Status: Finished


Swearing and Detention

Let's talk about him. The slimy git.. Yeah you know who I'm talking about.. Draco Malfoy, one of the most hatred people in my life. The fact that his father is best friends with mine doesn't matter..
Now let me tell you something about me..
My name is Elenore Forester. But my friends call me 'Ella'. I'm 16 years old and I'm in the sixth year of Hogwarts.
I was parted in the Slytherin house and my boyfriend is Blaise Zabini since three weeks now..
I've got long brown hair, a pale skin, I'm not skinny and not fat; just perfectly in shape, (how cheesy, I know) and I've got crystal blue eyes.
Like me so far? Great.

My father always told me my eyes looked like a deep ocean and heaven at the same time.
Now I know he was right, I can easily captivate someone's mind with just a wink..
But I would never do that to Malfoy.. When I see him my I feel my blood boil and my stomach cramp out of repulsion.. His cold eyes always looked at me likewise, like he wanted to throw up.
I shall now proceed with the story..

I was talking to my best friend Marie Frost in the entrance hall. She's a light tanned girl with black hair and deep brown (almost black) eyes. She's been my best friend since forever..
"So how are things between you and Blaise?" She asked while she blew a purple bubble out of her mouth. She always chewed on the weirdest kinds of bubblegum...
"Great I guess.." I said not to enthusiastic. Marie was reading my mind..
"He's after that Ravenclaw girl again?!" She asked rolling her eyes.
"Why ask; if you already know the answer." I said with a sigh.
"You'll never know, it could be Granger."
"Granger?! Yeah, like that would ever happen.." I said trying to find my schedule.
"Well I see him looking at her.." She said with a shrug as she rummaged through her bag.
"Marie.. He's looking at EVERYONE. Except me.." I said.
"So why are you still with him? I can't understand you.. Really.." She said as she gave me her schedule.
"You know why." I said while I spun on my heel and started to walk away to class.
"Yeah only to show off that you can have him.." She said more to herself than me as she was rolling her black eyes behind my back. She caught up with me and we walked through a small hallway.
"No it's not like that at all." I said. "It's to let Malfoy think that I'm having sex with one of his best friends, though I don't let him touch me like that."
"And..?" Said Marie.. Why is she always doing that.. I hate that!
"And.. what?!" I said frustrated while I stopped walking and faced her.
"He should be jealous or something?!"
"Jealous?! Shut - up!"
"Well why are you doing it then.. I can't think of another reason why.."
"To get him annoyed.. I don't even think he knows about it..Hell I don't know! I'm breaking up with him anyway he's a douche.." I said turning around and heading towards the staircase.

"Breaking up with who Forester?" Said a cold drawled voice behind me.
I turned to my left, not that I didn't already knew who it was..
"None of your business ferret!" I spat.
"Ferret?" He said surprised but his face quickly returned to normal and he smirked. "Who is it?" As I already thought, he didn't even know about it.. Typical//
"Shut up! I'm not telling it to a rat face like you anyway!" I shouted while I spun on my heel and walked away to the defence against the dark arts classroom. I almost ran upstairs..
"I'll find out anyway Forester!" I heard him shouting. I turned around seeing him standing at the foot of the staircase together with his two mutated dogs, Crabbe and Goyle..
"No you wont find it out!" I shouted back, not knowing that there was someone standing behind me now.

"He wont find out what, Elenore?" Said a voice.
I turned around and looked in to Blaises eyes.. They used to give me a shiver.. But since a few days they meant nothing to me any more..
"Oh... something." I murmured. I wanted to change the subject..
"Like what?" He said. Face it he's not giving up Ella..
"Look, it's nothing important." I said trying to push him away. But Blaise didn't move.
"Can you step aside.. Please.." I said. I forced myself to say the last word..
"No." He said. "I want to know. He's my friend and since you're my girlfriend I have the right to know.."
"The right?! Well that's something that I need to talk about with you too. You don't have any right on me if you're after somebody else!"
"Heh, you know I'm using you so why do you even bother breaking up if I never even wanted to be with you?"
Okay that just beats everything..

"You never wanted me?! Not even the time that-"
"Not even then." He said.
"Fine! It's over!" I yelled.
"There was never something between us."
"I hate you!"
"I'm breaking up with you!" I yelled.
"Stop acting like this, it's a waste of your time Elen-"
"You never called me Ella!"
"You never told me to call you Ella.."
"Oh just shut up and die!" I growled.
"Not before I had sex with Angie for another time.." He said ice cold.
"Well do whatever you want Blaise, be with her, fuck another, jump off a cliff cause I don't care. Goodbye!" I said as I pushed him aside and stormed through the hallway.

"So it was Blaise.." Said the drawled voice again.. I stopped dead in my tracks and I felt the hairs in my neck standing.
"Don't you have a life Malfoy?!" I hissed. "Leave me the fuck alone, thank you very much!"
I walked through the secret passageway behind the tapestry and I entered the classroom. Marie was already there so I sat next to her. I was grumpy and not in the mood for talking.. Marie discovered that very quickly..

"Where were you?" She whispered annoyed.
"Blaise." I grumbled looking angry at the table as if it did something that changed my cheerful mood..
Blaise entered and sat at the back of the classroom. Snape entered quickly after him. It seemed Malfoy was running late..
Snape was the DADA teacher this year. I love that because he's really great a the dark arts.. And I know perfectly why.. But ah well.. Slughorn is teaching potions classes now.. He's a nitwit.. I don't like him.. when does he gets fired?

"Today we're learning about Dragon's and how to defend yourself. Read chapter 20 until chapter 23 and write an essay about how to defend yourself against them. Must be done by Monday." Said professor Snape.
Immediately everyone got they're books, parchment, quills and ink bottles out of their bags and started to read. Just as I did..
Marie was writing a note, we couldn't speak to each other any longer because then we would get detention.. She pushed the note in my direction.
Did you break up with Blaise? It said.
I wrote back:
Yes, I hate him. He used me anyway.
And then she started to write again..
He's a good for nothing piece of-- But then the note got ripped out of her hands...
"Well, well what do we've got here." Said Snape studying the piece of parchment.
"Nothing sir." Said Marie.
"Hmm nothing? I wouldn't recall this as nothing actually.." Said professor Snape.
"Can I have it back please, my notes are written on that." She said trying to save her from embarrassment.
"Yes I can see that miss Frost.. But you can't get it back before I've punished you.." Said professor Snape.
"Did you break up with Blaise??" He said with a high pitched voice.. He imitated Marie's voice which was very embarrassing.. And very unlike him..
"Yes, I hate him. He used me anyway."
Now he was imitating my voice.. I blushed.
"He's a good for nothing piece of--" He said. "Piece of what miss Frost?"
"Piece of scum!" Yelled a familiar voice suddenly. Everybody turned around just to see Malfoy slap his hand over his mouth and staring with shock at Snape.
How did he get there? I thought he was running late..
Professor Snape gave the note back to Marie who buried her face in her hands out of shame.
"What did you say Mr. Malfoy?" Asked professor Snape.
"Eh.. Nothing sir." Said Malfoy trying to act all innocent.
Snape ignored him and walked back to his desk again.
Everyone knows that Malfoy is Snape's sweetheart.. And not on that area..I know what you're thinking..

When the class was at it's end; I quickly packed my things and walked over to Malfoy whom was packing his own stuff.
"What was the meaning of that Malfoy?!" I spat.
"Why do you care Forester?!" Sneered Malfoy.
Suddenly everybody turned silent but I didn't noticed that and neither did Malfoy.
"Tell me or I'll tear your throat out!" I hissed.
"Oh yeah?! Make me!" Yelled Malfoy.
And I was about to slap him in the face when my hand was held back by someone or something..
I tuned angrily around but suddenly I faced professor Snape. And my angered face quickly turned into a frighten one.
"Now if I were you I wouldn't do that Forester." Said professor Snape. "And for both of you detention. Two weeks. Starting tonight at seven at the trophy room."
Snape let go of my hand and I grabbed Marie's wrist and led her out of the classroom.
I groaned.
"This can't be happening.. Two weeks detention with.. with.. Oh damn I can't even say his name without vomiting.."
"Well you better start believing it's true Ella.." Said Marie while we walked to the Great Hall for lunch..
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The first chapter.. Do you like it? :D