Status: whadda think? :)


Chapter 16

After class, Mallory head of the girl’s change room and changed into her soccer uniforms. She had just finished putting on her shoes when the girls entered followed by Kayla. Everyone stopped talking when they saw Mallory. The tournament was next weekend. She had one more week to put with them and never had to see them again… until graduation.

“Sluts don’t belong on the soccer team,” said Kayla.

“Really? Then what are you still doing here?”

The girls gasped.

“What did you say to me?” Kayla approached.

“Oh no, you heard me,” Mallory continued.

Kayla eyebrows rose. “You wanna go?”

Mallory did not know what flipped inside of her but she pushed Kayla. She pushed her really hard causing her to fall on the floor. Mallory, then, stepped on her chest, just above her boobs, but not too close to her neck to choke her. “Listen, bitch, I’m the captain so what I say goes. If you wanna play in the tournament I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut. Are we good?”

Kayla, lost in her own voice, nodded. Mallory stepped back to let her get up. “Yeah, we-we’re good.” She nodded again.

“Don’t fuck with me, Kayla. I’m not in the mood.”

“When are you ever?” she muttered, but Mallory heard her.

“That’s it, go home.”


“Get your fucking slutty ass home!” Mallory yelled pointed the door.


“I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut, but instead you decided to disobey the captain’s order, I’m telling you are not stepping foot on that field today. If I see you, don’t even bother showing up for the tournament. I know about your scholarship. Don’t push your luck, Kayla.”

Kayla gasped. She knew Mallory was not joking. Soccer was her life. She had to be at the tournament. Kayla also had a scholarship. Playing in that tournament was part of keeping that scholarship. She did not want to risk anymore. She had pushed it. She gathered her things and shoved them in the bag. She left without another word.

Angry and impatient, Mallory turned to the girls. She lifted her side bangs and showed the scar that Kayla had given her a few months ago. “See this?”

They all nodded scared.

“She did this and you guys did nothing! You girls follow her like a fucking puppy. Well, it’s over. Hurry the fuck up and get dress. I wanna see you fucking idiots on the field in 5 minutes. If you’re late, I’ll make sure you run your ass off until supper.”

With that, she left slamming the door. The girls quickly got changed and within 5 minutes they were all standing outside on the field in the rain. Mallory was actually proud of herself for once. Things were changing. Things had already changed. But everything was going to change again.

For the better this time.

This time, Mallory was in control. She had power. Something she was longing for ever since she got herself into this mess.


Mallory woke in pain. She groaned as she opened her eyes. She looked around and began to panic.

“Shh! It’s okay, sweetie, I’m here,” said someone. She looked and it was her older sister, Tamari. What was she doing here? She was supposed to be in New York with her fiancée. She looked around for her fiancée. She was confused.

“What’s going on?”

“You’re in the hospital,” Tamari whispered stroking her sister’s hair.

“Why?” Mallory said confused looking at down at herself. Her left arm was in a cast and her right foot was wrapped up in some weird bandage.

“You don’t remember?” said Tamari shock. She did not remember. “You were driving… drunk.”

Mallory gasped. “Oh my gosh,” she began to cry.

“No, it’s okay,” said Tamari as she climbed in bed next to her sister. “You drove into a tree on the side of the road. Your car is repairable and you are not being charged.”

Her sister was studying for Law. Two more years and she would have her degree. Mallory felt relieved a little bit, but still, although she couldn’t remember the crash, she did knew why she went and gone stupid. Cameron. Look at what he had done to her. She was losing it. Mallory felt as though she had lost control of her life because some immature jerk screwed her. Was it worth it? Was it worth getting drunk and driving home only to end up in the hospital? Mallory couldn’t think straight. She didn’t want to think anymore. Every day was getting harder for her to live. She was going to fill her life with only regrets. What was happening to her?

Mallory looked out the window while tears quietly fell down her cheek. The sun had just begun to rise.

“Fuck my life, I came as soon as I heard,” Lindsay entered dramatically causing Mallory to chuckle quietly. That would be Lindsay for everyone. “Oh, hey Tam.”

“Hey, Lin,” she smiled. “Who’s this?”

“Kevin, my lovely adorable boyfriend,” she smiled.

“Hmm,” Tam smirked. Lindsay rolled her eyes. She knew what Tamari was thinking. Lindsay was not thinking anywhere about marriage with Kevin. She liked the way things were and this was not about her. It was about Mallory. She was in pain. More now than ever. Lindsay was getting angry. She needed to let out her anger and the only way to do that was to work out with a punching bag. She didn’t think a punching bag was enough this time. She needed Harlow and Cameron. She was debating on whether she should take it out on them. She ignored that for now and focused on Mallory.

“Tam, am I going to be alright for soccer?” Mallory asked scared.

“Yeah, yeah, you should be fine. A little bit of therapy for that ankle of yours and you’ll be good as new,” she smiled.

“You promise?”

“Have I ever lied?”

Mallory smiled, “Thank you.”

“Anything for my baby sister,” she kissed her forehead.

“Do you need anything?" Lindsay approached to the bed, “you know, Harlow in the ground…”

“Then you in jail?”

“And I can bail her out,” Tamari joined. Everyone laughed. Later on that day, Mallory parents showed up with the twin and her older brother came by. Mallory realized she did not need Cameron anymore. She did not need him to begin with. She knew she would find someone one day worth her time and he was going to be a good guy to her. Mallory had forgotten about the family she already had with her. They were always there for each other, no matter what.

Holden and Sheldon climbed on the bed and began to play a card game with Mallory. She was finally happy again. However, how long would that happiness of hers last?


Within a few days, Mallory was released. Lindsay brought home her homework. The teachers had no idea about the truth behind Mallory’s crash.

“Exams starts next week, do you think you’ll be able to-”

“Lindsay, you talk like I have no legs. I can walk. Besides, screw the homework. I’ve been working on my ankle and it’s getting good. I hope I’ll be ready for this weekend tournament.”

Lindsay smiled. There she was. The Mallory who never gives up. “You’ll be great as ever.”

“Stop with the mushy stuff,” Mallory laughed and Lindsay joined her. It was weird when the girls get all touchy and sensitive to each other.


Before leaving for the tournament Friday morning with Lindsay and Kevin, Cameron came by. He parked his car on the other side of the road in front of Mallory’s house. He crossed the road and waited on the sidewalk.

Mallory exited the house laughing at something from inside. When she saw Cameron, she stopped laughing. Lindsay, who was not paying attention in front of her, bumped into Mallory.

“Mal, what’s the hold-” she looked up and saw Cameron too. “You know, you’ve got some nerves coming here!” she yelled. She was about to go attack him when her boyfriend stopped her. Henry, Mallory’s older brother, stepped outside to see what was going on. Of course, he did not know who the boy was on the sidewalk and why Lindsay yelled at him.

“Lin, don’t yell. We have a picky neighbor,” Henry told her.

“Well, I wouldn’t have to yell if he hadn’t shown up,” she pointed at him angrily.

“Who is he?” Henry frowned.

“Cameron,” Mallory said quietly.

“Mallory, please, just listen to me!” he begged, but did not move. He was afraid one more step would cost him.

“Get lost, Cameron!” she said nervously. She did not know how to handle this situation. She did not want to handle it. She did not want to see him ever again. Luckily, her brother caught on. Although he had no idea what was going on between this boy and his sister, he got the idea what Mallory did not want to talk to him. Cameron was not moving.

Henry handled it. “Look, kid, you got to get out of here. My sister doesn’t want you coming around and I’m giving you a chance to walk away.”

“Hen, you suck at threatening people,” Lindsay blurted out.

“Lindsay, shut up,” Kevin chuckled pulling her back in the house.

“I just want to talk to her. Explain things-”

“You already did. I get it. I was a joke. I don’t need you to come back and rub it in my face,” Mallory said angrily.

“No, that’s not it! You have to-”

“Get lost, kid. Now!” Henry said pointed nowhere in particular.

“Please, just listen-” Cameron continued.

Mallory turned around, whispered to her brother, “Just don’t hurt him too bad,” and walked back in the house. Henry nodded even though Mallory did not see. He walked up to Cameron and without any warning he punched Cameron in the face.

“Was I not clear enough?”

Cameron groaned in pain then nodded. He stood up straight and walked back to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
PLEASE COMMENT!!!! one more chapter then SEQUEL! xD are you excited? i am! haha it's called According to Plan. whoo!
anyway, i started a new story. If you love this story, you'll love Drugs & Lies. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT! seriously though, it wont hurt :)