The Price of Evil


They drove for an hour and a half out of the city and were now in the middle of no where. Rev was taking her to the compound. He bounced up and down in his seat excitedly as they got closer to the house. Now only about ten minutes away. He kept going on and on about all the fun they were going to have. Athena would just nod and keep her eyes on the rode in front of her as Rev fed her the directions with his mind. So far everything was going well and he had kept Athena under his spell, which was a very good thing for her. They drove up the long drive way and through the gate, finally arriving at their destination. Athena stopped the car and turned it off. Rev let go of her mind and she instantly passed out. He smirked as her head lolled to the side, her eyes shut. Rev got out of the car and was at the other side of the car in one swift movement. He picked Athena up and carried her to the house. He pushed the door open and stepped across the threshold. Rev took the stairs two at a time, walking down the large hall and then down another, until he reached another staircase. The staircase to the attic, that had been redone into another bedroom with a bathroom. Shadows had decided that this was to be Athena's room for her time with them. Rev laid her on the bed and left, locking the door behind him.
He walked back down the main stair case and into the living room where the rest of the guys were sitting watching some baseball game. He took his usual seat next to Vengeance. "So?" Shadows asked turning his head from the game to look at Rev.
"She was no trouble at all. And! she got this sweet ass deathbat! It's so cool! and she has a really good taste in music! She's kinda like I don't know, us but living and with a vagina." Rev said with a big goofy smile.
"Don't get too attached Rev, remember she's only here till he's ready for her." Synyster said taking a gulp of his beer.
Rev sighed, "Yeah I know that Syn. But it doesn't mean that I can't try and make the best of it while she's here! I can't help that I'm excited. I get someone new to play with! We haven't had anyone new for a while."
"But she's not a toy Rev." Christ said not taking his eyes off the TV.
"Oh don't burst his bubble short shit. Let him have his fun." Vengeance said giving Rev a small smile. A sharp scream broke the silence causing the five men to jump up from where they were sitting.

Athena shot up from the bed a scream escaping her lips before she could stop it. She had another nightmare. Only this time it was ten times worse than any nightmare she had ever had. She closed her eyes again cradling her head in her hands. She took deep breaths trying to calm herself. Once she was calm again she opened her eyes looked around. This wasn't her room or any room she had ever been in for that matter. Her heart started racing again and dread filled her chest. She threw her legs over the side of the huge bed she had been laying in. Her head throbbed as she stood. She looked around and saw a closed door. She rushed to it and started yanking on the nob trying to get it open, but it was pointless it was locked. Athena let out another scream from her trembling lips. This time from panic and anger. Who had done this to her? Why would anyone even want to kidnap her? and why would they give her such a nice room? These were just some of the questions that were pulsing around her brain. Athena backed away from the door when she heard voices and foot steps from the other side. Loud foot steps and loud booming voices. "Fuck" Athena mumbled scrambling to find a place to hide. She chose a to hide behind a chair. She knew it was a terrible place to hide, but it was the only thing she could think of in such a panicked state. She heard the door bang open and slapped her hand to her mouth to stifle the scream that was rising in her throat.
"Where the fuck is she?" Athena heard an angry voice bark. At that moment she heard the bathroom door slam and then the closet door crash open.
"I don't know Shads I left her in her. She was knocked out and I locked the door." Said a slightly panicked voice.
"Well even if she did get out there is no way she got far." A more calm voice spoke. Someone then plopped themselves down in the chair causing Athena to yelp as she was squished up between the chair and wall. The room was suddenly dead silent as who ever had just sat down in the chair slowly stood up.
"I think we found her." Athena squeezed her eyes shut tightly and tried her best to make herself small as the chair was pulled away, exposing her hiding spot.
"Aww! Look she's scared! That's so cute!" Said the same voice that was moments earlier panicked. Athena's eyes shot open as she lifted her head to look at the men in the room. She had counted five of them, all heavily tattooed. This was fucking ridiculous she was 18 not 8 she was not scared. Yes true she had coward behind a chair like a child but it was the shock not the fear. She was slightly panicking and maybe a bit frightened but not as much as this man was making it out to be. For a moment she forget where she was and who she was with as angry replaced panic.
"I'm not fucking scared and I'm not fucking cute." She shot back venom soaking her words.
"Whatever you say Dollface." Said a tall slim man with black hair and blue eyes. Athena stared at him her mouth falling open slightly. It was him. She knew him, it was the guy from the tattoo shop. "The names Rev. Unless you like calling me 'the guy from the tattoo shop', Whatever you want works I guess" He said smiling. Athena's mouth fell open even more. How the fuck did he know I was.. Athena was cut off mid thought. "Thinking that?" Rev asked smiling triumphantly at her. Athena just stared at him mouth wide open.
"I'm Shadows." Said a man with hazel eyes and muscles and his lip pierced, he was tall almost as tall as Rev, but not quite and his head was shaved. "That's Vengeance, Christ and Synyster." Vengeance had black hair with a bit of purple in it cut so his bangs were slightly over one eye, a septum and snakebites. Christ was the shortest out of the bunch maybe even an inch shorter than Athena. He had a Mohawk that gave him about 4 or 5 inches though which made him way taller then Athena if you counted it. The last man, Synyster, had chocolate brown eyes, a nose ring and dark hair sticking out under his Fedora. Athena looked around taking in the five men standing in a semicircle around her. "Now, Athena I believe we have some business to discuss." Shadows said leaving the room the rest of the men followed him. Leaving her and the one called Rev alone. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up and half dragged her out of the room following the others.
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well here it is! it kinda sucks i slightly hate it
im sooo sorry this took forever!! and that the grammar kinda sucks :/
im going to get the next chapter up as soon as i can!
Also dont be a silent reader! :)