Status: Finished


Love and Proposing

"Ella can I talk to you for a minute? ... Alone?"
I turned around and saw Blaise standing behind me. That made me feel a little scared.
I was sitting in the common room together with Malfoy, it was already late and the fire made me a little drowsy.
I glanced at Malfoy and he grimaced.
He saw the fear in my eyes..
"I will not let her go with you alone Zabini, I know it's not your fault but I just won't permit that." Said Malfoy as he lowered his eyebrows and put on his serious face.
I was really thankful for that, he was really protecting me!
Blaise sighed.
"Alright," he said. "I just wanted to tell you that I don't remember anything that happened and that I didn't want to hurt you."
"I'm sorry Blaise." I said. "I don't believe you, you've already attacked me before at the lake."
Blaise face paled. He knew I was right and he also knew that he couldn't talk himself out of this.
"About that.." started Blaise as I saw little drops of sweat forming on his forehead. "I-I had a little too much. I just returned from a party at Slughorn's office.. And, well.. alcohol you know?"
I frowned and Malfoy raised his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry Zabini, that's just not good enough."
"But it's true!" yelled Zabini.
"I don't care!" yelled Malfoy back at him.
"Fine, whatever." Said Blaise. "I'm hitting the sack."
Then he walked away to the boy's dormitory.

"Thank you." I managed to say after a while.
Malfoy smiled at me.
"You know I feel really horrible." Said Malfoy.
"Why?" I asked him.
"I wasn't there to save you on time."
My heart felt like stone right away.
"It's okay." I said. "I'm already glad that you were there at all.."
Malfoy smiled again.
"Come here." He said patting with his hands on his lap.
I blushed but walked over to him as I sat down in his lap.
He immediately wrapped his arms around me, but it was okay. It felt really nice.. He kissed my hair and I closed my eyes.
We sat like that for another hour, just talking about the most random things.

"You know I'm really tired." I said after a while when we were done talking.
We were staring at at the slowly dying fire and it was getting colder in the common room.
"Yeah me too." said Malfoy. "Come on let's go to bed."
I smiled and got up. Malfoy also got up and wrapped me in his arms as he gently kissed me.
"Goodnight honey." I said as I walked away from him to the staircase of the girl's dorm.
"Where are you going?" asked Malfoy.
I turned around and stared at him confused.
"I'm off to bed. Why?"
"Why don't you.. well.. come with me?" asked Malfoy.
I quirked up an eyebrow.
"Malfoy you know just as good as I do that I can't go up those stairs. They'll change into a slide right away."
Malfoy smirked.
"Come on, he said. I promise they won't."
I wasn't so sure about it but I walked towards him anyway.
He picked me up in bridal style and walked up the stairs without a problem.
"But.. how?" I managed to say as he put me down in his personal room.
"As long as your feet aren't touching the staircase nothing will happen."
I smiled and immediately felt horrible.
"How did you find out.." I asked him.
Malfoy paled.
"That doesn't matter." he quickly replied
I immediately knew where he was talking about, he probably dragged pansy to his room this way more than once..

"Well take off your clothes I promise I won't bite." said Malfoy. "I will even look away if you want."
"Okay." I said as I walked in to his bathroom and undressed myself. I took of my shoes and stockings, threw off my blouse and finally dropped my skirt, now I was standing in my underwear. I creaked open the bathroom door and I quickly glanced at Malfoy.
He was standing next to his bed staring innocently at the smouldering fireplace.
He didn't peek at me after all.
I stepped in to his bed and covered myself with the sheets. Malfoy turned around and stepped in to the other side of the bed. He blew out the candle on his night stand and now there was only the dim light from the fireplace left.
"Ehm, goodnight." I said as I uncomfortably laid back in the cushions.
"Good night." said Malfoy as I felt his arm snaking around my waist pulling me against his chest.
I closed my eyes and smiled. At least this felt nice.

"Ella, Ella wake up my dear." whispered Malfoy in my ear.
"Hm.. Draco.. no fuck off." I groaned and I heard him chuckle.
"We need to go to class.."
I felt his voice vibrating against the skin in my neck and it send shivers throughout my entire body.
I pretended not to hear him which he thought was amusing.
He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his chest.
I thought it was nice, I could hear the soft rhythm of his heartbeats and I almost dozed off again.
"We really need to get out of bed, or else we'll be late for potions." he said as he kissed me on the top of my head.
"Screw potions." I mumbled.
Malfoy laughed but then poked me in the sides which made me burst out in to laughter.
"Alright! You win. Jeez." I said pretending to be offended. I got out of bed and rushed towards my clothes. I was really a bit ashamed of myself to be wandering around in my underwear. The fact that I slept in Malfoy's arms wasn't half as bad as him seeing me walking in my underwear.
Typical really..

When Malfoy carried me downstairs we ran to the dungeons. We quickly took our seats and luckily for us Snape didn't see us coming in.
Snape was rattling on about a weird potion but I had already lost my interest. I was sitting next to Malfoy and he occasionally brushed his hand against mine. It was an innocent gesture but it made me blush nevertheless.
I am in love with him..
Damn it sounds so wrong and then again it's perfect at the same time.
Even though it made me realize it through a lot of bad events.
He was there for me, again and again.

After class got dismissed Malfoy dragged me away to a hallway.
I followed obedient because I knew what would happen.
He pinned me to the wall like he usually did in hallways, and stared in to my eyes.
"I'm sorry." he said in a seductive kind of voice.
"For what?" I said confused. I couldn't think of anything that he was doing wrong at the moment.
"For this sweetheart." he said with a soft smile as he crashed his lips on to mine.
He was moving his lips in a slow rhythm against mine and it made my heart beat faster.
I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to me. He was kissing me hungrily, as if I was made of candy and ice cream.
I felt his hands sliding around my waist and up my back which excited me.. a lot.
He pushed his hips against mine and I felt his excitement as he continued to lavish me with love and kisses.
I didn't want to let this stop, but I didn't want to let it continue either.
Sex was just too soon after.. well you know.

"Draco.." I breathed heavily as I pushed him away from my lips lightly.
He stared at me with knitted eyebrows.
"What?" he breathed back.
"Maybe.. we shouldn't do this.." I said.
Malfoy stared at me and I saw his body tense up. He turned his head away from me, downwards, avoiding to face me.
"Fuck." he said. "I'm sorry. I didn't.. shit."
I smiled softly as he met up with my gaze.
"It's okay." I said. "You wanna go for a walk?"
Malfoy relaxed his muscles and then a grin of mischief appeared on his face. "Yeah sure." he said. "But I need to do something first. Wait at the main door okay? I'll be there in a sec."
I shrugged, he kissed my temple quickly and ran off.
I didn't know whatever it was but I strolled slowly towards the main door with no particular thoughts on my mind.
I stared outside through the door because it was open.
We had a free afternoon and the sun was shining brightly.
It was getting summer, which also meant that it was almost summer break..
Malfoy met up with me quicker than I expected him to. And I eyed him suspiciously.
"Eh, bathroom." he said cheerful.
I laughed and we made our way across the grass.
We sat down the oak tree where normally all the Gryffindors would sit, but not this time.
We were silent for a few minutes enjoying the weather and the nice sounds of birds.

"You know I love you." Said Draco suddenly.
"Yeah I'm familiar with that." I said. "I love you too.."
"But?" He said as if there was a 'but' coming up.
"Well it's just so weird. I used to hate you and then I've suddenly developed a crush on you, but I tried to hide it.. So I made up lies to myself that you're just cocky and slimy and stupid and-"
"Okay I get the point!" He interrupted me with a sarcastic look on his face. "It's okay.. It's all gonna be okay."
I smiled. I know he meant that. I'm in love with him. He's going to be my husband.. And I don't mind anymore. He's Draco Malfoy. A slimy cockroach. My boyfriend!
Does that make me a slimy cockroach too?!

"El'?" Asked Draco suddenly after a long pause.
"Yes?" I said.
"Can you stand up for me please?" He said with pleading eyes.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Just do it. Please?"
"Sure." I said. I got to my feet but Draco didn't. He was still sitting in the grass, however he was on one knee right now..
Oh god is he going to.. ?! Oh god!
"Elenore Forester.." He started.
Oh shit he's really gonna do it isn't he?!
"Will you do me the honour to become my wife? Will you marry me?" He asked very sincere.
I blushed. God he really asked me that!
But what am I saying, he's asking me to marry him in an arranged marriage.. Yep.. That makes sense..

"Of course!" I yelped. "Of course I want to be your wife and of course I want to marry you in this stupid arranged marriage!"
Draco burst into laughter.
And so did I.
All this time he was holding one of his hands behind his back. He saw me looking at him surprised.
"Oh yeah I almost forgot." He said with a small laugh. "Stupid me."
He held his hand in front of me, it was balled in to a fist.
Then he opened it and in his hand was a small pretty purple flower.
I stared at him, what the hell was this?
He asks me to marry him and comes up with a little flower?
"Don't worry." Chuckled Malfoy. "Observe."
He got his wand out of his jeans and pointed it at the flower. "Annulus argenteus"
The stalk suddenly curled up to the flower forming a ring and it turned in to silver. A silver ring! Even better, it was a silver ring with a flower!
I gasped as he slid the ring around my finger.
"Oh.. Draco." I exclaimed. "This is beautiful.."
"Pretty people deserve pretty things." He said.
He got back on his feet and kissed me..

"HEY!" Yelled someone suddenly.
I turned around and saw Weaselboy with his friends Potty and Granger.
"Hey." I said. "What?"
"I thought you were going with me!" Yelled Weasly poking himself in the chest with his thumb.
"What?! are you out of your chicken mind?! Of course not you're with that brown-haired-whatever there." I said pointing at Granger.
Apparently she didn't like that and answered me with a glare.
"Oh.. I am?" He asked scratching behind his ear.
"Yeah you nitwit, I'm going to marry Draco anyway." I blurted. "Woops." I said as I quickly glanced at Malfoy who raised an eyebrow.
"It's okay love." Said Draco. "I don't want to keep this secret anyway.."
I smiled.
"You're going to marry that piece of crap?!" Yelled Potty.
"He's not a piece of crap! He's my boyfriend and I love him!" I yelled back.
"Ah well, birds of the same feather flock together.." Said Potty.
"What the hell does that suppose to mean?!" Yelled Draco suddenly.
"That you're made for each other, stupid." Yelled Granger back at us while they walked away.
"Oh yeah we are." Said Draco wiggling his eyebrows at me. I blushed again..
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new chapter! Next chapter will be funny.. promise :P