Status: Finished


Surprises and Confrontations

"Malfoy.." I whispered stunned while he held me tight against his chest. He stared at me for a second, but he didn't look at me. Since he is much taller than I am, he can easily look over my head. And now it seemed he was looking straight ahead at Blaise who didn't move anymore. I heard his hart pounding very fast..
Suddenly he let me go as if his conscious told him that he was holding his mortal enemy. Still he didn't said a single word.

"I-Is he dead?" I asked after a while. I didn't know if I had to be angry at him or if I should be thankful..
He stared at me with a weird expression on his face I couldn't place..
"He's not dead just paralysed." He said with a voice that didn't sounded like his.
"Why did you save me?"
"Because.." He started. But it seemed he didn't wanted to talk about it. He turned around and walked back to the castle..
"Because of what?!" I yelled when I cached up with him.
"Because I can't let him rape you." He said after a pause. "And you better be thankful." He added a lot more cockier.
"I didn't said I wasn't thankful!" I said.
"You didn't said you were either." He said staring at me.
"I don't know!" I yelled. "I think I am."
"Thanks." He said angry while he stormed away from me.

I didn't move I just stood there, halfway on the steps to the front door.. That was about the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.. Malfoy would never save me from danger.. Not even when somebody hexed me..
But.. Does this mean Malfoy really likes me??
After a few seconds I decided to go back inside too.. It was five minutes before seven and at seven I had detentions.. Together with my saver.. How ironic..
When it was seven I hurried to the trophy room were Snape was waiting for me at the door. He wasn't looking very pleased..

"Finally." He said as if he got tired. "Mr. Malfoy is already here.."
I entered the room and I saw Malfoy standing at the window. He was staring outside.. Maybe at Blaise?
"Now you two need to polish every single trophy in the trophy room. I will get you two back at nine, and the rest of the trophies you didn't polish, you can do tomorrow." Said Snape.
Great.. Let's dust other people's trophies..
Professor Snape threw me two rags and gave me some cleaning tutorials. I threw a rag at Malfoy without saying anything. The rag landed on his head.. But anyway, he got it..
Snape left and I started to dust some trophies. Just as Malfoy.
We didn't said a word until Malfoy placed his hand on my shoulder.
I made a jump and turned around.

"What are you doing?!" I said. My back almost crashed against the showcases with the trophies inside of it.
But Malfoy didn't answer, it seemed he studied me..
"Stop that!" I said annoyed as I was wrestling to get out of his grasp, I tried to turn around to continue with the trophies behind me. Malfoy was too close and I didn't want to touch him!
But Malfoy -who was still holding my shoulder with his left hand- turned me around easily and stared at me again.
"I'm just.. studying you." He said as if it was the most normal thing to do as he let go of me.
"Malfoy what is wrong with you?!" I yelled annoyed.
"I wonder what's wrong with you?!" He said now a lot more unfriendlier like he did before.
"There is nothing wrong with me but you act so damn weird!"
"I'm NOT acting weird." He said. "I just had a fight with Pansy and I need some.. comfort.."
"I am not for comfort.. Now beat it to your own side of the room!" I hissed as I pushed him away from me.
"Just because Blaise almost raped you isn't a reason for being so damn stupid towards me! You should be thankful to your saviour, I'm just being nice!" He said angry while he stormed away to the other side of the room.
What the hell is wrong with him.. This isn't the Malfoy I used to know!

"Nice?! You!! Ha! Like that would ever happen.." I said sarcastic.
"Fine then you can get it as you like! Now get back to your work or else I'll yell for Snape!" He yelled.
"You son of a bitch!" I huffed.
"You filthy slut!" He hissed.
"I tell my father that you said that!!"
"No!" He yelled.
I noticed a fright in his voice.
"Don't do that!! Or else.." He said threatening.
"Or else what?!" I said challenging.
"I beat the hell out of you.." He growled.
"Oh is that a sequel to what you did this afternoon?! I wonder if you ever noticed you did this!!" I screamed as I showed him my bruised wrist. There was a giant blue bruise visible on my pale skin.
He stared at that for a moment of shock but then he glanced back at me.
"I didn't do that." He said as if it was all a lie and nothing ever happened.
"Oh yes you did! Do you think I made that bruise on my wrist myself?!"
Malfoy didn't answer. He just turned back to his dusting and ignored me completely..
We didn't said a word any longer and I was happy when Snape entered the room to come and get us..

"Tomorrow, same time." He said as he send us away to our common room.
I cursed softly and Malfoy noticed it. He stopped in his tracks and waited until Snape disappeared in to his office.
"I don't know why we always have to be like this." He said. "We're sworn rivals since we were born but-"
"And we still are!" I hissed.
"And why?! There's no reason to anyway.." He said.
Is he out of his mind?!
"Because we always used to be! So accept that! I'm not changing because you suddenly start to like me!" I blurted. Oops I reached his weak spot..
"Just.. Shut up, leave me alone and go to bed!" He yelled as he stormed in to the Slytherin Common room and ran upstairs to his dorm.
I did the same I went to my dorm and stepped in to my bed. I disappeared underneath the covers and I cursed myself..
Man.. how I hated him..

The next morning it was Saturday.. Yay, finally no lessons and classes today.. However detentions still went on thanks to Snape.. I went to the Great Hall for breakfast and sat next to Marie who was already there. Blaise was sitting a few seats away from me..
He winked lustfully at me..
And I flipped him off.

"Why is he acting so awkward towards you? -Sorry" Said Marie with her mouth full of toast and jelly. She sprayed a little toast on me saying that.
I wiped away some of the toast from my robe with a nasty face; and got myself my own piece.
"Somebody sent me a note yesterday during History of Magic. It said I had to meet somebody at the lake." I said while I put some butter on my toast. "That's why I left the common room."
"And?" She said chewing.
"It appeared to be coming from Blaise, and he almost raped me that evening, if I wasn't saved by-"
I stopped.. I couldn't tell her.. I just couldn't.. But I forced myself to say his name..
"Saved by who?!" Said Marie breathless.
I sighed..
"Malfoy." I whispered eventually.
"H-He saved you?! From.. Him?!" Said Marie. Her jaw dropped wide open and it revealed the most disgusting substance of toast and jelly I've ever seen..
"Close your mouth please.." I said disgusted.
"Oh-eh sorry." She said while she closed her mouth and continued chewing..
I wonder where she chewed at.. There wasn't anything left to chew on in her mouth.. Maybe it was just the movement she liked to do..
"And Blaise almost raped you?!" She whispered after a while when she flushed her mouth empty with pumpkin juice.
I started to eat my toast with chocolate sprinkles, even though I wasn't that hungry anymore once Marie revealed where she was chewing on..
"Yes." I said taking a sip from my juice.
"You should tell D!"
"Ugh.. You're not in to fashion at all are you?!" She said insulted. "'D' stands for Dumbledore.. I heard some girl from Ravenclaw say it."
"Right." I said annoyed. "I'm not telling Dumbledore.. And neither do you! You're not telling anyone understood?!" I said wagging my index finger before her nose.
"You've got my word Missy!" She said spraying me once more with crumbs.. "Oh, and my toast too.."

When breakfast was over, Marie and I decided to take a stroll around the park. We sat down a tree and discussed some happenings around Hogwarts, and Marie's latest fashion words..
"..Well professor Mc Gonagal we call: Professor Mac. And for Snape it is professor S, not very hard is it?"
"And professor Sinistra?" I asked. "Is that another professor S? That might be confusing.."
"Oh.. I didn't figured that out yet.. I think it's going to be professor 'Sin' though."
"Professor Sin..?" I repeated, that was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.
"Yeah.. I mean 'Sin' from Sinistra.."
"I know how you figured it out Marie." I said with sarcasm. "It's just.. Ridiculous I'm sorry.." I said hiding a smirk.
"Hmmff." She said acting with superior air.

"Forester?!" I heard a cocky voice behind me.
I turned around and I found myself facing Malfoy with his two dogs.
"What?!" I said clearly disturbed.
"I need to talk to you alone right now." He said arrogant as he was glancing at Marie. "Crabbe, Goyle, beat it!" He spewed at them. His dogs mumbled something and waddled away.
"Right." I said as I raised my eyebrows and got up from the grass. "What the hell is it about now."
"I need to speak with you privately." He said squinting his eyes. "Not with her around."
I didn't know why I even went along with it.. There's something seriously wrong with me.. Maybe I need to call a shrink..

We went to the edge of the lake and he turned me around facing him.
"Listen Elenore." He said. He never called me Elenore.. What the devil is he up to?!
"I need to talk to you because.." He started.
"What?" I said impatient.
"You hate me." He stated finally.
"So?!" I said.
"Something is happening. And I don't like it.." He said glaring at the grass.
"What are you talking about..? Is there a fucking point to this conversation?!" I said pulling up an eyebrow.
"It's just.. I think.." He started. But his voice stopped. Little drops of sweat formed on his forehead and his eyes bulged a little. He was definitely starting to panic.
"I mean.." He continued. "Stop hating me!!" He yelled and he ran away.
Confusion struck my face. Before I even processed what he was saying, Malfoy already disappeared..
♠ ♠ ♠
A confession? :P Maybe...