Status: Comments make me smile :)

Around in Circles


That day Matt kept trying to talk to me but I would just walk away, well more like run. It had gotten even more awkward. I needed to know the answer but I was afraid of what it was. I was absolutely terrified. I couldn’t tell Naomi that I asked him and then ran away, she would just drag him over to me and force us to talk.

Everyone was sitting in the living room talking when suddenly, Naomi announced she wanted to go ice skating. It was pretty random but whatever, I loved ice skating! Everyone went to go get dressed warmer. I was already dressed pretty warm, so all I had to do was get my sweater and some shoes, and I was done; unfortunately, so was Matt. I was sitting on the coach when he came up to me.

“Don’t walk away. I’ve been trying to talk to you all day. You can’t just ask someone something like that and just walk away. It did mean something to me too, but I barely knew you. How was I supposed to know you would be so upset about it?” So it did mean something to him. That just made me so happy, but I still needed to know why he left.

“If it meant something, then why’d you leave?”

“Because I regretted it, wait, no I didn’t it’s just I didn’t really…” He groaned, fumbling over his words. He wasn't making any sense.

“I didn’t know what do after it happened, and the only thing I could think of was leaving. So that‘s what I did, I left.” I just looked at him. “I came back though,” That shocked me. Did he really come back for me? “nut you were gone. I was such an idiot back then. I’m sorry.” He put his head in his hands. I felt kind of bad, but I was hurting too. I did the only thing I could think of, I walked up to him and hugged him.

“It’s okay.” And it wasn’t a lie. I was a little shocked when he hugged back; I looked down at him and couldn’t help but smile.

“Friends?” I think that just broke my heart, but nonetheless I just smiled.

“Friends.” But I couldn’t help but want to be more than friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, that's the end; no sequel. Just kidding. :)
A short chapter, the next one will probably be longer.

Comments make me smile :)

Have you guys seen Letters to Juliet? It's a pretty cute movie.