Status: Work in Progess

And All Was Still.

Aerolyn and Ioren are in Pharodias looking for the eye of Eyoma, a.k.a the All Seeing Eye, a rare piece of jewelry made by a skilled jeweler for the Princess of Kalma during the first war. Legend has it that her eyes were so otherworldly and beautiful that she could bring joy and good will to those she looked at with her kind eyes.

Princess Eyoma had insight into the future and foresaw the destruction and death the war would bring, including who her killer would be. Distraught by the unclear images and the sudden onslaught of nightmares pertaining to her own death and future of her country, Eyoma decided to travel to Neumoni to see the Oracle and have conference with her. Just before visiting with the Oracle, Eyoma saw her killer face to face. After conferencing with the Oracle, who told her even though she knew the future it was not in her place to try and change it, but there would come a time for change, and she spoke the prophecy that now holds to our heroines. Princess Eyoma traveled back to Kalma where she later got news of the murder of the Oracle, and proceeded to take action by chiseling out the words of the prophecy that the Oracle had spoken onto a obsidian tablet that she infused with magic, and then smashed the tablet into five pieces which she gave four parts to four of her most trusted servants. She then told them that should anything happen to her, they must each take their piece of the tablet and scatter the pieces in the four territories outside of Kalma; The Haiji Islands in the eastern continent, Saramei, Accurai volcanic Islands, and Neumoni. Before she died Princess Eyoma took the first piece of the puzzle herself and hid it within the underground caverns in Pharodias along with her circlet of which she infused a fragment of her soul in.