, even after what he did I still wanted him.

“I’ll be right back. Gotta go to the bathroom.” I just got up and left. I splashed some cold water on my face. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.
“Naomi? What are you doing in here?”
“Lacey, how come you’re being such an ass to Matt, you’re being nice to all the other guys? I mean Matt hasn’t done anything bad to you has he? …” HA! Hasn’t done anything bad my ass. “I mean ever since that one guy, I know you have issues with trusting guys but Matt…” Right then I knew a light bulb went off in her head and she realized it was him. “Oh my gosh, Matt.” She barley whispered it. “He’s dead! I’m going to kill him! I can’t believe he did that to you!” She was about to leave the room but I grabbed her arm.

“Please, don’t say anything. Please?” I was begging. I hated confrontations, hated them; the were just awkward. She sighed, Naomi was somebody who would say what was on her mind and confront anybody.

“Fine. For now I won’t, but if you don’t talk to him in the next few days I will, and trust me it won’t be pretty.” With that she turned and left. This was not going to be fun. I didn’t want to have to bring up what happened, and at the same time I wanted to know why. Why did he leave? Did I mean anything? Was I just a random hookup? I really just needed to clear my head.

I was about to leave when one of the guys walked in, I think his name was Luke.

“Oh hey sorry, didn’t think anyone was in here.” That’s why you’re supposed to knock. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Idiot.

“No, it’s fine I was just leaving.” I started walking towards the door, but he stopped me.

“ I see you don’t like Matt that much?” Oh shit, someone else noticed. “I don’t like him that much either, haha we have something in common.” Who the fuck did this guy think he was, seriously? Wait, why was I getting mad? I didn’t like Matt either, or did I?

“What?! No of course not, I don’t not like him.” Wait did I say that right? No, I didn’t think so. “Why would you think that?”

“It just seemed like it. Whatever he would say you would just kind of snap at him.” He shrugged. Wow. Seriously dude?

“Oh no. Haha. Yea like I was saying before, I don’t have a problem with him. I was just…” Ahh I had to come with an excuse. “.. you know, PMSing?" I whispered the last part. It seemed to work, he backed off a little bit.

“Oh that, and yea I was just kidding I don’t hate Matt either.” What a liar. After that I just left and went back to the living room where everyone else was. After a while Luke came back and sat by me. He kept trying to start a conversation but I just kept shutting him down. Take a hint buddy. A few times I caught Matt staring at me, and when our eyes met my heart seemed to skip a beat. I couldn’t still love this boy, could I?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter dedicated to: Kristina.x You're awesome for commenting :)
I've already written up to chapter 7 so this weekend will probably have updates.
Anyone go shopping for Black Friday? I did, stood in line for 40 minutes and got to the register right before noon so I got the sale! :)
I think I may rename this to In the Morning.
Comments anyone?