Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles

Burnt grilled cheese & a special girl

The next morning I woke up to the smell of something burning. Fantastic. Just fucking great, something was burning. OH SHIT! I just woke up, what if the house was on fire?! I ran out of bed and into the living room. There in the kitchen was Luke standing over the stove blowing on a piece of… toast? Have I mentioned how much of an idiot this kid was? There Naomi was standing just shaking her head. Jacob was standing right next to her just laughing, and Shane was still sleeping but where was Matt?

“What are you guys doing?” I didn’t even have to ask, it was pretty obvious they failed at making breakfast.

“Well… er … I tried to make grilled cheese.” Luke said, but not before eyeballing me up and down. I ran out of my room and forgot I was still in PJ's. Whatever, I was wearing a baggy black t-shirt that said, ‘Can’t sleep clowns will eat me.’ and a pair of green plaid pajama pants. It wasn't like it was anything revealing.

I didn’t even bother changing, and just made them cereal. I didn’t feel like making them anything today. They sat down and started to eat their cereal. Fruity Pebbles were so yummy!

“Lace, so I hear you own your own bakery?” I just cringed, he did not just call me Lace. The only person who ever really called me that was Naomi. Just smile and be nice.
“Yea, I-”

“Yea did you know I cook too?” Was he for real? He burnt grilled cheese and he expected me to believe he can cook? I just raised my eyebrow at him. “Oh you’re probably thinking about this morning. Well that was just an accident. Not even my fault, you see Jacob was supposed to watch it…” I zoned out, I really don’t want to listen to this guy anymore. At that moment I heard the front door open; I turned to it and saw Matt. I wonder where he was. Probably leaving another girl.

“Matt! Where’d you go?” Even though Naomi was a little mad at him she couldn’t hate him, after all he was her brother.

“Just went for a walk, had to clear my head. Ya know?” He looked straight at me when he said that, I just looked away. I’m not going to let him trick me again, making himself seem all sad.

“Clear you head? Why? What’s wrong?” I could tell Naomi was a getting worried.

“It’s probably a girl.” Jacob said and smirked. Oh shit does he know something? Do they all know?

“Oh my gosh. Aww! Who’s the girl? Is she-" She was excited but then I think she remembered our conversation from earlier.

“Maybe it’s time you found a girl. It’s New York! There are plenty of girls here. Don’t you think it’s time to move on after that one girl?” What, who was this girl?

“Maybe this time you shouldn’t hurt her.” Oh Naomi, I told you not to say anything. Matt just looked at her wide eyed, and then kind of glared at me. He was probably mad I told her. Oops. But why was Naomi assuming it was me? I could have been any other girl. He probably had a lot of girls around him.

“Well this girl is special.” He said looking at me, and just walked away. Was he talking about me? No, he was just trying to make me jealous. I didn’t want to show it, but I couldn't help myself. I hate whoever she was.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I said the next update was going to be Saturday but I updated today.
Yay two updates in one day!
Fact: The pajamas Lacey is wearing are the pajamas I was wearing when I wrote this chapter. :)