Status: whadda think? :)


Chapter 10

“Hey,” Cameron whispered as he snuck up from behind Mallory while she was writing something in her notebook. Mallory had not noticed Cameron arms wrapped around her waist because she was so focus on what she was writing. “Umm, hello?”

“Oh, hi,” Mallory said lamely and began to write something else.

Cameron let go and stood next to her, “What are you doing that’s making you ignoring me.”

“Something, why?” she said not looking at him.

“I’ll see you later,” he said, but did not leave.

“K, bye,” she said as she continued to write. Cameron groaned and left. Mallory then looked up and smirked.

“Good job, girl,” Lindsay said and patted her on the back.

“I can’t believe I just did that. I was so mean.”

Lindsay frowned, “Mal, that was nothing.”

“Oh right, cause you’re the Queen of the mean,” she said sarcastically.

“Uh, I believe I am, thank you,” she said as though she offended. Mallory laughed and placed her notebook in her locker. They head out to MacDonald for lunch. “Cameron has no idea what’s coming his way,” Lindsay added.

“I can’t wait to see the surprise look on his face,” Mallory said happily.

“It’s tonight, right?” Lindsay, checking to make sure she had the date right.

“You bailing on me?”

“NO! Just wanna make sure I didn’t plan anything by mistake for tonight party,” Lindsay chuckled.

“Lin, I don’t care if you won a lottery and had to pick it up, I always come first, right?” she raised her eyebrows.

Lindsay laughed as she wrapped her arm around Mallory’s neck, “You know it, baby!” Mallory laughed.

“Kevin coming?”

“Yeah,” she smiled.

“Oh my gosh! You like him!”

“Duh, hence why we’re dating,” Lindsay said sarcastically.

“That’s not what I meant,” she grinned.

“No! I’m not in love with him, Mal!”

“Doubting it,” she sang as she unlocked her car and they both got in.

“Shut up!”

“So you do love him!”

“Loving him and being in love are two completely different things.”

“It’s one or the other,” Mallory continued.

“Stop it,” Lindsay said seriously. She was getting annoyed. She admitted to her cousin she had never felt this way before about a guy and she was taking this relationship with Kevin nice and slow and hoped that it would get serious when Kevin and she were ready. Mallory nodded, but couldn’t help grinning.

“You know, Cameron has been dropping hint all morning trying to get me to say Happy Birthday to him,” Mallory laughed changing the subject.


“I played it cool like you told me,” she said.

“Like I taught you,” Lindsay corrected her.

“Whatever! Same thing, Lin!” Mallory said annoyed. Lindsay laughed. They had reached MacDonald since it was not far from the school and Mallory filled in the details about her Saturday day date with Cameron, which was amazing and there was no better word to describe, they would have to invent one, then they talked about random things.


That afternoon, Mallory took Cameron out for an early dinner around 4 ish where she had reservation. Cameron was shock when he learned that she had not forgotten his birthday. She was only pretending to get him on the edge.

“- then we’ll head back to your place and watch a movie while cuddling, unless you wanna go out with your friends-”

“No, I wanna spend my 18th birthday with you tonight,” he smiled. However, she knew what she was saying. Cameron did want to go out and party. He would not ditch her like that. Mallory was trying really hard not to laugh. It was so obvious that he wanted to do something, such as party, then spend quality time with her. She was offended at all because if it was her 18th birthday, she would want to party too. Unfortunately, her 18th birthday was not any time soon. She had to wait until the summer, but perfect time to party.

Mallory just smiled, afraid whatever came out of her mouth would give it away about the party tonight. The couple, who were not exclusive… yet, enjoyed a quiet dinner which tasted excellent by the way and talked about random things until they were full after their delicious desert.

Mallory drove her car along the side of the road and parked in front of his house. She was surprised not to see any cars around, there were a few she noticed, but it made her wonder everyone actually parked their car. Of course, some walked and others took the bus.

Mallory and Cameron got out of the car and walked up to the house.

“Yo!” Kevin exclaimed as he opened the door.

“About time you show up. The movie is about to start!” Lindsay appeared from behind Kevin.

“What are they doing here?” Cameron whispered to Mallory.

“Beats me,” she giggled. When the entered the house, everyone yelled surprised! Cameron’s expression was priceless and Lindsay snapped a picture just in time.

“You planned all this?” Cameron looked at Mallory.

“I had some help,” she shrugged. Cameron gave Mallory a big hug as the music began to play and Cameron was called over by his football teammates. Mallory nodded when he was about to ask if he could leave. Lindsay came up and hugged Mallory.

“Girl, he likes you… a lot,” she smirked.

She rolled her eyes, “No way a guy like him would fall for a girl like me.”

Lindsay shook her head with disappointment and smacked her in the arm.


“Have fun!” she said and went into the kitchen. Mallory had drunk before so it was nothing new to her; however she had never gotten drunk completely. Would tonight be her first time?
♠ ♠ ♠

so guess what guys?!?!?! There's going to be a sequel! Yep, i'm getting ahead here haha but i can totally see it! I already have the title picked out :O
TITLE: According to Plan.

Don't worry... it won't be coming out until I'm done this story, obviously. I say 10 more chapters to go, more or less :P