Status: One-Shot.

That Was Then

This Is Now

Her door slammed, and the noise was followed by her heels clicking on the wet pavement outside. I jammed my head into the steering wheel that I tightly gripped and groaned, though I'm not sure if it was from pain or frustration; maybe a little of both were involved. The clicking on the pavement stopped, and as I slowly lifted my head, her shadowed figure could be seen in the rearview mirror. Her palms rested on the trunk, and she was hunched over just a bit.
My knuckles were turning white from my grasp on the wheel, and my forehead throbbed from where it had just been previously hit. I turned the keys back in the ignition, stopping the car and the heat coming from it. Feet off the pedals, I laid back into my seat with my eyes pressed shut far tighter than comfortable while my fingers rubbed the temples of my forehead.

The girl continued to lean against the trunk, unmoving besides the occasional shake of her shoulders. I'm sure she'd tell me how much of a mess she was, how ugly she looked with her make-up bleeding down her face. Then I would wrap my arms around her and tell her the truth: "You're beautiful." That was then, this was now. As far as I was concerned, the wretched bitch could stand out in the cold while I escaped from the iron grip she insisted on keeping on so many.

The rage I felt for that conniving tramp only deepened as I rose from my seat, kicking the driver's door open to the point where it squeaked from stretching too far. My heart was pounding in my head, causing my vision to go red. She had had her turn to kill me with words, and now it was mine. Every word I was going to say to that lying skank literally appeared in my head, and I watched the incoherent sentences form before my eyes. My fists raised as I approached her, ready to fire away every insult I could come up with, but when her head turned, I froze.

Her green eyes were so vibrant in contrast to the red puffiness around them, and black and grey smudged her cheeks. Hair was strewn about and wet upon her head, and I didn't have it in me to kick her while she was down anymore. My heart couldn't bare to thrust the knife into hers with more words; enough had been said. With my mouth agape, I turned away. I clicked the button on my keys, waited for the lock to latch, and started walking. Her gaze never followed, not once. I anticipated hearing her heels come tapping behind me, but nothing other than small patters of sleet mixed with my footsteps were to be heard. That was then, this was now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ever go through one of these episodes where you're so angry and so ready to burst, but given the opportunity you just can't go through with it? That was what I was TRYING to get across.

Comments and criticism are greatly appreciated! :]