Status: Finished


Bandages and Lies

Malfoy was sitting in his usual chair next to the fireplace. His expression was grim and he really didn't look forward to any form of conversation. The people that were hanging around in the common room were avoiding him, firstly I thought it was because they thought he was acting stupid. But they seemed afraid of him and didn't even want to have any eye contact.
I hesitated to face him because he hadn't noticed me yet..
After thinking over the words I needed to say , I was asking myself if I actually wanted to face him...
I walked over to him and sat next to him in the other chair parallel to his'.
Malfoy didn't say anything, if looks could kill he would have slaughtered me...
"Uhm, h-hey." I said as I felt a blush creeping up my face.
Malfoy still pretended as if I didn't exist. He just.. sat there, staring out in front of him..
"I'm sorry." I blurted. "I didn't.. I didn't had the right to-"
"Save it." replied Malfoy cold before I could even finish whatever it was that I was saying.
I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Have I pushed him away from me after all?
"Could you at least let me finish!" I snapped through my tears.
Malfoy stared strangely at me and that's when I discovered a narrow stream of blood making its way down his right temple. My eyes widened which he immediately answered with a glare.
"You.. you're bleeding!" I said in shock.
"It's nothing." he answered as he rummaged around in one of his pockets. He wiped the blood away with a handkerchief and stuffed it back. Suddenly I felt a horrible feeling creeping up on me.
"Tell me you didn't.."
"Didn't what?" growled Malfoy pretending that he didn't know where I was talking about.
"Did you.. fight him?!" I said with pure horror. "Are you thick headed?! W-when-"
"Does it matter?!" interrupted Malfoy through gritted teeth.
"Where is he now?" I asked almost inaudible.
"The infirmary." answered Malfoy victorious.
"You heard me." he growled. "Besides, why are you defending him after everything he did to you?!"
"I-I'm not I just.."
"You just what?" said Malfoy as he squinted his eyes.
"Marie thinks.. and maybe I think.. that maybe he was hexed."
"Why the hell do you say that?!" said Malfoy angry as he stood up from his chair with force.
"It's possible!" I yelled at him.
"No it's not!" yelled Malfoy . "What are you?! Stupid?!"
I cringed and Malfoy noticed me doing that. Apparently he was feeling like a monster and his expression turned a bit more normal.

"Darling, he wasn't . Believe me." he said softly as he was pacing up and down the common room. "He told me that he was feeling satisfied about the situation.. He was laughing at me.." his face turned back into the dark evil monster from a second ago as he faced me. "Why the FUCK would he say something like that if he had been hexed by someone?!" he yelled as he slammed his hands on top of the back of the chair.
"I-I don't know." I said as I felt my voice trembling. Malfoy was scaring me, I had never seen him this angry.
"T-Then what about Pan-" I asked.
"Oh for God's sake don't say her name.." Interrupted Malfoy as he closed his eyes and frowned. It looked like he was going to be sick. "I don't want to be interfered with that woman ever again." He said.
I didn't know what to say, I was afraid that Malfoy would snap at me again like a wounded dog.
An hour ago he was my hero, now the hero turned in to my worst nightmare like he used to do. I questioned myself if it was even wise to tell him my feelings right now. I almost started to hate him for his existence again, and I knew I could fall back in to my old routine if this kept going on..

"I think, we need to go to Dumbledore." I said after a while.
Malfoy stroke his fingers through his hair and tangled it up without noticing he was doing it. That made it look even raggedy than it already was. His expression was still murderous.
"Okay whatever you want." he said eventually.
I nodded careful, and his angry expression slowly turned back to normal.
"I'm sorry." he said as he sat back in the chair. "I just couldn't help myself.. That guy really makes me tick! He keeps pushing me to the edge of insanity!"
"It's okay," I said as I conjured a little smile on my face. "you're supposed to, I'm your girl right?"
Malfoy stared at me with confusion and I saw his brains doing the homework.
"Do you mean.." he started as his eyes widened. "Elenore Forester are you in love with me?" He asked suddenly very serious.
I felt a blush creeping up my face.
"I-I uh.. I.."
"Well?" he asked.
"I.. Y-Yes." I said.
Then Malfoy jumped up from his chair and pulled me up to him as he was dancing with me around the common room. I felt a little embarrassed as people stared at us with smug faces, making remarks about mine and Malfoy's behaviour.
"Finally." Said Malfoy with a huge smile. He cupped my face with his right hand and crashed his lips on mine.. I fell backwards in to the chair but Malfoy didn't care.
Then I pushed him away lightly.
He was breathing heavily which scared me, because I felt the same way he did..
"Draco.. I-" I started.
"It's fine." He said not letting the grin escape his face. "Let's go see the wizard."

"Professor Dumbledore are you in there?" I said as I was knocking on the door.
"Come in." I heard a tired voice answer.
I opened the door and sat down in a comfortable chair.
"What is it miss Forester?" Asked Dumbledore politely.
"I-I.." I started.
Okay Ella just spill it out in one line then you're over with it..
"Yes?" Asked Dumbledore curious.
"I-I've been raped.." I managed to say as fresh tears made their way out.
Dumbledore's expression didn't change.
"Raped?" He asked.
"Yes s-sir." I said. "But I think he.. maybe he was hexed.."
Malfoy slapped his hand against his forehead. Meaning to say: 'Ella you stupid naïve girl!'
"And who caused this.. incident?" asked Dumbledore quite calm.
"B-Blaise." I said.
"Yes him.." I said getting impatient.
"Oh.. well then we should get him here hmm?" Said Dumbledore as he turned the back of his chair towards us.
"No wait there's more." I said hastily.
Dumbledore turned his chair around and raised his eyebrows. He was staring at me skeptically from behind his small glasses.
"P-Pansy Parkinson." I said. "She used polyjuice potion to transform h-herself in to my best friend Marie." I said and I felt Malfoy's arm around me pushing me against his chest.
Dumbledore's expression turned blank.

"Okay, tell me everything that happened. What happened after Blaise harassed you?"
"Well Pansy, t-transformed as Marie ran towards me to see if I was alright.
After that Draco r-rescued me and placed me on his bed. He took care of me the entire afternoon. Then Marie, I mean.. Pansy.. came inside the room and she started to make fun of me.. It all happened during the Quidditch math.. Yesterday.."
"Okay if you may excuse me for a second, I'm going to get the students who were involved with this. I want this to be sort out from the bottom right now." He said as he turned his chair around again. I raised my eyebrows and I stared confused at Malfoy .
"Acturus, can you tell Severus that he needs to take mister Zabini and miss Parkinson to my office right now." said Dumbledore out loud. "And tell him he needs to take the necessary preparations, he'll know what to do."
I raised my eyebrows even higher, was he talking to himself now?
Then a man with black hair and a circular beard in the portrait right in front of him stood up from his chair.
"Of course." said the man in the portrait which apparently turned out to be Acturus.
Then he walked out of his frame.
Dumbledore turned around again.
"They'll be here any minute." he said reassuring.
I squeezed Malfoy's hand and he squeezed back in mine.

A few minutes later Snape knocked on the door and delivered Blaise and Pansy Parkinson.
Blaise looked like he met up with the Whomping Willow. His nose looked like it was broken and he had several cuts and wounds that were fixed up with bandages and adhesive plasters.
"Now tell me Pansy. Why did you transform yourself in to Marie Frost?" Asked Dumbledore suddenly out of nothing.
I noticed Pansy got a fright.
"I-I didn't." She said with a high pitched voice.
"Professor Snape?" Asked Dumbledore.
"She obviously lies." Said Snape cold.
"She wanted revenge on me." I said interrupting Snape. "She wanted Draco to be her boyfriend but he's my boyfriend. And she went nuts!"
Dumbledore didn't change his expression, it seemed he was used to drama's like this.
"Oh.." He said simple. "So Pansy, you wanted revenge on Elenore, is there a word of truth in it or am I wrong?"
"Wrong!" Yelled Pansy.
"She lies again." Said Snape getting tired. "Do you want me to do it sir?"
"Yes good idea Severus." Said Dumbledore.
Snape came out of a corner and took something out of his pocket. It was a small vial with a clear substance inside. I recognized it and I glanced at Malfoy who blushed and hid a smile, he recognized it too..
It was the same potion that made Malfoy exclaim that he liked me. For the first time.

Snape restrained Pansy and poured a large amount of the substance down her throat. Pansy who really didn't want to swallow the substance almost choked.
"Drink it!" said Snape harshly and surprisingly Pansy obeyed.
Pansy gulped it down her throat, probably out of fear of professor Snape.
"What happened that made Blaise rape Elenore?" asked Dumbledore.
Blaise was sweating and he looked really bad.
"I was so angry at Elenore when I found her kissing my Draco. I made up a plan, I knew that if I would be on good terms with Blaise I could use him for something useful someday."
I gasped and Blaise glared at her. Malfoy looked as if he could murder her.
"It wasn't hard to find Blaise and I immediately hexed him." Continued Pansy.
"Did you use the Imperius curse?" asked Dumbledore with a serious face.
"Yes." Said Pansy. "I had him influenced the entire time, even when my Draco fought him that made him look like he does now. Blaise is really stupid for trusting me."
"Why didn't you get arrested by the ministry and why was I not informed?" asked Dumbledore calmly.
"My father is a Death Eater. He works for the ministry. He has the power to make things like that disappear." She said.
Dumbledore didn't seem shocked but Snape gasped as if she blurted out incredibly important information.
My heart stopped, I knew Pansy had hexed him, that it would be something like this. But nobody wanted to listen to me! And now her father turns out to be a Death Eater as well?!

"Did you drink Polyjuice potion yesterday to transform yourself in to Marie?" Asked Dumbledore.
"Yes." Said Pansy again.
"Where did you manage to get a potion that needs a month to be prepared?" asked Snape surprised.
"I stole it out of the dungeons." Answered Pansy. Snape eyed Dumbledore, and the headmaster nodded in agreement. As I they were having a private conversation of their own.
"Why did you do it?" asked Dumbledore acting as if there wasn't any interruption.
"I wanted to see her suffer, see how bad things can go. I wanted to make her look like a whore, a slut! That way Draco would leave her like dirt, and come back to me."
Malfoy and Baise gasped. It was absolutely horrible what she did.
"Did your plan succeed?" Asked Dumbledore still friendly.
"No I failed.." She said. "Unfortunately I failed.."
"Okay we know enough." Said Dumbledore. "I'm going to inform your parents that you're expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. I can't expel you for using the Imperius curse on a fellow student because the ministry knows nothing about it and your father could easily make me accept you back. No, I'm expelling you because you have been stealing belongings of the school to use for your personal affairs."
Pansy's jaw flung open.

"What no!" She yelled. It seemed that the Veritaserum started to lose it's magic.
"No I didn't do it I-"
"Shut up Parkinson." Said Blaise angry. "You made me- ... You know what?! You're the whore around here!"
"Mister Zabini!" Said Snape angry. "Watch your tongue!"
Blaise glared at Pansy, just as Malfoy and I were doing.
"You all can leave, except for miss Parkinson." Said Dumbledore.
I thanked him and Snape and we silently returned to our common room..
I was surprised about how low people could go to achieve their goals.
But I will always carry the horror which makes me suffer because of this.
It cut a scar forever in my heart...
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas everybody!

