Status: Finished


Adrenaline and Sex

"Jesus Christ." I breathed with my back against the bedroom door.
Draco was standing beside me catching his breath as well.
He stared at me and I faced him, then he started to laugh.
"We're so fucked now." He smirked.
Just then we heard rapid footsteps on the staircase.
"Fuck!" we both said to each other.
Draco ran towards the bed dragging me with him. Then he started to get his shirt off.
I raised my eyebrows.
"Quickly get your shirt off!" hissed Draco. "I've got a plan!"
I widened my eyes but did as I was told, Satan's bride and groom were almost upstairs.

As soon as I had my shirt off Draco pulled me on the bed and started to make out with me. I didn't protest to this, damn he was such a good kisser!
He started to kiss down my face and he planted wet kisses on my collar bone that made me shiver. I closed my eyes and banned the thought out of my head that Lucius and Narcissa were almost in the bedroom.
Just as Draco was getting exited and I didn’t want him to stop, the door burst open..
I shot my eyes wide open and blushed feverishly.
This was really embarrassing..

"Oh my." Said Narcissa as she also started to blush. She covered her eyes with her hand and pushed Lucius out of the way. "I told you this is what they meant with 'setting out their wedding' Lucius."
Lucius was speechless and quickly made his way out of the room.
I let my body fall on top of Draco's and I was silent for a few minutes.
"I already thought this would work." Grinned Draco beneath me as I felt his voice vibrating against my skin.
I blushed even more.
"Now they've seen me without a shirt on!" I said. "Thank God my parents weren't with them.."
"Darling?" said Draco careful.
"Yeah?" I asked him as I looked him in the eyes.
"In fact they were."
I groaned and started to get off him, but he pulled me back.

"Don't." he said as he was staring in to my eyes. His eyes were smouldering and I subconsciously knew what that meant..
"What?" I asked anyway as my blush crept back on my cheeks.
"Stay with me. Just.. just for a couple of minutes longer." His voice was husky and I felt chills running up and down my body.
My head wanted to protest but my body wanted something else.
I was back on top of him within seconds and I didn't knew how I got there, I also didn't knew that within a second I started kissing him madly.
My vision was getting blurry and my body screamed for physical touch I moved my body against his' and I quickly noticed his excitement.
"Oh Ella." He breathed which only excited me more. "Hold me."
I did as I was told and suddenly he was on top of me.
He kissed my lips feverishly, I never felt a passion this pure before.

Suddenly my strapless bra was on the floor and his warm hand started to knead on my breast. I shut my eyes and decided to enjoy the sexual tension deep down in the pit of my stomach.
His lips trailed off towards my other breast and I gasped as I felt his tongue run over my hard button multiple times.
He kissed it, cherished it with love.
"Uhn Draco." I moaned as he was now kissing down my belly until he reached my jeans.
He tugged at the fabric and unbuttoned it quickly. Then he came up to my face and continued to kiss my lips.
My hands were on his back, pulling him closer and scratching his skin out of pure lust. He groaned and I felt his swollen member pushing against my panties. I wiggled my hips to get out of my jeans, as soon as I got them off I swung my legs around his waist, pushing my body even tighter against his.
"Ella.." he breathed. "I love you so much.."
I answered him with my passion as I started to tug at his jeans now as well.
I pulled them off and it seemed I freed him out of a prison as he was now taking back control of the situation.
He kissed down my belly again and down the inside of my thighs which made me moan heavily. I spread my legs to make him access the insides of my legs better. I heard him growl deeply as he hesitated and kissed upwards towards my lips again. He pushed his lower body hard against mine and I gasped.
"Ella.. I want you.." He growled.
I stared at him and all I wanted him to do was get inside in me.
"I want you too.." I breathed.
"Are you sure.." he said as he pushed his lower body against mine again.
"Definitely." I moaned.
Then he ripped off my panties quickly and pushed down his boxers.
I was amazed to see this part of him for the first time.
I was staring doubtful at it for a second, he noticed my staring and he blushed.
"I'm sorry.." He said with a blush. "Maybe I should've.. prepared you for this."
I smiled.
"Don't make me wait." I breathed and his eyes widened a little.
A few moments later he was inside me, filling my entire body.
I never knew sex could feel this wonderful.


"Maybe we should discuss our wedding now." Said Draco besides me.
I grinned and he laughed together with me.
We just had the most amazing love making ever, we were tired and we slipped underneath the covers afterwards.
I fell asleep for a short time as Draco was caressing my hair. I woke up when I heard shouting voices downstairs.
"You know I've got a few catalogues underneath the bed." He said and I eyed him with surprised feelings.
"I didn't know you had them." I said as I sat up against the head support of the bed.
"Yeah I've been keeping them here for a couple of weeks now.
My father gave them to me to pick out a suit... Even though he already decided weeks ago and there was no chance in changing his mind."
"They're such compassionate people." I growled and Draco laughed.
He got out of the bed and dropped himself on his knees, a second later he was holding three catalogues in both of his hands.
He handed me one and I started to flip through the pages.
"What colour suit do you've got in mind?" I asked him as I was studying a few dresses.
"Black." He said. "You?"
"I'm thinking about a blood red dress, or maybe silver.." I said dreamily as I was flipping pages.
Draco smiled, he was happy.
Happy about sorting everything out on his own, happy that he had made love for the first time with the woman that took his heart and happy that he actually had a future to look out to.

"Oh I like this one!" I exclaimed as I pressed my index finger on a picture in the second catalogue. It was a wide silver coloured dress with dark red roses sewed on the skirt, and smaller ones on the corset bodice.
It went together with a dark red cloak that matched the flowers.
"What do you think about it?" I asked him.
"Isn't it a jinx for the groom to see the dress before the wedding?" he said carefully.
"Since when are you this superstitious?" I smirked. "Come on check it out."
Draco smirked and stared at the picture. He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. Then he warily started to stroke his fingers down an imaginary beard.
"Oh come on!" I said as I started to laugh.
"I love it." He said with a wink and I smiled brightly. "I found a suit too." He said as he pointed at a black suit with a black dress shirt and a silver tie.
"Perfect." I said and he smiled. He ripped a page out of both catalogues.
"You know," he started. "I never thought I would be discussing my wedding naked." I started to laugh and he laughed together with me.

When we were done discussing things we took on our clothes and quietly walked downstairs towards the shouting voices. We were really calm which scared me a bit.
When we walked in to the living room I noticed my parents were still there. My father seemed angry with Narcissa, my mother was trying to settle the fight between them and Lucius had his left hand pressed to his forehead as if he was having an imaginary headache. He clearly didn't want to be part of the conversation.
"I already warned you!" shouted my father. "Don't get your nose in to someone else's business!"
"Honey, please calm down." Soothed my mother. And my father pressed his handkerchief against his head multiple times.
"It's also my business!" shrieked Narcissa. "She's going to be my daughter too!"
"Narcissa please." Said Lucius tired. "Can't you just leave it for once?"
"How dare you!" said Narcissa as she was now turning the tables against her own husband.
"Excuse me." Said Draco suddenly and it startled me.
Everybody in the room looked at us again and I felt highly uncomfortable.
The last time we had an encounter with them like this was in the bedroom a few hours ago...
"We made our decision." Said Draco. And Lucius eyebrows disappeared in his hairline. "We picked out the desired wedding clothes, and we will also handle the quarrel between the bridesmaids dresses."
"And what of the rest?" said Narcissa cold.
"You may handle that, because you want to so much." Said Draco sarcastic. "Just don't make it a nightmare and keep to the colours: white, black, blood red and silver." With that said he guided me out of the room towards the backroom where I knew was a fireplace.

Draco took the pages out of his pocket and unfolded them.
"Oh this makes things a lot easier." He said surprised.
"What does?" I said as I was trying to look at the pages in his hands.
"Our wedding clothes are designs from the same company." He said.
"And?" I asked him not-understanding.
"It's called 'Yes I do enterprises' easy to remember." He smirked as he walked towards the fireplace. "We're going to pay them a visit. It's in London."
"Alright." I said nervously as I had never used the floo network before.
Draco threw a hand full of powder in the fireplace. Green flames were licking around his feet as he stepped inside.
"Yes-I-do-enterprises-London!" he yelled. The flames rose to his chin and he disappeared. I widened my eyes.
I had to follow him but I was a little scared to do so..
I threw in a hand of floo powder and stepped in to the fire place as well.
Yelling the name of the destination I closed my eyes.
When I opened them I noticed Draco casually leaning down a pillar a few feet away. When he saw me coming out of the fireplace he gently placed his hand on my waist and walked me to the front desk.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Chapter!! I know.. I know.. finally some Malfoy-sex lol :P