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Around in Circles

I need to know

It was already Wednesday. Some things had changed; unfortunately Luke’s personality was not one of those things. He was still annoying as ever. Shane and I had become friends; he’s a pretty chill kid. Naomi and Jacob obviously had something going on, everyone was too oblivious to see it, even them. A few times I had brought it up with Naomi, but she would just blush and say he didn’t like her that way. I thought the only ones to really notice it were Shane and I. As for Matt and I, we still haven’t talked and Naomi kept pushing me to do it.

I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I have all these questions in my head that I wanted answers to, but I was worried that I would get answers I didn’t like. If he tells me it meant something, what happens then? Could I trust him? What if he didn’t? I didn’t know how I would handle it if he said he didn’t like me or care.

Naomi, Jacob, Matt and I were all sitting in the living room talking. I had become snippier at Matt, surprisingly though none of them really noticed. The only one to really notice was Shane, but he wasn’t saying anything to anyone. Naomi’s phone started ringing, she went and answered it. It was Luke, he was calling to tell us to meet him downstairs so we can go pick up the pizza we ordered. I don’t get why it had to be a group ‘activity’, but whatever.

“Jacob lets hurry up and get downstairs before Luke has a fit. Matt, why don’t you and Lacey…” I just glared at her. Was she seriously doing this? Please, no. “… stay here, and set up the table?” I just glared at her. You really didn’t need to set up the table for pizza. “We should be back in about 10 minutes.” With that she left taking Jacob with her.

“Umm, I’ll get the napkins you get the plates.” Those were the first ‘polite’ words I’ve said to Matt this whole time.

“Yea sure. They're in the cabinet over there, right?” I just nodded. We worked quietly, neither of us saying anything. A few times it looked like Matt was about to say something but kept stopping himself. I did the same a few times too, until finally I couldn’t take it.

“Why?” He looked up confused but he quickly realized what I meant. “Why’d you leave? Was I just a random fuck? Did I really mean nothing?!” My voice was shaking, and I started crying. “I know we only knew each other for a day but really? Why’d you have to do that?” He was about to say something but Naomi walked in. I got up and went to my room. I didn’t want her to see me crying.

Why did I have to do that? Now I wanted to know. Now I needed to know.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I saw the new Harry Potter and Burlesque today. I didn't like Harry Potter that much >.< I was hoping there would be more action in it.

I didn't realize this chapter was so short.
Kristina.x & LillyLlamas You are awesome for commenting :)

You're awesome for commenting :)