Status: whadda think? :)


Chapter 5

“She said yes?” Harlow was surprised Cameron pushed. Actually, she was not really because she knew how much that car meant to him. “Alright, then, here’s your key,” she gave him the key to the mustang car. “My mom will handle the paper work to have it back in your name and as for your new car,” she held out her hand. Cameron grinned and gave her the key to his other car that was no longer his.

He finally had his mustang back and he had Mallory to thank. Well, not literally thank her cause that would ruin the whole thing. He knew what he was doing was wrong and it was full of selfish reasons.

Oh, if he only knew the amount of harm there was to the whole thing.

Mallory was getting ready for the stupid date. Yes, she kept telling herself it was a stupid date because she was feeling stupid herself and had to put with up with the stupid popular annoying boy.

Speaking of which, honked the car in the driveway. Mallory slightly jumped almost messing her make-up up when she was putting on mascara. One last touch and she looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t look too casual, but pretty enough for a stupid date. She groaned as she exited her room.

She accidently bumped into Holden catching him so he would not fall.

“Whoa, there,” she giggled and picked him up to swing him around. He giggled. Cameron honked again. He certainly knew how to ruin a good moment. Mallory rolled her eyes and kissed Holden goodbye.

When she stepped outside Cameron could not take her eyes off. He had seen her every day at school without make-up and in nerdy clothes. Tonight, she was different. She had make-up, black eyeliner and black mascara which made her blue eyes popped out. She wore dark blue skinny jeans with a rockstar-ish t-shirt and a light black leather jacket to go with it.

“Not bad,” he muttered.

Mallory was feeling uncomfortable when Cameron watched her walked from her porch to his car.

“New car?” she asked as she got in.

“No, Harlow and I exchanged cars,” he said vaguely. Mallory did not understand but got the hint to change the subject.

Cameron pulled out of the driveway and headed to some expensive restaurant.

“This is your idea of a date?” she said bored.

“Do you wanna pay?” he said rudely.

“I have no problem walking home, mister,” she said getting out.

“Mallory, wait,” he said quickly. Mallory, half way out, slid back in and turned to him. Cameron who didn’t know what to say blurted out, “You’re beautiful.”

Butterflies flew like crazy in Mallory’s stomach. She had never been called beautiful by someone outside her family. Was this one of his trick, she asked herself. She shook her head and got out.

“Where are you going?” Cameron got out as well.

“To eat,” she pointed at the restaurant. He chuckled embarrassedly and locked his car. He caught up to her and wrapped his arm around her. Mallory pushed his arm off. Cameron stepped in front to open the door. Mallory couldn’t help but smile and walked in followed by Cameron.

“Promise me something?”

“Already?” she looked at me, “I ain’t even promising you I’ll be nice tonight and I don’t do promises I can’t keep.”

Cameron shook his head and smiled. “Let’s put our differences aside tonight and try and have a good time.”

“Our differences? Wouldn’t that be everything?”

“See, right there,” he pointed out, “Can’t you think before you speak?”

“Can’t you because obviously it doesn’t seem to be your thing,” she insulted.

Cameron sighed. He remembered the bet. He was to be patient with her. Sure, she was not popular and had no friends and was a straight A students (which for some reason annoys Cameron), but he tried to put himself in her shoes and see what life would be life. Although it was hard to imagine, it did have a moment or so where he felt alone. He was actually beginning to feel bad for her when he realized how lonely she must have been for a long time. Maybe her whole life? He was starting to understanding why she was being moody. He knew she was being careful not to get to close. Unfortunately, he needed her to open up to him, trust him, so he could break her.

When he thought of that, he realized just how cruel the bet was. It was about time. Perhaps he should be careful himself. Why, though? It was too much thinking for one night. He decided to let it go for now.

“I resent that,” Cameron said as they sat down at table for two.

“You would,” she chuckled.

“What was that?” he gasped a little dramatically.

“What was what?” she frowned.

“You laughed,” he smiled. Mallory couldn’t help but noticed that he had a great smile, perfect teeth, almost white as the snow, and amazing hazel eyes. She had never looked at a guy this way before. This was certainly all new to her. She had never been alone with a guy before and family guys did not count. But should she trust him? Probably not…

“So?” she shrugged and picked up the menu to cover her face.

Cameron pushed it down to see why she was hiding her face. He thought she was blushing or something, but nothing. She’s playing cool, he thought. He did not understand how this girl with no friends, therefore no relationship really, could not be nervous on a date or knew how to be on a date.

“What kind of movies do you like?” he randomly asked.

Mallory snorted. “Why?”

“Starting a conversation,” he slightly smiled.

“Romantic comedies and actions… oh, and crime too,” she smiled happily. Movies had always been her favorite kind of entertainment whether alone or with her family. Movies were the one thing she could stop thinking about her life, stop worrying about her future, and stop looking at the world where she could never fit in right.

“Scary movies?” he suggested.

She shook her head, “They replay in my head when I sleep.”

“Seriously?” he said shock.

“Yeah,” she nodded.

He chuckled, “Wow, interesting. Most people would just sleep with the light on.”

“Oh, I can’t, it bothers me unless I’m drunk then I won’t notice it,” she giggled.

Cameron eyes went wide. “You got drunk?”

“You think I wanna die a virgin?” she joked. Cameron laughed out loud causing some people to look at them. Mallory hushed him then giggled quietly. “Like I said, you don’t anything about me.”

“Well, you’re proving me wrong with everything I thought I knew about you,” he grinned.

“Like what?” she leaned in.

“I knew you always a good student, helping out others, but that was obvious since it’s at school. It’s your life outside of school that you’re saying I don’t know anything about and you’re right, but despite the rumors you hear about me, I could say same for you,” he explained.

“Interesting you said that,” she nodded, pretending to think through it.

And the night went on.


“How was it?” Olivia and Tomas asked in unison the following Monday morning at the smoke pit.

Cameron hesitated before replying, “It was boring,” he lied, “I was ready to grab the knife and stab myself.”

Olivia laughed. Tomas, who was Cameron first and longest best friend since grade one, had his doubt and decided to talk to him privately later. Cameron saw the ‘look’ on Tomas face and looked away. What was he supposed to say to them? He actually enjoyed himself. He was having a good feeling about Malloy although he still had to get to know her before knowing where his feelings are leaning. Friends or more… He didn’t know yet, but he was not to talk about that with anyone. It would ruin him and he would lose his friends and end up like Mallory.

“Dude, you haven’t even lit your cigarette yet,” Olivia said.

Cameron looked at his cigarette in confusion then said, “I don’t feel like smoking.”

“Whatever,” she shrugged. He gave it to Patrick then left to take a walk.

Mallory sure wished she had a friend to tell about the amazing date she had with Cameron. Turned out, he was actually a sweet and caring guy. But who was he at school? Was he a two-faced though? Although Mallory had an excellent time, she still couldn’t bring herself to trust him.
♠ ♠ ♠
ALRIGHT, I'M NOT WRITING ANOTHER CHAPTER UNTIL I GET at least THREE COMMENTS, is that so much to ask? :) so please comment!