The Price of Evil


"No! My baby! Not my baby! Oh god, please!" A woman screamed clutching the dead mangled child to her chest tightly. The man stared down at his wife as tears streaked his pained face as he silently prayed to anyone who listened. The women went on screaming out prayers as smoke from the burning car that was only a few feet away filled her lungs. She looked down at her little girl whose snow white hair was now turning red with blood. She screamed again now in hysterics rocking back and forth. There was a flash of red light as a man appeared in front of them causing the women to stop screaming and the man to stop his praying.
"W-who are you?" The man asked in a shaken voice wondering if their prayers had truly been answered.
"I am here to make you a deal." Spoke the stranger his voice sounded like three different voices had answered him at once.
"W-what kind of deal?" The women asked holding her child tighter.
"A deal that would give back the life of your daughter." The stranger spoke a sly grin appearing on his face.
"We'll do it! anything! Please just give me my baby back!" the women yelled before she could even think twice. She now stood on her shaky legs. The stranger walked over to the mother, putting his hands over the girls limp body speaking words that they couldn't understand. He took his hands away standing back. The child's bones mended straight and her snow white hair turned black as a ravens wings. She opened her eyes to reveal they had changed from there clear icy blue to a vivid piercing gray.
"When she turns 18 and is no longer yours. She will be mine and I will come for her. Her fate is set." The stranger disappeared in a cloud of smoke. They had just made their deal with the devil himself.
Athena sat up straight in her bed eyes wide open. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She'd been having that same dream for the past two weeks straight and it was really starting to freak her out. She turned her head to look at her alarm clock it read 12pm July 20th the date of Athena's 18th birthday.

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Its short i know but its just the beginning!! I'm reallyyy looking forward to writing this one its going to be good! also im the worst speller and grammar person ever! i need a grammar Nazi soo if anyones willing u should message me :D
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