Like a Demon

"You're ***ed!"

“Just to let you know before you go in, you have lipstick on your throat, Kyo.” Toshiya announced quietly after greeting him and Jayne at the door of the hospital. Jayne’s face went red instantly while Kyo quickly wiped her lipstick off of his skin. Toshiya laughed quietly and led them into the waiting room.

“What happened?” Jayne demanded after taking her child from Robert. Ray was still very upset that Dex had to go to the hospital, and was scared he would die because there was blood coming out of his nose, and Drew said that there was a chopstick in his brain.

“Well, he was being an idiot, and put the chopsticks in his nose at the table. I hit him in the back of the head and told him to act mature, but I hit him harder than I should have and when he hit the table, one of the sticks got lodged in his nose. It was bleeding, and now they are trying to remove it.” Mei explained, again speaking Japanese because she was too upset to speak English.

“It isn’t your fault, Mei.” Jayne sighed, knowing that her friend wasn’t understanding English very well either since it took her a while to answer her demand earlier.

“I hit him, and got it stuck! How is this anyone else’s fault?”

“Who else, in all of the world, has luck like his? Only he would have this happen to him, Mei. Anyone else, you would have knocked the chopsticks out of his nose and scolded them for the rest of the night. Dex, however, has the most bad luck of anyone I’ve met before.”

“What if he can’t play on stage with us anymore? That would be my fault, and we would have to leave the tour because of it.”

“Ray can play all of our songs, we just have to go slower than usual.”

“We’re not making Ray go through that!”

“I was kidding! He’s going to be fine; he always is.”

“You know he’ll never see a set of chopsticks the same again.” Drew giggled suddenly, making Mei send him a death glare, and Jayne join his laughter.

“Knowing him, he’ll be afraid of them from now on!”

“He’ll have to starve for the rest of the tour, then.” He laughed before acting out Dex’s reaction to the chopstick in his nose for her, making her laugh twice as hard.

“Ahh… ah… fuck fuck fuck…. Shit… it’s stuck, ohhhh, ahhhyyy why?!” he groaned dramatically, making everyone around him laugh.

“I have to call Michio.” Mei sighed after her laughter died down, and left the hospital to contact her lover.

“Back to business, though, what if he really can’t finish the tour?” Drew asked Jayne seriously, and all eyes went to her as if a spotlight had been placed on her. She thought for a while and then sighed before shrugging and looking him dead in the eyes.

“Then that’s it for Akuma’s tour of Japan. We take him home, and the story ends there.”

“You would give up so easily?” Shinya questioned sadly.

“No, of course not! It isn’t giving up, Shinya. It’s making up for our bassist shoving chopsticks up his nose!” she answered. She didn’t mean to end up laughing, but she couldn’t help it. The thought of Dex in this situation was hilarious, and of course it was Mei who got it stuck and sent him to the hospital. What better events could take place on this tour?

“So… you want to explain to us why your shirt is on inside-out?” Robert questioned after a while of silence. Kyo’s eyes widened slightly, but he knew he couldn’t say anything or react much while she thought quickly.

“I was getting into the shower after calling Tochikura-san, and that was when Kyo’s phone rang. I wasn’t answering mine, because I didn’t want to be bothered in my shower. When he told me that it was important, and then I heard that Dex was in the hospital, I guess I was more focused on getting here than dressing properly. I was kind of panicking and getting pissed at Kyo for laughing at the time.” She answered with a shrug.

“Well… your guitarist IS in the ER for chopsticks to the nose.”

“So the doctor speaks English, though?”

“Carl is translating. Mei was going to, but couldn’t for two reasons.” Drew nodded.

“Aaannnd they are?” She asked slowly, raising her eyebrows in questioning as Ray fell asleep in her arms.

“She couldn’t get through it without laughing, and felt so bad she started crying.” He giggled.

She laughed as well, waking Ray up and having to walk him around the room, singing to him until he fell asleep again. After another three hours, Carl came back with a wide grin on his face. “He’s fine!” he announced in both languages, receiving various cheers and sighs of relief, “Well sort of,” he added with a frown.

“Define ‘sort of’!” Drew, Mei, and Jayne ordered in unison.

“Well, he’s drugged, and they don’t think he will be able to play properly until he recovers. Head banging, running around the stage, all of that is going to be too much right now. He needs at least three weeks to heal properly.”

“Three weeks! That’s impossible, the songs ALL need two guitars.” Mei sighed, sliding down the wall and ranting in muttered Japanese, scolding herself for her stupidity. Jayne forced a smile and turned to Dir en Grey, making all four of them frown since they had learned her acts by now.

“This is goodbye, I’m afraid.” She smiled, trying not to cry, “Well not right now, but when you all go for the next show, we’ll be booking a flight home. Dex can’t play for three weeks; we have to leave the tour.”

“You don’t have to leave. It can be a three week break.” Toshiya announced happily, but she shook her head and looked to her feet.

“We came on this tour to support you, remember? Our purpose here is to be your opening act. Three weeks of living in hotels isn’t in our budget; it just isn’t possible. Tomorrow we should have our flight booked, and will all say goodbye then.”

“It isn’t giving up, it’s doing what we have to do to survive right now. Akuma is our only way of making money to live on. Without this tour, we have no income; we have to keep finding ways to make rent.” Drew explained, trying to justify their leaving the tour.

“And Robert’s health. He needs to be by his doctors incase something happens.”

“Ray’s school.” Mei muttered, searching for ANY reason to justify leaving their friends to go back to that broken down apartment, and life that was hardly worth living.

“None of that matters.” Kyo huffed; staring Jayne down as a few tears formed in her eyes, though they both knew that she would never let them fall. “How will you protect Ray in that apartment?”

“I’ll find a way! Keep a damn gun in my pocket! It’s legal there to carry with a permit.”

“Jayne-chan,” Shinya sighed, knowing how upset she was getting only made it clear to him that the more they tried to make her stay, the more it would hurt her, “will you write to us after you go?”

She just nodded and laughed a forced laugh to disguise her tears. Kyo was less accepting of her choice, and ended up storming out of the room. Instantly, fury filled Jayne’s eyes, and she went after him. Kaoru moved to catch her, but she dodged his grasp, and did the same to Robert.

“Remember when you said they were a lot alike?” Drew asked Toshiya with a worried tone.

Toshiya just nodded and waited silently for his real question.

“What happens when you put two angry demons in a room together?”

“Demons?” one of the crewmembers questioned.

“Have you seen them on stage?” Mei joked while Drew rolled his eyes.

“You all do know that this won’t end well, don’t you?” Drew pushed.

Everyone nodded silently, trying to think of something to do to prevent the singers from killing each other while they went back to the hotel to fight it out.

“Don’t dare lock me out!” Jayne growled when his door slammed in her face. However, within a minute she had picked the lock and slammed the door a second time to find him face down on his bed.

“Get Out.” He ordered, but of course she didn’t listen to him. Instead she grabbed the shirt he had left on the ground beside the door, and threw it at him, hitting him hard on the side of the head. She expected him to retaliate, but instead he just lay there.

With an inward sigh, and still heavily pissed off, she walked over to the bed and laid down next to him, trying to snuggle up to him but he pushed her away and stood up. Somehow they were fighting without words. Both of them knew what the other was thinking, and feeling, and because they couldn’t keep their emotions hidden, it was only pissing them off more.

Jayne finally got fed up and went to hit him, but he caught her and pinned her to the wall, shocking her enough to stop her heart a few beats when he roughly kissed her, squeezing her wrists until he had left handprints on them.

“I can’t protect you, if you leave me.” He admitted finally, making her sigh and lean her head against his. She wanted to cling to him, but he still had her wrists pinned to the wall, and his body was holding hers in place.

“What other option do I have?” she demanded.

“Two of your friends play guitar.” He answered as if it were the stupidest question she could have asked. She tried very hard to be angry with him still, because deep down she wanted to be furious because he was acting the same way she was, but that itself was the reason she couldn’t; how could she be angry with him for acting like her? Or was she acting like him?

“You make me want to bite a baby.” She huffed, making him laugh. He quickly stopped though when she gave him that cold stare.

“You really are Akuma’s demon.” He nodded before kissing her again, this time being a little gentler than his frustrated and forced kiss earlier.

“That is why we were going to name our band Demons, but we couldn’t find the word. They said we become demons when we’re angry. And I am the worst one.”

“I have to admit my pity for Ray, born the spawn of such evil.” He smirked against her neck. She growled and brought her knee up hard enough to bruise his thigh. She was originally going to aim for his manhood, but decided that he didn’t deserve of THAT much pain.

He instantly grunted in pain and tightened his grip on her wrists again, surely leaving a bruise this time. She gave a sort of growled whimper and tried to pull free but he wasn’t letting go, mostly because he was trying not to hit her. Most women, he wouldn’t beat, but Jayne was different. Jayne he knew would only hit him back, and cause a physical fight until one of them emerged victorious. After that there would be no drama, or calls to friends in tears because he is “abusive”, there would only be the two of them, and their new injuries, and a story they make up to keep a few of their friends from killing them.

Once the pain in his leg subsided, and her frustration boiled down, she sighed again and returned her head to it’s place resting against his. “I don’t want to leave, Kyo. Ray loves all of you so much that this is going to devastate him. I’ve never enjoyed being around a group of men like this before either. We can hardly call Dex a ‘man’, and Drew is so quiet most of the time, even in his jokes, that things are never this crazy.”

“Then, stay.” He huffed, kissing her again.

“I can’t! We need Dex to play and we won’t have him for two weeks! I just… I wish this never happened, because I don’t want to leave YOU.” She sighed. He didn’t realize how upset she was until he felt a few tears hit his shoulders. With that he released her wrists and let her arms fall around his shoulders, holding onto him as she started to cry. Everything that she had been holding back was coming out, and she was breaking down finally.

He picked her up with ease, and carried her to the bed so that she could be more comfortable, and held her until she calmed down, quietly singing improvised tunes to her until her tears stopped completely and she just laid there holding onto him.

“No one can make you stay, Jayne-chan, so when you leave will you write to me? I will be calling you unless you tell me I shouldn’t. If you call, I’ll answer any time that I am not on stage or in an interview, but even in interviews I will check your text messages.”

“That’s so cute, Kyo. You sound like a lovesick schoolboy.”

Kyo said nothing, and tried to seem angry at her use of the word “cute” until she started to kiss his throat, since that was where her face had been buried during her rain of tears. After that, he was fighting his moans.

It didn’t take long for him to be tired of having her on top, and flipped her to have dominance. She didn’t fight or argue as he worked his way from her lips, down her neck to that same spot that made her gasp every time. She loved the feel of his hands, and the way he would bite her every so often, causing that short but sharp pain that brought so much pleasure beside it. She loved the smell of his shampoo and cologne, and the way his tattoos seemed to glow in the dim lighting as both of their bodies started to sweat.

“Do you think we can find another guitarist?” she breathed as they parted kissing for air, though her answer would have to wait until their next breath.

“I know two personally.” He nodded before kissing her with more purpose, sliding his hands under her shirt to feel more of her skin. When he first heard that she used baby soap in the shower he laughed at her for it, but now he understood why; her skin was softer than that of any other woman’s body he had felt before.

“I don’t want to leave,” she moaned, digging her nails into his shoulder and making him hiss as he slid her shirt up, trailing his lips over the newly exposed skin.

“Then stay! How many times do I have to say it, woman?” he demanded, sitting up and staring at her as if she were a dumb child. “If you leave,” he sighed before lowering himself so that his lips were brushing that one sensitive spot just below her collarbone, “I can’t do this anymore.”

“That isn’t fair!” she whimpered as he went back to using her weaknesses against her.

“So why are we going to Kyo’s room?” Dex questioned as Drew and Carl supported him to keep him standing. Both bands, and their managers were on the hunt for their singers, worried that they would have seriously injured each other. The last fight they had would have ended in serious injury had Kaoru not physically pulled them apart and yelled at them. This time they were SOMEWHERE in the hotel, and without a third party to keep them from murdering each other.

“Jayne and Kyo are fighting.” Mei explained. Again.

“But why are they fighting? I thought they were friends!” he whined, stumbling and falling into Die, who luckily caught him before he hit the ground.

“With two people holding you up, you still can’t walk. Dex you are a failure.” Drew sighed as he and Carl picked him back up just as Kaoru reached Kyo’s door. Without knocking, he opened it and froze. Kyo and Jayne obviously didn’t know that the door had opened, as they continued their VERY passionate kissing on the bed.

“Kyo,” she gasped, as Shinya’s face flushed pink and he turned his back to the scene before everyone else. The rest of Dir en Grey knew what was going on between them, but didn’t know it was THAT serious yet, and Akuma had their suspicions, but the managers were furious as well as in a complete state of shock.

“I need to breathe!” she pleaded between kisses as he continued smothering her.

“Not until you agree to stay.” He answered sharply, completely dominating her.

Dex started laughing hysterically, pointing at the two on the bed, and bringing their attention to the open door. Jayne gasped, and screamed a little before rolling off of the bed and covering herself up, hiding from everyone’s view, and Kyo just sort of sat there with a surprised, worried, and pissed off expression on his face.

“Jayne! Get dressed and get your ass out here!” Robert ordered.

“No,” she laughed in a very high-pitched voice, making Dex laugh harder. As stoned as he was, ANYTHING that they could do would be funny right now. But this was fucking hilarious to him.

“You two are in more trouble now, than you have ever been in your entire lives.” Mei muttered, knowing that this had to be the end of Akuma’s tour, for sure now. Before there were hopes that it could be somehow worked out, but now with what Jayne and Kyo just got caught doing, Robert was going to ground Jayne for the rest of her life.

"You're fucked!" Dex howled, still laughing extremely hard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please let me know what you think. Good points AND bad points! Is everyone still in their character? Is the storyline still going okay? Should Jayne and Kyo stay together or start fighting? Should Robert live or die? So many questions!!

You, as the reader, have to let me, the author, know what you want to read.