Status: Finished


Tears and Madness

What have I done!!!!
Am I insane?! Why did I do this.. It's so wrong. He only uses me anyway, just as he did with Pansy!
Why did I fell for it?!
God, I must be out of my mind.
Maybe I need psychiatry.
I'm a psycho!

"Ella! Are you okay?!" Yelled a voice behind me.
I was still running through the hallway heading to the Slytherin common room. And because I thought it was Malfoy I kept running.
"Yes!" I yelled victorious as I opened the door to the common room.
I walked inside but this time it was very weird. Normally the common room would be filled with Slytherin's discussing and gossiping randomly things. The same as I left it.
But there was no one.. The entire common room was empty.
There were no classes left so they couldn't be in class.
But wait.. Every class was cancelled because of the..

"Of course!" I yelled suddenly. "They're all at the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw.. How stupid am I?!"
"Very." Said a voice suddenly.
I turned on my heel and noticed Blaise..
Blaise of all people.. Well Malfoy would've been worse.
"I'm here to earn my goods.." He said.
"What?! Get the fuck away from me you hell hound!" I yelled.
"Oh I know you want it little fuck.." Said Blaise. "And that's just what I want from you."
My anger turned in to fear and back in to anger again.
There was no one who could save me now..
I was alone, with this evil snake..

"Leave me alone!!" I yelled as I stumbled backwards but I felt my back crash in to the wall.
Blaise walked closer to me and he pushed me against the wall with his groin. Starting to kiss me in my neck and my earlobe while he was touching my breasts..
"No!" I screamed. "Go away!! Stop it!!"
"There's no one who can hear you here Ella.." He said evilly. "I want the thing that I deserve.."
Suddenly he ripped off my panties and he unbuckled his belt.
He crammed a piece of cloth in my mouth in case I would make a noise.
He pulled down his boxers with one hand and he thrust painfully inside of me.
I felt tears but I couldn't cry them. I felt so cheap and whorish.
Blaise moaned as he moved his lower body in and out.
I screamed and bit in the piece of clothes. Why was he doing this to me..
I couldn't escape he was too strong. He held me in place with both of his hands and all I could do was scream.
Blaise started to moan even more as he came inside of me. Once he came he kept pushing in and out a few times before he pulled it out and put on his boxers again.
He let me go and I collapsed on the floor like bricks.
"Thank you." Was all he said before he exited the common room and headed for (probably) the Quidditch match..

I felt horrible.. My panties were ripped off, his stuff was finding it's way out of me. I felt like a slut, just horrible. Used, thrown away, not important.. just a shell, a body.. Nothing more.
And finally I cried my tears. Horrible tears I never thought I wanted to cry.
He raped me.
Blaise raped me.
The fucking bastard raped me!
I pulled my knees up to my chest; and I couldn't care for the fact that I was sitting half naked in the common room. I couldn't care who would come in and see me like this.
The door went open and the first thing I saw was Marie.

"Ella!!!" She screamed. "What happened in here!"
I wanted to tell her the entire story but I couldn't..
The only thing I could say was:
Marie's expression turned into anger.
"The asshole!! My god Ella you need to report this to Snape!" She screamed.
"No!! Don't tell anyone please!!" I cried. "Just help me up okay and help me get dressed again."
"No fucking way Ella! You can't keep this to yourself!" She yelled.
The door went open once again and Malfoy walked in. Once he saw me he was struck down with shock. The horror was written on his face.
I was still sitting on the floor and there formed a puddle beneath my legs.. It felt so disgusting.

"E-Ella!" Yelled Malfoy. "What- how- huh?!"
I didn't say anything I just sat there..
"Blaise raped her." Said Marie. Voice filled with rage. "He fucking-"
"Raped you?!" Yelled Mafloy. "The bastard raped you?!"
I nodded in silence.
Malfoy ran over to me and helped me up to my feet. He took me in bridal style to his private room and placed me on his bed.
"Marie can you get some panties for her and some tissues?" Said Malfoy calm. It seemed he was trying to hide his rage as well.
"Sure." Said Marie as she went downstairs to get some.
"He raped you." Said Malfoy like he was making a statement. "Just now?!"
"Just now." I said softly. "H-He w-wanted revenge or s-something.. H-He w-wanted to earn h-his goods.. M-My-"
"I get it. Don't talk more of it, cause then I might destroy something." Said Malfoy as his voice started to vibrate. "Do you want a glass of water?"
Malfoy was caring about me?! He really cared about me. Maybe he was right. Maybe he is in love with me.. Maybe he really is..

"Yes." I said.
Malfoy leaned over to his bed stand. His sheets smelled like him. So nice.
He got me a glass of water and I drunk it in silence.
"Are you feeling a little better now?" He asked softly.
I nodded.
"Thank you." I said.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. The same two words kept repeating inside of my head.
Blaise said them..
My expression turned sour.. And apparently Malfoy saw that.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
But before I could answer Marie came back in with some tissues and some clean panties.

"You can clean yourself with that." Said Malfoy as he gave me the tissues. His blonde straight hair shaking in his eyes.
I nodded and I took the tissues.
"I'm outside the door and Marie too. Yell if you need any help." He said as he closed the door.
I took a few tissues and started to clean. The sticky stuff dried up a little and it felt so disgusting..
I put some water on the tissues and cleaned myself. Afterwards I put on my clean panties and sat back on the bed again.
Malfoy was really being nice.. Maybe I should give him a chance..
But 'Malfoy' and 'nice'.. Those two words don't fit with each other.. Still he was very caring.. How stupid is that, after everything I said to him.

"MARIE!" I yelled.
Marie came inside as if she was hunted by werewolf's.
"What? What? What?" She breathed.
"Do you know why Malfoy is acting so weird??" I asked.
"How should I know? You're his girlfriend.." She said exaggerated.
"My god, Marie.. You are jealous of me isn't it.." I said.
"Me jealous why should I be jealous. It's a slimy git." Said Marie with her arms crossed.
"Admit it Marie.. You are. But be glad you're not in my position. If you were you would probably kill yourself."
"I would not!" She shouted.
"So you are jealous?" I asked. There I got her now..
"Oh blast it!" She said. "Okay I might be a little jealous yes.. But come on he's adorable.."

Wait.. Marie saying Malfoy is adorable.. There is something wrong.. Marie would never be in love with Malfoy.. And I.. Who wait her face is changing in to someone else!! Someone took polyjuice potion and changed herself in Marie!
And.. That person is.. PANSY PARKINSON!!!!

"PANSY!!!" I yelled. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!! ... MALFOY!!!!"
The door flung open and Malfoy stormed in.
"What's wrong?! Where's Marie?" He asked glancing from Pansy and back to me.
"Pansy drank polyjuice potion and turned herself in to Marie!!"
"Yes that was brilliant now was it you dirty little slut. I was the one who set you up with Blaise.. Who said to him that you would come back soon from the passageway..
Oh yes I saw you kissing with Malfoy and it made me feel so angry, that I informed Blaise that you would come back to the common room soon.. He was pleased to hear that you know. I bet you liked it when he fucked you didn't you, little whore!" She said.
It made me feel so sick, and tears streamed out of my eyes again.
Malfoy was in total rage, he was about to attack Pansy and rip her throat out..
"W-Why did you do t-that!" I cried to her.
"Because you stole my Draco, filthy whore! You stole my guy!" She squealed. "And I bet you loved that dick inside of yours, that power he had, the lust and the feelings you felt. Didn't you?! Tramp!"
"How can you say something like that! He raped me! He fucking raped me!" I yelled between my tears.
"Hahahahaha!! Guess what, Draco thinks you're a slut too and-" Begun Pansy again.
"STOP IT PARKINSON!" Yelled Malfoy suddenly. "I can perfectly think for myself.. HOW, can you do this to Ella! You will pay for this Parkinson.. You will pay.."
Pansy fell on to her knees and it seemed she was praying to him..
"Oh no. It doesn't work that easily Parkinson.. Ella is my girlfriend. And you are in fact the silly filthy whore in this part. Don't come on to me like that bitch.. Soon you will pay.. Soon.."
"Whatever Malfoy." Said Pansy suddenly while she got back on her feet. "I've had my revenge already. And now she's the victim instead of me."
With those words she spun on her heel and dashed out of the dorm.

Malfoy sat on the bed and hugged me in his arms.
I didn't know how to feel, he just exclaimed again that he is my boyfriend, and he protected me against the girl he used to screw so much..
Maybe he was right.. Maybe I keep lying to myself about this..
Still I rather would marry a troll than him..
Yes I would..

Or would I?
♠ ♠ ♠
it's been a while *blushes*