Status: Finished


Insults and Guts

Well things happened so fast..
The holiday got there much too soon, and that made me even more nervous than I already was, because it meant that we would get married soon..
I was at the Malfoy residence, and I must say it was a very pretty mansion.
We would get married in the beautiful garden. Still I didn't feel comfortable around the Malfoys.

"Elenore sweetheart!" Yelled Mrs. Malfoy.
"Yes Mrs. Malfoy?" I asked. I was enjoying the sun shining on my skin while I was talking a stroll through the garden. The roses were really beautiful.
"Oh stop calling me that." Said Mrs. Malfoy. "Call me Narcissa. I'm going to be your mother in law I don't want all the formalities."
"Well.. okay." I said a little held back. I wasn't entirely sure if I would keep that promise. They've always been Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and they were pretty scary so I've always called them that to keep out of the firing line.
"It's only a week left before the wedding sweety, are you nervous?"
Don't rub it in woman.. I'm nervous as fuck..
"Yes." I said. I would be a lunatic if I would be saying what I'm thinking..
"Well I would be too, I was arranged to Lucius too.. did you know?"
"No actually I didn't." I said. Narcissa was walking with me around the garden now. She was gathering flowers in a basket, they were probably for a bouquet.
"Yes we did. And because it worked out so marvelous between me and Lucius, we wanted that same happiness for Draco. I'm glad you two got along really quick. When you were a child you always seemed to get in trouble.. Really annoying."
She said and then added a fake smile to the words.
I nodded silently. I got the hint, she was warning me. Apparently she didn't like to get much in trouble, even though it was insulting towards me.
"Well are you coming inside? You're fiancé is waiting for you." She said.
I plastered a fake smile on my face as well.
"Of course." I said sugary sweet as I followed her inside.

The living room was huge.. All the way back in the room was Draco sitting in an arm chair discussing things silently with his father.. Draco's elbows rested on his thighs and he looked interested in what his father was saying. They both looked up for a brief moment to see whom was joining the room.
Draco smiled at me and I walked over to him.
"I think you should marry in a green with silver coloured suit. It suits Slytherin." Said his father cold.
"Is it back to this topic again?" scoffed Draco as he abruptly sat back in the chair. "I thought we had an agreement!"
"Oh did you now?" Said Narcissa suddenly.
Lucius and Draco got dragged out of their conversation and stared perplexed at Narcissa.
"If your father says a green suit, it's going to be a green suit. I've already picked a dress for Elenore, I only need to order it." She said.
I coughed silently and she knitted her eyebrows together.
"Are you getting sick?" she asked worried.
"No I'm not.. I mean..I-I'm kind of arranging my dress with my mother already.." I said with a little blush. Was it wise to turn her down?
"Oh. Well I'm going to get your mother back on that. It would be lovely if you two would be a matching couple." She said with a smile that was sickening me. Then she left the room mumbling something about a vase.
Oh brother..

"Uhm.. Draco?" I asked.
"Yes?" Said Draco as he snapped his head towards me. He was happy he got some distraction from his father whom was glaring at his son.
"Can we talk together? Alone.. eh.. privately.. in your room?" I said emphasizing the word privately extra.
"Oh sure." Said Draco whom I thought he caught the hint.
He stood up from his chair and he led me upstairs to his bedroom. There he sat down on his deep red silk sheets that laid perfectly shaped on his bed.
Very weird, this morning we made a mess of it..
Oh yeah that's true, I'm officially sleeping with Draco.. SLEEPING No sex.. Yet..
"Who did this?" I said pointing at the sheets curiously.
"The house elves." Said Draco not very interested. "Anyway what was it where you wanted to talk about?"
He has house elves?!
"Oh I'm sorry Draco.." I started. "But I feel so.. forced."
"Well that's obvious, we are forced to marriage." He said sarcastic.
"Yeah, yeah that I know.." I said as I sat down next to him on the bed.
Draco immediately grabbed my hand and pressed his lips on the back of my hand.
I blushed and he grinned sheepishly.

"It's just that.." I started again and Draco raised his eyebrows. "Your parents are so stuck up! We can't make our own decisions and shit like that.. I just.. I want to be able to choose for myself."
"I know how you feel, I can't seem to take their minds away from our business.." He said rolling his eyes.
"I hate it. If I'll marry you I want to get married in a dress I like for myself, not something picked by others. What if she gets something in pink? That would be disastrous!"
Draco smirked.
"I know what you mean.." He said with a grin. I grinned back at him and his eyes twinkled.
He hugged me suddenly out of nothing. It felt so nice.
I absentmindedly started to think about how things would get once I would be married to him..
No flirting with other pretty boys, I would be playing housewife all day long.. No flirting with other pretty boys..
Gee, do I still want to get married??

My body tensed up automatically.
"Where were you thinking of?" Asked Draco suddenly. An amused expression on his face.
"How smashing things will get once we're married." I said.
He grinned.
"Yeah I already thought so.." He said as he pressed his forehead against mine.
"Draco shall we run away and marry in some muggle church?" I said suddenly. Draco's smile suddenly faded.
"What?" he said raising his eyebrows. "Are you serious?"
"Well we wouldn't have to listen to your parents then and we could basically do and wear whatever we want."
Draco sighed.
"But then we're not lawfully married as wizards.. Then we're.. muggles.." He said disgusted.
"I know." I said. "But I can't stand it that we have nothing to say in this!"
"I know.. Maybe I should talk with them. Not that I expect anything out of it..
Eh.. Are you coming with me?" He said doubtful about what he just said.
"Of course." I said. If he would be there for me, I would be there for him as well.

We walked downstairs and found his parents and my parents in the living room..
What the hell are they doing here?!
"Ahum." Coughed Draco.
Our parents twisted their head towards us.
"Yes?" Said Lucius cold. Apparently we were interrupting something.
"We don't like it that you're arranging everything." Said Draco promptly.
"What?!" Said Narcissa. "That's-"
"Oh Cissy, let them talk." Interrupted my mother whom smiled at me and eyed Draco curiously.
Narcissa huffed and glared at my mother for a second. Not that my mother took any notice of that.
"We hate it that you're doing everything for us, it's great, but a little too much. We don't want to get married in clothes that we didn't pick out ourselves, and the entire thing about the flower girls is also rubbish." I said carefully. It seemed the flower girls were fighting among each other because some dresses were different from the others, and they all wanted the same dress. Jealousy mainly.

"Out of the question!" yelled Narcissa and I felt my body tense up.
"Fine." Said my father raising his eyebrows as he stared at Narcissa. "What do you want then?!"
"We want to make it our wedding, not yours." Said Draco brutal.
"I can't let you do that." Said Narcissa suddenly.
"And why exactly is that?" I said getting angry.
"Because it's the family tradition that the parents are taking care of the wedding."
"Well fuck the family tradition!" Yelled Draco suddenly and I eyed him surprised.
"I don't care! You don't know that Ella and me hated each other for years!"
The four people in the room stared at us with widened eyes. And I felt my face heat up.
"We acted all those months! We used to be sworn enemies! We wanted to kill each other if we only could do so! So fuck the family tradition! We're now finally good between each other. And I hope it stays that way, otherwise this whole stupid fucking marriage would be a stupid fucking waste of time!" Screamed Draco.
"Mind your tongue Draco!" Yelled Lucuis furious.
"No I don't care! And if you continue to go on with this stupid wedding you want, we're getting married as muggles as soon as possible and then we won't be coming back ever!"
"What?!" They all yelled suddenly and I cringed. What the fuck is he saying! He isn't supposed to say that! Damn you Draco!
"Are you out of your mind?!" Yelled Narcissa.
"Is she behind this?!" Screamed Lucius pointing an accusing finger at me.
"Never!" Yelled my mother as she glared at Lucius.
"What's the meaning of this?!" Said my father angry as he choose sides with my mother. Narcissa also stood up and grabbed Lucius arm.
"I told you that Draco wasn't a good match for your spawn." She said ice cold, and my mother was about to slap her in the face.

"Stop!" I screamed and they all turned around to face me.
"Give me one reason why we shouldn't get married in the muggle world?!" I yelled towards our parents. "You're all acting ridicules!"
"If you get married in a muggle church, you can't perform any magic ever again!" Yelled Lucius.
"Oh shut up!" I yelled and Lucius clenched his jaw. "Everyone knows that's a weak excuse to make wizards marry in the wizarding world."
"We're going to set out our own wedding right now. TOGETHER." Said Draco. "And if you don't like it, you can fucking screw yourselves!"
Lucius quickly grabbed his wand and pointed it at Draco.
"Cruc-" Started Lucius.
"No!" Yelled Narcissa and she grabbed Lucius' wand, it was firing red sparks on the carpet now.

We quickly escaped the living room. We ran upstairs and dropped ourselves on the bed. We were out of breath.
We weren't saying a word to each other, we were just amazed by what we've said.. The guts we had..
I couldn't do that ever again..
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay another update!
I was laughing out loud when I was typing this:

"No!" Yelled Narcissa and she grabbed Lucius' wand,

I've got a really dirty mind you see hahaha. XD
I hope you all enjoyed it!