Status: whadda think? :)


Chapter 12

“Nice job, buddy,” Harlow said, Tuesday morning in the cafeteria. Cameron and Harlow had a spare second period today because the teacher canceled the class.

“What are you talking about?”

“With Mallory,” she smiled. Cameron stopped what he was doing and looked at Harlow. “What?”

“I can’t believe I agree to this stupid bet. It’s so immature and ridiculous. Look-”

“You back out, I tell Mallory,” Harlow cut in.

“I was planning on telling her anyway,” Cameron said nervously.

“Yeah, it’s always better to hear it from you, but if I tell her before you do, that’s a different story waiting to happen,” she smirked.

“You’re such a bitch Harlow,” he snapped. Harlow was not offended. She was used to it.

“So are we good?”

“I’m not letting you control my life,” he said as he closed his books, “Why do you want me to keep hurting her?”

“Because you hurt me.”

“Oh, this is payback?” he said, getting angry.

“At first I thought you were just doing it because you actually thought we were going to stop being your friends, you’re so paranoid, and it was funny to watch. But now I see that you’re falling for her,” she paused. Cameron did not react. She continued, “Not only you’re hurting her, but you’re also hurting yourself. You did not once apologize to me when you broke my heart. Now, when Mallory finds out what you’ve done, there is no apologizing because she will never forgive you.”

Without realizing what he did, Cameron pushed Harlow off the chair. She fell. Cameron stood up from the cafeteria table very angrily and left.


“I can’t believe graduation is in two months,” Lindsay smiled.

“I can’t believe you’re still here,” Mallory joked.

“Hey!” They laughed. Suddenly, Lindsay cell phone rang. She picked it up, “Hey, babe.”

Mallory rolled her eyes. Lindsay walked away from the locker to the window to talk to Kevin.

“Hey, are you still coming to the BBQ fair Saturday?” Cameron asked.

Mallory startled a little. “You just come out of nowhere these days.”

Cameron chuckled. He was getting sick. He wanted to tell her, but there was just never a right time. He was afraid that if he did tell her, it would affect her life. Harlow was right. He was paranoid. He couldn’t help, but be careful.

“Yep,” Mallory smiled and closed her locker. At the same time, Lindsay hung up and walked over. “Ready?”

“Let’s go,” she said. “Bye Cam.” They both head off to lunch where they were meeting Kevin.


It was the day of the BBQ fair. Cameron went to pick up Mallory and Lindsay. Kevin met up with them a few hours later since he was working.

“What would you do if he asked you to marry him?” Mallory randomly asked Lindsay.

Lindsay looked at her as though she had gone crazy. But she understood because she too was bored. The BBQ fair was as boring as boredom could get. Everyone was old or all the adults were pinching all the little kids’ cheeks. Mallory suddenly felt old like the rest.

“No comment.”

“Hey, babe,” Kevin said a few feet away as he approached and kissed Lindsay. Mallory could tell Lindsay was not faking it this time. She knew Lindsay like the back of her hand. She knew Lindsay was a player. She played with boys many times and broke their heart as though it was nothing. But Kevin was different and it was luck when they met in the coffee shop. She was happy for her cousin. Was Kevin the one for her?

Was Cameron the one?

Mallory shook her head. She shook that thought out of her head. Where in the world did that come from? Of course Cameron was not the one. Although Mallory had never had a relationship before, she had dated a few guys and kissed them maybe once or twice, it was nothing serious. It was always nothing serious.

Were things getting serious between Cameron and her? She could not tell. However, she could tell Cameron was being distanced all week. Something was bothering him. He was definitely hiding something. Was her business to know? Maybe it was personal. She respected that. Was he going to keep it all bottled up inside? It was his choice. She respected that.

Lindsay laugh snapped her out of her own thoughts. She looked around and saw Cameron pushing his little brother and some other kid on the swing. They were laughing while he just smiled. For some reason it was mesmerizing for her.

“Lunch is served!” yelled someone at the big BBQ stand. Everyone gathered over and grabbed whatever to eat. Mallory did not move.

“Are you okay?” Cameron walked up to her when he noticed her standing all alone.

Mallory smiled, not wanting to worry him. “I’m good now.”

He smiled and they both grabbed something to eat before heading off a little farther from the crowed to talk. Just talk. It was something Mallory liked when she was with Cameron. She felt as though she could tell him anything. She felt as though they had known each other their entire lives.

Although she was falling in love with him, still, she couldn’t help but wonder why something did not feel right.
♠ ♠ ♠
short chapter, yes but i was such in a good mood i felt like updating and this was all i could write up for now. i have to get back to my studies haha


next chapter: Does Cameron tells Mallory everything? :O

also i changed the layout :P i like this one better than the old one.