The Price of Evil


Athena groaned, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She was extremely surprised that her parents had even let her sleep this late. Normally they would have been up in her room by six shoving gifts and cake down her throat. She smiled at the memories, maybe this was the way of her parents letting her know that she finally an adult. Or maybe something terrible had happened to them. Either way she was enjoying the extra sleep. Athena threw the tangle of sheets off her body and left her cozy bed, shuffling to her bathroom, yawning and stretching the whole way. She entered the bathroom and leaned into the shower turning it all the way on. Athena turned to the mirror to examine herself. Her hair was sticking up in every possible way and she had black residue smudged under her eyes from yesterdays eyeliner. Yes, she was a true beauty in the morning. She brushed her teeth and stripped her pajamas from her body. She stepped into the fountain of steaming hot water. A soft sigh escaped her lips as her body relaxed. Within an hour and a half she was completely done getting ready and on her way down the stairs. Athena walked into the kitchen and was instantly greeted by the smell of homemade waffles "Ello puppet!" Her father said looking up from his paper, giving her a large smile.
"Morning dad, mom," she said, smiling and taking a seat at the table. Her mother brought her over a plate and sat it in front of her, kissing her head.
"Good morning birthday girl or should I say good afternoon?" her mother said taking a seat next to her at the table.
"So what are your plans for the day?" her father asked as she had finished her waffles.
"Um tattoo and then hanging out with a few friends," she said, looking away slightly as her parents gave each other a look that she didn't understand. She just shook it off like it was nothing.
"Why don't you just stay home with us? I can make your favorite meal and we can watch movies. Just like we use to when you were little." her mother said trying to hide the worried look on her face. Her father gave her a look. Again with these looks, Athena thought.
"Honey, she's an adult now let her do as she pleases.... she'll be fine," he mumbled the last bit.
"Fine," her mother said angrily. Athena couldn't understand why her parents were being so weird. Normally her family was so open with each other, but her parents were clearly hiding something from her.
"Here, sweetheart, we didn't know what else to get you," her dad said sliding an envelope across the table to quickly changed the subject. She opened it to find 500 dollars inside.
"Thank you. But you didn't have to do this," she said, slipping the money into her bag.
"We know but we wanted to," her mother informed her. Athena thanked them again and hugged and kissed them both before heading out the door to her black VW bug. She smiled and started the car popping in a Guns 'N' Roses CD. She sang along to 'Welcome to the Jungle' as she drove into the city, her destination—Murder Ink. When she arrived she parked and walked into the tattoo shop and straight up to the counter. She could feel eyes on her but she just ignored them; she was use to living with a constant sense of paranoia.
"I have an appointment with Chris," she said to the man behind the counter. He shot her a dazzling smile that made her blush.
"I'm Chris, you must be Athena," he stuck out his hand and she took it.
"Well what can I do for you today, Athena?" he asked, letting go of her hand.
"I want a skull with skeletal bat wings. On my right ribs." She answered touching the spot on her ribs where it would go. Athena called it a deathbat, it had been in her dreams for the past few years now so it meant something to her, even if she didn't know what it signified.
"Cool, I like it. Well let me just draw it up, give me a couple of minutes." he said leaving her and walking to the back of the shop. Athena took a seat next to a rather tall, slim man with crazy black hair and covered in tattoos. He was wearing dark sunglasses despite the fact that they were indoors and it was a cloudy day. Athena felt like she knew him or had seen him before but she couldn't place where they would have met, so she didn't think anything of it. Athena closed her eyes as she waited for Chris to come back, mentally preparing herself.

Rev smirked and pulled out his phone sending a text to Shadows.
The bat has arrived and she's getting a deathbat! :D
Shadows replied moments later.
Keep an eye on her. Call when you've got her.
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and stayed in his spot, watching Athena for the next few hours until she was done. Rev tried to contain his excitement. He was getting a new friend! He also couldn't believe how easy finding her was. The hardest part was going to be getting her to leave with him without a fight or having anyone take notice. When Athena was done he watched her pay Chris and leave, a big grin plastered on her face. She had no idea what she was in for. Rev decided to give her a 30 second head start to her car. He counted, stood and nodded at Chris and followed her out to her car. He removed his sunglasses. It was time for a little demon persuasion. Fuck, he loved being immortal. He walked up beside her and put his hand on the side of her car making her jump and look him straight in the eyes. Just what he was hoping for. He gave her a smile that could have stopped any mortal's heart. "Hello dollface, Why don't we take a little ride." It wasn't a question, it was an order. She just looked at him and nodded, getting into the car. Rev was in full control of her now as long as he kept his concentration. This is so easy! Rev thought and let a laugh escape his lips as he got in the car. Pulling out his phone, he texted Shadows again.
Got her.


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sorry this took so long!! i had writers block and couldn't get the words out the way i wanted them :p
Also!! Happy new year!!! and ill update again once i have 4 new comments :)
so dont be a silent reader!!!
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