Status: whadda think? :)



Mallory was homeschooled up until high school when her mother became too busy to teach. She started out as a loner and came senior year, she still was. She had accepted the fact that she was going to graduate alone in a crowed that had never noticed her. If they did, it was to pick on her because of the way she dressed and how she was all the teacher’s pet. She didn’t ask for this. However, she accepted it a long time ago. In order to make friends, she joined all the school sports. She never made any of them except soccer. She was exceptional at soccer. All the girls were jealous. Mallory could play every position including goalie. And she was good. Sports didn’t help her make friends as she was continuously to be picked on, even in the change room.

Every morning she would get up with a sad face, go to school and deal with it, come home and lie to her mother about her day, and every night she would go to bed in tears. She wished for a different life.

If only she knew her wish was about to come true.

Cameron was sweet guy who spent lots of time with his family until high school. Everything changed and he had forgot he had a family. He was popular at school, had lots of friends and was always out late at night. He was handsome and all the girls wanted him, but he prefer to stay single. It wasn’t into girls, however he was a little player. Cameron was a jock from the second he could walk. He played every sport he could. He was always on the go, always running, always playing, and, of course, always winning.

Every day, he lived his life the fullest. Or so he thought. Until he made a little bet with his friends that changed everything.
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soo? :)
it's exactly unique haha