Status: For My best girlie, Cupcake :D Hope you like it!

Perfect Fit


I banged on my best friends door. I was disappointed when his brother answered it. “Cissy what’s wrong?” His face then became shocked when he really looked at my face. He ushered me in immediately. “What happened?” Just then my best girlfriend came down. “Joe who was at- Cupcake what the hell happened to your face!?!” She rushed over to me && gently took my face into her hands.

“What’s all the racket for?” I heard a voice say behind me. From the sound of his voice he had been sleeping. Well it was 1:30 in the morning. When I turned around to face him he immediately woke up. His face looked angry. “Did Ryan hit you again?” My eyes began watering && I just nodded. I couldn’t really say anything without breaking down hysterically. His face softened. He just took me into his arms. I immediately broke down. “Guys go back to bed I got her.” Joe grabbed his girlfriend by the waist to lead her back upstairs but she told him to hold on a minute. “Nick what do you mean again?” Nick sighed. The guilty look on his face said it all. “That’s it that bastard is dead!” Before she could really go anywhere Joe grabbed her. “Come on baby lets go back to bed. You can kick his ass in the morning.” She pouted but allowed him to take her upstairs.

Nick lead me to the stairs then picked me up bridal style && carried me to his room. He laid me onto his bed. After he made sure I was comfortable he laid beside me. Once I had calmed down he asked me what had happened. I took a deep breath. “Do you remember how I told you that I thought he was cheating on me?” Nick nodded his head. “Well I confronted him about it. Well basically he hit me because I tried to get out of our relationship. He told me that it was okay for him to have more than one woman. He said that I was only his, that I wasn’t allowed to be anyone else’s. I especially couldn’t belong to you.” Once those words left my mouth I broken down again.

You see I’ve been in love with my best friend for a long time. The only reason I even agreed to go out with Ryan was because I wanted to try && get over Nick.

Nick held me tighter against him. It didn’t take me long to fall asleep after he started singing to me && playing with my hair. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was thinking how safe && happy I was to be in Nick’s arms.

When I awoke the next morning I was alone. This saddened me. I walked quietly downstairs, I stopped when heard voices && my name. “Nick he is going to pay for what he did to her! No one hurt Francis && get’s a away with it.” I smiled at Kat’s words. She’s always been protective me, more so after my cousin died. “Don’t you think I know that! I want to go after him as much as you do but we need to take care of Cissy right now. We need to focus on protecting her from him.” There was silence. I smiled knowing that Kat only nodded knowing that she had lost the argument. I decided to make myself known but stopped. “When are gonna tell her that you’re in love with her?” Kat’s voice was soft but I could still hear her. I heard Nick sigh. “I don’t know. When the time is right. I’m just glad that she’s not with him anymore. I feel safer knowing that she’s here && that I can protect her better.” With that the conversation drifted to one of what’s for breakfast.

“Yes, dear Katherine what’s for breakfast.” They jumped when they heard my voice. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Pancakes, eggs, bacon, && OJ” My stomach then growled hearing those words. Kat && Nick laughed. ‘Well hey at least we know she’s hungry.” I smiled at Nick. A comfortable silence fell upon us.

Not to much longer later Joe came down. He headed straight for Kat. It was sickeningly cute how he wrapped his arms around her && kissed her shoulder. “I would like to eat breakfast without your PDA for one morning please.” I agreed with Nick. Joe turned around && stuck his tongue out at his younger brother. I could see Kat smiling. A second later she was putting food onto plates. Joe helped her bring the plates to the table. Breakfast was really good. Kat’s a really good cook, well when she tries. “Awesome breakfast Kat.” She smiled at Nick && thanked him. “Is there anymore left?” I looked at Joe. “You already had two plates.” He smiled at me. “I’m hungry.” Kat looked at him. “No there is none left, you ate the rest.” For a second he pouted. Then he smirked. “Can I have you for the rest of my breakfast?” Before Nick or I could let them finish that conversation we left && went outside to the back porch. As we were shutting the door we saw Kat && Joe rushing up the stairs. I shuttered at the thought of them doing unmentionable things. “It won’t be long before she’s pregnant.” I laughed && agreed with him.

As were sitting on the swing were silent. I just loved how we didn’t always have to fill silences with talking. “What would you say if I told you I loved you?” I looked at Nick. I was gonna dumb. “I love you too Nick, what’s going on?” Nick sighed. He took a deep breath before talking again. “No Cissy, I love you. As in I’m in love with you. I have been since we first met. It broke my heart when you said yes to Ryan. I just wanted you to be mine but I was just afraid of losing you as a friend.” I was silent for a moment. “Please say something, anything.” Without saying a word I kissed him. He kissed me back without hesitating. His moved in sync with mine. He was the first to pull away. He smiled && pecked my lips sweetly. “I love you too Nicky.” He pulled me into his arms && took my hand in his. It then I realized something; we were a perfect fit.

We were all having a good time when there was banging on the door. I froze in fear. Nick went to get the door. In walked Ryan. Joe && Kat came to stand in front of me. “Where is she Jonas?” He looked so evil && menacing. Nick didn’t even flinch. Before I really knew what was happening Nick && Ryan were fighting. When I say fighting I mean fist fighting. Thankfully Nick was winning. As soon as the fight started it ended with Nick throwing Ryan out the door. “Stay the hell away from my woman. She’s right where she belongs. Come near her && I swear I beat the living crap out of you so bad your gonna wish for hell to take you.” With that he slammed the door.

For a moment nobody said anything. I just ran to Nick jumping into his arms kissing every inch of his face saying thank you && just how much my hero he was. Nick held me tightly to him && kissed me sweetly. “I love you so much Francis.” I smiled. “I love you too Nicky.”
♠ ♠ ♠
For my best girlie Cupcake.
I hope you like it!