Status: whadda think? :)


Chapter 11

Cameron was sitting on his bed with Mallory. They were both leaning forward reading into one of the history books. “My parents are out for the night,” Cameron smirked.

“I thought we were clear on the whole sex thing?”

Cameron laughed, “I’m kidding, relax. Shall we get started?”

Mallory nodded, “What don’t you understand?” she asked as she opened the other history book. Cameron let out a frustration groan. “I’ll take that as everything.”

“Hey, I heard you quit tutoring.”



“Waste of time,” she shrugged, “And most tutors get paid. I’m not doing it for free anymore. Screw that. I need the money for school.”

“I thought you were on a scholarship?”

“Not anymore,” she shook her head.

“Come again?” he said shock.

“I had a soccer scholarship, but I quit.”

“What did you do that for?!” Cameron said loudly.

“Ow,” said Mallory rubbing her left ear, “Because I’m tried of the girls beating me up and I can’t take the pressure anymore from the coach.”

“It’s a scholarship, Mallory.”

“I’m aware what a scholarship is, thank you.”

“Please, get yourself back on the team.”


“Why?” he said annoyed.

“Because I can’t stand Kayla and she won’t cooperate with me.”

“Then talk to her, stand up for yourself for once,” he said.

“Excuse me?” Cameron instantly regretted saying that. He knew that had offended Mallory. “You’re saying I’m weak?”

“Your words, not mine,” he said holding up his hands. “I’m just saying that you shouldn’t let Kayla get to you. I mean, you are a great soccer player and you quit because she’s a bitch? You’re going to risk your scholarship over a bitch? Tell me how that makes any sense?”

Mallory sighed as she stared down at his bed sheet. “You don’t know what it like is to be alone. I’ve put up with her for two years. Two years, I fought alone.”

“You’re not alone anymore,” he said softly then took her hands into his.

“She hates me. What makes you think she’ll listen to me?”

“It’s all about confidence, babe. You’re the captain of the team. You make the decision about the team.”

Mallory looked at him with joy. She was filled with inspiration. He was right. It was stupid of her to quit because of Kayla. She was not worth it. Mallory leaned in and hugged him.

“Cammy!” yelled a little boy. The door to Cameron’s room opened and appeared his little brother, Joey.

Cameron sighed impatiently. Mallory giggled. This was the first time she got to see Joey. Unfortunately, she had never met his of his family, but she will Saturday at the BBQ fair. “What?”

Joey smiled, “I go pee-pee.”

“What?!” Cameron quickly jumped off the bed and ran to his little brother. He turned him around and saw a wet stain.

“Joseph!” Cameron yelled. Joey smiled turned upside down and he ran. He ran for the stairs. “Joey, no!” Cameron ran after him and grabbed him in time before Joey fell. Mallory quickly jumped off the bed and went to see what happened.

“Cammy mad,” Joey pouted.

“Yes,” he frowned at him, “Cammy mad because you didn’t tell me before you go pee-pee.”

“Thorwy,” he said and buried his head in his big brother’s chest. He said sorry again.

“That’s okay,” Cameron patted his back and took his to Joey’s room to change him. As he passed by he mouthed sorry to Mallory. She smiled and shook her head. She did not mind. She could see it clearly that his brother meant the world to Cameron. His parents were always out and constantly busy. Joey was basically raised by Cameron. When his little sister came along, his mother decided to stay home.

Ten minutes later, Cameron joined Mallory back in his room. They got started right away on his history homework. After two hours of working, Cameron lied back hitting his pillow and heavily sighed. He was done. His brain could not function anymore. Mallory understood and closed the books. Mallory leaned back as well laying her head between his side and his arm. Cameron wrapped his arm around Mallory’s neck.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

“For what?” he said looking down.

“For quitting soccer. I don’t know what had gotten into me lately,” she shook her head.

“You’ve probably been distracted. It’s the end of the year. You have a huge out of town soccer tournament coming up, and exams, and you haven’t received that last letter from Harvard University. I can understand.”

“You forgot graduation and prom.”

“Did I? If I fail history there won’t be a graduation for me,” he joked.

Mallory laughed, “That’s too bad.”

“Hey!” Cameron began to tickle Mallory and she burst out laughing. They rolled around in bed, Cameron still tickling Mallory.

“Uncle, uncle!” she yelled.

Cameron laughed. When they stopped, Mallory and Cameron were facing each other. They were really close. In fact, so close, they leaned in, without realizing what they were doing, and kissed. Cameron put his left hand behind her head and deepened the kiss. Mallory wrapped her right arm around Cameron’s waist moving her hand a little upward on his back. They continued to kiss passionately for several seconds. Mallory let go and jumped out of bed.

“Oh my gosh,” she began to pace back and forth.

“What?” Cameron said worried.

“I was terrible. I suck at kissing. I have no idea what I’m doing. I completely understand if-” Mallory was interrupted by Cameron’s big laugh. He got off the bed and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

“You were great, don’t doubt yourself for a minute,” he smiled.

Feeling relieved, she smiled. They kissed again and then hugged. Cameron’s heart was slowly breaking. He had to tell her. He just had to.
♠ ♠ ♠
im just updating as i go along although NO ONE IS COMMENTING!
at least i have subscribers! can't complain xD

BUT COMMENT, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)