Status: Finished


Shame and Payback

When Malfoy and I returned to the castle I started to freak out.. And when I say 'freak out' I mean really freak out..

"How can they do that to me!" I yelled furious.
I was so mad that I gave myself a headache..
"To you?! Like I'm not part of this!" He yelled back.
"Then do you've got a plan to save us out of this shit?!"
"Eh no-"
"See!!" I yelled. "We're doomed!! Doomed I tell ya!"
"Don't be stupid!" He said suddenly. "Like I can do a damn thing about it.."
"Well you were the one that couldn't shut up and told your father that we're together in the first place right?!"
Malfoy didn't reply.
"This is getting way out of hand.." I said while I paced through the Slytherin common room. There wasn't anyone back from Hogsmeade yet. We turned back early and the first en second-years got stuck in the library doing their homework..

"Well I think we can't do anything about it.. It's either this way or getting Avada Kedavra'd by my father!" He said angry.
"Yeah why do we get killed for that anyway?!" I said getting pissed. "You never told me a reason, just that we would get killed!"
Malfoy sighed and turned his back towards me. He stared out of the window.
"He wants me to get married as soon as possible. He doesn't want me to date random people any longer, and he will kill you too because somehow I'm your responsibility." He said with a grimace.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed. "You're father is out of his bloody mind! He can't do this to me! He can't! That fucking-"
"You're too unreasonable." Interrupted Malfoy. He turned around and walked towards me, before I even know what he was doing he embraced me in a hug.
Though I didn't want to at first, I couldn't help myself, I hugged him back because I felt so horrible. Tears streamed down my cheeks and my bottom lip began to tremble.
Malfoy slid his fingers through my hair as he calmed me down. He stroked my back and held me tight against his chest. His face was leaning on my shoulder because he's taller.
It felt really nice somehow to have a shoulder to cry on. He knows what I'm going through.
He's the only one that understands.

How awkward this scene must've looked like, it was abruptly disturbed when a clique of Slytherins burst in to the common room. Including Pansy Parkinson.. Which wouldn't make any difference normally, wouldn't it be for the fact that I was hugging her obsession..
The situation was very weird..
I was hugging Malfoy while I still hated him for his existence.. A lot of Slytherin's, -whom were convinced that Malfoy and I hated each other- were standing in the doorway with awestruck expressions.They were all staring at me and the slug-head.
I quickly released myself from the hug and ran away to my dormitory.

"Ella.. Are you in there??" Said a voice behind the door. I recognized it as Marie's and I slowly opened the door.
"You know that was very awkward.." She said while she gracefully walked in to the dorm.
"I know.. I know!!" I said slapping my forehead with my hand.
"What were you guys doing anyway?!"
"He was hugging me." I said as I felt my cheeks redden.
"Like I didn't see that." She whispered annoyed.
"I need to get married to him this summer!!" I yelled when I heard her say that.
"That's.. pretty soon." She said raising her eyebrows.
"I know!" I almost yelled.
I sat down on my bed and rummaged inside my trunk.
"What are you looking for?" Asked Marie.
"Parchment and a quill.." I said while I turned my entire trunk upside down.
"Where do you need those for?" She asked curiously.
"I always admired your curiosity Marie." I said with a faint smile. "I need to write a letter."
"A letter??"
"Yes a letter. You know, a piece of parchment with words on it?!"
Marie rolled her eyes..
"As if I don't know what a letter is." She said sarcastically. "Who are you going to write?"
"My mother." I said promptly as I opened a bottle of ink and placed it on the windowsill.
"YOUR MOTHER?!" She screamed suddenly. "Why?!"
I stared at the parchment I spread out in the windowsill. I dipped my quill in my ink bottle and eyed Marie.

"I don't want to get married to that slug face." I said simply. "Maybe I can arrange something with my mother."
"You know what happens if you don't get married to him." She said.
"Then I'm getting brutishly murdered.. I know.. I know.." I said. While I actually didn't want to think about that part of the agreement.
"You're not getting brutishly murdered." Said Marie raising her eyebrows.
"Yes I will." I said. "Why are you saying that?"
"Because you're not going to write that letter." She said as she ripped the parchment out of my hands. "Now don't be depressive and make the best out of it.. Even if it's not what you want."
I stared at her in awe.. Was this really coming out of her mouth?
"Okay, then what is my alternative?!" I said sarcastic. "I don't have any alternatives Marie!"
"Make the best out of it. Tell everyone that he's your boyfriend and stuff." She said simply.
"Yeah, and then I'm getting ambushed by Parkinson! Marie you know I can't do that!" I yelled.
"And why is that?"
"Because everybody knows I hate that mushroom!!"
"Wait.. mushroom?" She said raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah.. I couldn't think of any other insulting word.." I said. "But that's not the point!"
"Just pretend you never hated him, even though you're a hateful person. It isn't hard to pretend Ella." She said.
Was she just insulting me??!
"Right.." I said. "Like that isn't hard.. You don't know where I'm going through Marie!"
"Yes I do!" She yelled back at me. "Because I know you think he's sexy!"
My mouth dropped wide open and at the moment I couldn't say a word..

"I DO NOT!" I yelled a few seconds later.
"YOU DO!" She practically screamed.
I turned my back at her and stared out of the window. I didn't want to face her.
How awful it is, how shameful a person can be when the truth comes out.
I have always hated him, I loathed him, he has always been despicable, I was afraid of him, I didn't want to get hurt, I tried to ignore him, and then I thought he was sexy.
A few days ago I realized that I thought he looked sexy, but I had harshly pushed that thought away because I didn't want to like him. I tried to swallow my tears and I closed my eyes. The only way she could know about this was through reading my diary. It was the only way I could express my feelings, and I did write the phrase: "I'm starting to go mad, today I even thought Malfoy was looking sexy.." It was the only confession ever about him, one sentence and Marie read it! I don't know if I can even call it a confession.

"I accidentally read your diary.." Said Marie honestly. The answer I was already expecting.
"You can't read something accidentally Marie.." I said with my voice shaking.
Marie sighed.
"It was laying on your night stand.. it wasn't locked.. I couldn't resist myself.. I'm sorry.."
I turned around and faced her as fresh tears streamed down my face.
She walked over to me, and quickly hugged me.
I'm sorry." She said again. "I wont tell anybody."
"You better." I said with a faint smile "It wasn't even a confession, probably more a pathetic excuse for a silly statement."
"It doesn't matter. I have thought about a guy in that way as well."
I raised an eyebrow and Marie blushed.
"Who?" I asked as I eyed her sceptically.
"I-It really doesn't matter." She said, but I continued to stare at her.
"Fine." She said. "It was Theodore Nott."
I stared at her in awe, Theo wasn't one of the ugliest guys from our year, maybe a bit rabbit-like sometimes.
"But Theo Nott looks hot if you compare him with Malfoy!" I exclaimed.
"Oh shut up." Giggled Marie. "Now get your butt down there and face your new boyfriend." She dragged me to the door and I smiled faintly as I followed her downstairs.

Once I came downstairs I saw Malfoy sitting on a couch explaining to Pansy that it wasn't what it looked like at all.
Then I suddenly came up with a cunning plan..
"Oh Draco darling!" I managed to spew out of my mouth.. My god.. "What are you doing sweetheart?"
Malfoy was stunned. He widened his eyes and apparently thought I was crazy..
"What the fuck?!" He said. "You're not my-"
"Oh but dearest we love each other!!!" I said sugary sweet as I clapped my hands together.
He tried to look angry but he didn't succeed because I was acting really ridiculous.
"She is your.. Girl- ew!" Said Pansy disgusted. "Again?!"
Malfoy didn't know if he had to be insulted or surprised. He wasn't able to say anything for a few minutes and just continued to stare at me in awe.
"Drakie poo.. Yoohoo! Oh darling! I'm waiting for my lovingly lovable kisses from you!" I said as I walked through the common room. I tried to lure Pansy out of her stinking hole.
Malfoy just continued to sit there.. Like someone just told him that his most favourite thing in the world got crushed by the whomping willow..
Pansy stared at me like I was some kind of sticky slime sliding through the common room.
Good at least I received an expression. Now it was my turn.

"Oh Pansy darling why the angered face? That'll give you wrinkles." I said with the most serious face I could possible do in this hilarious situation.
"Shut up you filthy whore!" Growled Pansy as she stared at me with the dirtiest expression I had ever seen. "All you do is whoring! First Blaise, then a blood traitor like Weasly and now MY DRACO!"
"Oh but honey, it's not my fault that you were having sex with Blaise behind Draco's back.." I said as I placed my hands on my hips and pouted a little.
Pansy's cheeks turned red and she quickly stared at the floor.
"You did WHAT?!" Yelled Malfoy as if someone just punched him in the face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it has been a few days but here's a new update! Are you happy? :D
Yes Ella has a diary, and yes she did actually write that, and if you want to know how Theodore Nott looks like click this link: Theodore Nott!
This is Marie Frost: Marie Frost!
And if you're curious about Ella, she somewhat looks like this: Ella!