Status: Finished


Decisions and Destinations

"Are you insane?!" yelled Draco in shock. "You can't leave me alone!"
"But I have to. I'm not.. right for you.." I said between sobs. "Your parents don't want me here, they despise me. I'm not pure enough for you.."
"Ella will you please shut the hell up!" said Draco as he grabbed my shoulders and shook them. "I don't want to be with anyone else but you!"
"Really?" I said as more tears fell down my cheeks.
"Yes!" said Draco. "I love you, you silly girl!"
I smiled softly and he quickly pushed me against his chest stroking my hair.
"I don't care what they say." He said soothingly.
"But.. Draco wait." I said confused. "Your parents.. The Dark Lord will kill them if you stay with me!"
"Do you think I care a single thing about my parents right now?" He said surprised. "They wanted to kill us too if we didn't stay together! Don't you remember that?!"
"Yeah but-"
"Please Ella." He said as he fell to his knees. "Don't leave my side.. I beg of you.."
I sighed and wiped away some of my tears.
"Don't you think it's better if you marry Pansy? I mean well she's obviously better than I am.." I said as I felt my voice break again.
"Better than you are?!" said Draco in shock. "Where the hell do you get that nonsense?! She has been sleeping with mostly every guy in the Slytherin house, and then you say she's better than you are?!"
I swallowed hard.
"I don't think your parents will believe that." I chirped.
Draco placed a hand on his forehead.
"Ella.." he started. "How many times do I have to explain to you that I don't care about my parents.."
"But.. are you sure about that?" I asked him as I stared him in the eyes.
"Ella I haven't been more sure in my life." He said. "Now will you come with me.. Please."

I sighed, I know he doesn't want to leave me. I believe he loves me and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. His parents will be probably murdered, Pansy will definitely make a scene and my mother convinced me to follow my heart.
This was all very confusing..
"Please." He repeated. "Come with me.. I love you, I don't want to be with anyone else but you. My entire heart and sanity lies in between your hands."
My heart suddenly started to beat faster. I never heard him talking to anyone this poetic..
Suddenly I knew where my heart belonged. It has always been his, and if I had to follow it I had to go wherever he would take me.

"I'll go with you." I said finally and he beamed at me.
"Oh Ella you don't know how much this means to me!" he exclaimed as he pressed his lips against mine in an overwhelming kiss.
I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around him.
"Stupefy!" someone suddenly yelled. I felt all my muscles tighten up as I fell on to the floor like a rock.
"What the fuck!" yelled Draco as he stared at my motionless body. He turned around and met up with his mother.
"Mother!" he screamed. "Just what do you think you're doing!"
"Something I should've done much earlier Draco!" she yelled. "I'm just going to force you into marrying Pansy."
"Oh please.." Growled Draco as he took out his wand. "Stupefy!"
His mother fell backwards against the wall. I on the other hand started to wear off the effects of the spell and I crawled on to my knees. A pain spread throughout my entire body and I dizzily stood up.

"D-Draco." I said as my vision was spinning. "What's happening."
"Come on pack your things." He said kindly. "We need to go now."
I stood and threw my things in the already open suitcase on the bed.
All my clothes, my jewelry, shoes and all the other things I carried down here.. Including the wedding dress and suit.. I took everything.
As soon as I finished packing Draco placed his wand on the suitcase and said a spell I didn't recognize. The suitcase suddenly transformed four times smaller than its original size. Now it looked like a small cute handbag.
"Take it." He said. "I'll get our cloaks."
He ran down the stairs and I heard two more 'stupefy's' which were probably meant for his father and Pansy.
I took the bag and swung it around my arm; it was surprisingly light for the amount of stuff that was in there.
I glanced around the room for the last time to see if I had forgotten anything, when I noticed Narcissa moving in the corner of the room. I breathed in and out and took out my wand.
"Stupefy!" I yelled to her and I heard her head knock down the floor once more. I felt a little guilty for doing this as I put my wand back, but I had to.
It was either her or me.

Draco was waiting outside for me, and I hurried myself to his side.
"Let's go dear." He said as he reached out his wand arm to the road in front of the mansion. The Knight Bus was with us in a second.
"'Ello welcom' to the Knight Bus my name's Stan Shunpike how may us serve you?" said a guy with a large amount of pimples on his face. "Or do you want them people over there to come with too?"
I turned around and noticed Lucius and Pansy running towards us with furious faces.
"Two tickets!" I said quickly and pulled Draco inside the bus with me.
"Where d'you wanna go?" said the guy eying me, the bus already drove away from the mansion and I was thankful for that.
"Eh.. honey? Where are we going exactly?" I asked him.
"Your place?" he asked me.
"Fine." I said. "That's 254 Brooklynstreet in Londen."
"254 Brooklynstreet it is." Said the guy as he gave us two tickets. "That'll be four sickles each. And I'm Stan." He added again. "And that's Ernie."
"I'm Elenore and that's Draco." I answered him politely.
Draco paid the man and we took a seat on one of the comfortable beds whom were lining against the windowed sides of the bus.
"This is really something isn't it?" I said. Nobody was riding the Knight Bus except for us at the moment and I felt a little privileged.
"Havn't you traveled with our beauty b'fore?" asked Stan.
"No I haven't." I said. Stan obviously wasn't the smartest guy in the world according to his heavy accent.
"Ernie, 254 Brooklynstreet London!" yelled Stan towards the driver.
"Aye aye captain!" yelled the driver back and I felt the bus making sharp corners. I was holding tight on to Draco's shirt to prevent me from falling.
Within minutes we arrived at my house, we thanked Stan and walked up to my doorstep.

"Are you ready?" he asked me.
"Are you?" I said.
He smirked and rang the doorbell.
"I am when you are." He said as he stroke my waist.
My mother opened the door, but she didn't seem surprised to see us.
"Come in dears." She said kindly. "And Ella, I've got a surprise for you."
I widened my eyes.
"A surprise?" I asked her, anything was more than welcome right now. As long as my worried thoughts would be banished out of my head for a while.
Then I heard someone cough behind my mother, I glanced around her and met up with my best friend in the whole wide world.
"Marie!" I yelled exited. "You're here!" she ran towards me and embraced me in a bone crushing hug.
"Why are you here?" I asked her confused but still happy that she was there.
"I was calling the Malfoy's but no one picked up. So then I called your place and your mother explained everything that happened so far, and that she would be expecting you to come home sooner or later."
I raised my eyebrows.
"Mother, how could you possibly know that I was coming home tonight?"
She winked at me.
"That's a mother's instinct honey." She said. "You'll figure it out when you get children of your own someday."
I glanced at Draco and we both blushed. Children with Draco..
That would at least take another ten to fifteen years.

Later that evening I explained everything that happened and Marie was shocked to hear that Narcissa wanted to force Draco in to marrying Pansy.
"But Mrs. Forester didn't you know anything about this whole situation?" asked Draco. He had been wanting to ask her this the very moment they had entered the house.
"Draco, please call me Emily. And no I didn't know they had planned this. This was apparently going on behind our backs. If I had known this before, I wouldn't have agreed with their terms."
"But I'm happy you did Mrs.-eh.. Emily." Said Draco and I smiled at him as he squeezed in my hand.
"So now you're hiding here." Said Marie who apparently liked the adventure in this whole situation.
"Yes." I said as realization suddenly struck me. We were hiding from his parents. Damn..
"We need to get married as soon as possible." Said Draco suddenly. "But there's a little problem.. I don't have a best man."
"Is a best woman acceptable too?" asked Marie with a smirk. And I eyed her in surprise. "Oh don't get so worked up about it! I can sign for the both of you can't I?!"
I smirked, this was typical Marie always having a solution in the weirdest of situations.
"I would be honoured." I told her and she smiled brightly.
"So when do you two plan on getting married?" asked my father whom was on the phone earlier with a few colleagues. He entered the room with a smile on his face, he was really happy to see us.
"Tomorrow." Said Draco promptly. "The sooner I'll get married to the love of my life, the sooner those damn nags stop bugging me!"
I started to laugh and Draco eyed me surprised for a second, then he realized what he had said and laughed along with me.

We were definitely destined to be together.. How could I've ever thought differently..
♠ ♠ ♠
tadaduumm I know I promised you this chapter yesterday, but I had a small case of writer's block.. ¬¬