The Price of Evil


When Rev and Athena reached the bottom of the stairs he let go of her wrist, shut the door and started off down the hall. Athena stood there for a minute still in shock. She couldn't understand what was happening or why this was happening. What did she do to deserve this? Was she going to be sold? Killed? Or be some sort of sex slave? She shuttered at the idea. She knew there was no way of her getting out of this. At least not with Rev around. She would have to work on her escape plan when she was alone. Athena wondered if the rest of them could read her mind like he could, if she would ever be able to work out a way to escape or call for help. She would have to guard her thoughts very carefully. Her fight or flight was starting to kick in as the initial shock was wearing off. She was going to fight, but she was going to be smart about it. “I don't recommend doing anything stupid, now are you coming or do I have to carry you?” Rev asked over his shoulder, continuing to walk down the hall.
"Um yeah." Athena murmured, "Like I even have a choice though." She added under her breath. She caught up with Rev right before he reached the grand staircase. Athena walked a few inches behind him as they walked down the stairs and she she followed him down another hall. At the end of the hall was a big set of double doors. Rev knocked twice and the door opened.
"Ladies first." He said stepping aside and letting her pass him. She walked into a huge office and tried to look as calm and confident as possible. Shadows was sitting behind a large oak desk and the rest of the gang was standing around him in a semi circle. Rev walked over and took a spot next to Vengeance and Athena stayed by the door. It looked like a scene from the Godfather and if it was under other circumstances Athena would have laughed. Shadows lifted his hand from the desk and waved her over.
"Sit." He told her with a stern tone. She walked forward slowly and sat down in the chair that was across from Shadows. She tried to calm her breathing and steady herself as she waited for him to speak. She desperately wished that she could make herself smaller. "You don't know why you're here do you?" Shadows asked as he leaned back in his chair folding his tattooed arms over his chest. Athena shook her head she was genuinely clueless. Shadows nodded, "That's what I thought. Well do you have any ideas as to why your here?" He asked her.
"I don't know maybe because you guys are some fucking crazy mob. I feel like I'm in the mother fucking godfather right now." Athena snapped and then instantly bit her lip, she couldn't let herself to keep loosing control if she wanted to stay alive. The group of men in front of her broke out into smiles. She took this moment to compose herself. Shadows chuckled.
"Close actually." He said grinning at her exposing a set of dimples. When they smiled they all looked less frightening and like they could all actually be nice. But just as soon as the smile entered his face, it left just as quick. "Every single dream. Every nightmare you've ever had. Are real. Your parents made a deal with the devil and we came to collect your soul." Shadows said again in a serious tone. Athena's mouth fell open. She thought she was shocked before but now she was just speechless. That this was completely crazy but in some sick way it made total sense. Her heart fell like it was going to explode and her body went numb. She sat there for a few moments trying to take it all in. "You will be working for us while you stay here. And when he's ready for you he will come to collect you himself." Athena looked up from her lap taking in all the men again with a new point of view this time. Her mouth fell slightly open. She had been right the first time she saw Rev. She had seen them before, she had seen all of them before. In her dreams, on random street corners, at her school, always there and always watching. The deathbat. She gasped and her hand went to her ribs where her fresh tattoo was. Shadows nodded "The symbol of our gang. Avenged Sevenfold." Athena had willingly marked herself with their symbol.
"And all this time. I just thought I was crazy. But it was all real. Oh god." Athena said her eyes wide. She ran her hands through her hair. "No, there's no way, this this can't be serious. This has to be a joke?" She asked looking around but she could tell by the look on Shadows face that this was the farthest thing from a joke. “There's no way out of this is there?” She said out loud, mostly to herself because she could feel the fight in her slowly dissipate but she wasn't going to let it. This couldn't be how it ended for her, she wouldn't let it be.
"No there's not." Shadows said standing up. "But believe me you should be happy it was us that picked you up and not some other gang." and with that Shadows left the room along with the others not far behind.
"He's right you know." Rev said standing at her side and holding out his hand to her. She took it because she knew she'd fall over from the weight of all that was just revealed as soon as she tried to stand on her own. She just nodded. "Lets get you something warmer to wear. It gets a bit cold here at night. Then we can do something fun!" Rev said with a big goofy smile on his face. She looked up at him in disbelief, something fun? was this guy nuts? Wait she already knew that answer. He was definitely nuts. Like she would be able to have fun. She was being held prisoner! But maybe just maybe if she played nice, earned their trust they would let her go. Rev looked down at her and frowned slightly knowing what she was thinking.
"Sorry" She mumbled looking down. They walked back up the grand staircase and then back up the little staircase and into the room that was meant her.
"My rooms right down the stairs and across from yours. If you ever need anything." Rev said with a smile and picked her up and sat her on the bed. "I'm going to pick out something warm for you to wear." He said smiling as she opened the closet. All her stuff were there. How was that possible she thought. "Oh um Vengeance and Christ went to your house." He said scratching the side of his neck. Her eyes grew wide and she felt her throat tighten.
"So my parents know I'm here." Jimmy nodded digging through the closet. She could feel the red hot anger flowing through her veins because they did this to her. But part of her also felt hope because even though they caused this, there was no way they would sit and be silent.
"They can't help you." He said to her. She just nodded because he was right, she knew they couldn't. Rev stood back from the closet with clothes in his arms and sat them on the bed next to her and then sat down in the chair. She picked up the clothes and walked into the bathroom slipping her old clothes off and the new ones on. Rev had picked her out a pair of ripped leggings, a tank top with a skull on it, a HIM hoodie and a pair of black fuzzy slipper boots. Athena opened up a drawer and saw that all her makeup was there. She opened another one and than another to find more of her things and than left the bathroom. Rev was still sitting in the chair, if she didn't know better he could pass for a mannequin. He smiled at her when she walked out. "Ready?" He asked smiling. She just nodded. That seemed to be her common answer lately because she didn't really know what to say. Rev reached out his hand and took hers leading her back down to the first floor. They walked down a different hall this time and into a huge living room that had a huge tv and couch. No one else was in the room. Rev sat down on the couch and grabbed an xbox controller and then handed her one. She took it and sat down next to him. She had only been here a few hours but she felt comfortable with Rev. She didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. It was a completely fucked situation, she should knew she shouldn't be agreeing to play a video game but she needed a distraction. If only for a moment. "We're gonna play left 4 dead." Rev said giving her a sinister smile which looked completely goofy on him. She couldn't help smiling even though she didn't want to.
"Ok." She said as he pushed play and the game started. They played the game for about an hour without any interruptions except for the 10 times that Rev got killed. She couldn't help but feel that she could actually be friends with him if the situation was different. Athena actually kind of liked him. She couldn't say that for the rest of them, she started to wonder what had happened to the rest of the guys when they all walked in. The warmth instantly left the room and her body again, she didn't want to play anymore.
"Ok lets play Call of Duty so at least 4 of us can play." Vengeance said as he sat down next to Athena. She felt her body tense and go ridged at the presence of the other men. She sat down her controller and moved closer to Rev. Vengeance picked it up and started to play COD with Shadows, Rev and Christ. After everyone had taken a turn playing and Athena had gotten more comfortable. Once the guys finished playing and had a couple of drink in them they decided to watch a movie. After a couple of minute of bickering between Rev and Christ they decided on Halloween, it was one of Athena's favorite movies. She was a little disturbed at how comfortable she was feeling with her captors who she knew were anything but human if that part of her dream was true. She couldn't let the Stockholm syndrome kick in just because they were showing her a bit of kindness. Athena had to remember why she was here and who she was dealing with. She was brought out of her thoughts by a loud growl. Athena looked around and all the guys were staring at her. She looked down and realized that her stomach had betrayed her.
"Rev take her to the kitchen." Shadows said as he shifted his eyes back to the screen.
"I'll take her." Synyster said standing up. Athena looked at Rev, slightly panicked and he nodded giving her the ok. Athena stood up and followed him as he started to leave the room.
"Bring us back some beer!" Christ yelled at them as they left. They passed what seemed like a million rooms until they finally reached the kitchen. When they reached the kitchen Synyster took a seat at the counter and gestured to the fridge. Athena walked over to the fridge and opened it. She settled on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some fruit. She made her sandwich and walked over to the small table in the corner and sat down to eat. They sat in complete silence and she tired to keep her mind as clear as possible, she still didn't know if the others could read her mind. Halfway through her sandwich she felt eyes on her. She looked up and made eye contact with Synyster for a moment and then looked away finishing her food as fast as possible. She didn't like this cold intense silence. They were all cold, but he was colder than the others and she didn't like being alone with him. When she was done she got up and put her plate in the sink. Synyster stood up and grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and left the room. Athena tried to keep up with him. They reached the living room and Athena took her seat next to Rev and Vengeance. She leaned back and glued her eyes to the tv but before she knew it she was fast asleep.

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I know this took forever. Im sorry. I honestly didn't even notice that it had been that long since i updated it. Im going to try to update fast next time.
Dont Be A Silent Reader!