Status: Finished


Guilt and Realisation

What the fuck is this?! Malfoy asked me to stop hating him? What is that all about?! Is he out of his mind? I will forever hate that filthy mucus!
I stared at the spot where Malfoy disappeared.. I don't understand him, what he expects of me. I hate that bastard he has ruined my life and he's still doing it!
He's done it since we were little..

We used to visit a family every Sunday that both of our families were familiar with. Pure bloods always have tight bondings and so did ours. The family was called the Whaileys and sadly for them, lady Whailey was infertile. She wasn't able to have children.
So Malfoy and me were the only children at their large house present, every bloody Sunday afternoon! He used to trick me in all kinds of stuff. He enjoyed making me cry, locking me up in cupboards, threatening me to shove spiders in my clothes and of course he'd like to beat me when he was angry. The only reason he did that was because he was raised very strictly and didn't had any freedom to do whatever he wanted.
Malfoy wasn't a nice kid, eventually I started to fear him. This lingered on and he loved it that I was afraid of him. Well, until the day I had enough of him, and I showed him.
My father was disappointed in me that day, he wanted me to be friends with Malfoy.
He always went on about what a nice kid Malfoy was even though I hated his guts.. I think he wanted me to befriend him because he was friends with Malfoy's father. That friendship happened because they happened to be both Death Eaters and always fought together for Voldemort. Malfoy and me couldn't do more than accept our fathers faiths.
Though Malfoy never called me Elenore, always Forester. He would only call me Elenore if we were in so much trouble that it would affect both of us extremely..

Wait a second.. trouble? We are in trouble?!

"Ella?" Asked a worried voice far away from where I was.
"Ella are you allright?"
"Yes." Said my mouth, but it wasn't my voice that spoke.. I was much too far in thoughts..
I opened my eyes and faced Marie who stood next to me. It seemed I sat on the grass..
"Are you sure you're allright?" She asked again. This time she sounded more clearly than she did before.
"No!" I yelled suddenly as I stood up. "Where is he?!"
"Where's who?" Said Marie who made a jump.
"Malfoy!!" I yelled. Suddenly I had the urge to speak with him. "Where is he?!" I repeated. "I need to talk to him!"
"Ella?!" Said Marie awful. "What is gotten in to you?!"
I turned on my heel and started to run towards the castle not even bothering to explain to her. Not that I knew how I could.. I just had this awful feeling that this time it was important, he never called me by my first name. And I couldn't care about Marie right now.

"I'm deducting ten points from Slytherin for running through the hallways miss Forester!!" I heard professor Mc Gonagal yell at me.
But I couldn't care about that either. The only thing I cared about was myself and how horrible as it sounds.. Malfoy.
I ran until I entered the Slytherin common room. I saw Malfoy sitting in his favourite chair staring at the empty fireplace.
"Malfoy.." I panted.
Malfoy turned his head in surprise. Apparently he didn't suspected me here, though his surprised face quickly turned in to stone.
"Forester." He stated in his usual cold way. He turned his face back to the fireplace and stroke a few fingers through his platinum blonde hair.
"What do you want?" He said with the air of an ice cube.
"I need to talk to you." I said promptly.
"About what?" He sneered as he stood up and paced before the fireplace. "I don't see why I need to talk to you ever again." Apparently he judged me for interrupting him at the lake. He didn't like it when somebody interrupted him.
"You tell me. We're in trouble aren't we?!" I spat.
Malfoy turned around and I saw the little colour on his cheeks paling away.
Apparently I was right..
"Come. " He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the common room. He looked as if I hit him on his weak spot and I was I afraid that I wasn't going to like my punishment.

I followed him.. Well it wasn't really following, he practically dragged me away through the hallways gripping me tightly around my wrist.
When we came at the passageway where he damaged my wrist the day before. He pushed me against the wall, and stood in front of me leaning with his left hand against the wall next to my head. His face came dangerously close to mine, but all I could see in his eyes was hatred and curiosity.
"Okay." He said. "First I-" He started but someone suddenly screamed on the top of their lungs. It was so loud that I placed my hands over my ears. I looked at my left and I saw Pansy staring at us at the end of the passageway. It seemed she was aware of the passageway too. Malfoy probably dated people here or something..

"Draco!" She shrieked. "I thought I was your girlfriend!! And now you're going with.. with.. her??!!"
I know it might looked like Malfoy was about to kiss me.. But Malfoy?! Kissing me?! Fuck that!
"Pansy." Hissed Malfoy irritated. "Beat it, I've got more important things to do. I'll meet up with you later in bed. Now get out you useless brat!"
I've never heard Malfoy fly at Pansy like that before.. I was almost feeling sorry for her, even though I hate her..
"So is she your girlfriend or not?!" Yelled Pansy whom was clearly upset.
"Why do you care?!" He spat. "Sod the hell off woman!"
Pansy burst out in tears, every layer of her image crumbled in to dust and she broke down in to pieces. For all, Malfoy was the only thing she could use her status for. She blasted a load of insults towards Malfoy before she ran away with tears still fresh in her eyes.

"Okay.." Repeated Malfoy again like Pansy didn't even disturbed the conversation. I was used to this, Malfoy didn't have a heart and he cared about nothing more than himself.
"Do you know you're the most annoying bitch I know?!" He huffed irritated.
"Fuck off!" I yelled but after that I took a few deep breaths and eyed him again. It was awfully difficult to keep myself under control when I knew he'd always take it out on me.
"You suddenly call me Elenore." I said. "You only call me Elenore when we're in trouble! And what is this stuff about me stopping to hate you?!"
"I never said-" Began Malfoy.
"Oh sod off Malfoy." I said annoyed. Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Now what the fuck is going on?!"
"I.." Started Malfoy. "My father, he.. oh fuck this."
"Your father what?" I hissed.
"I told my father.. and I think he told your father.. that you.. Eh.."
"That I'm what?" I said as irritation took over.
"That you're my girlfriend." He said as he glared at me.
"That I'm your WHAT?!" I yelled. "Are you out of your fucking mind?!"
"Well that bloody bastard kept rambling on and on about you and how stupid I was for not taking you as my girlfriend! So I said you were to shut him the hell up!"
Malfoy growled and started pacing through the passageway. He kicked against the wall out of frustration and damned everything. Then his robe whizzed around and he faced me again. He stared at me with a disgusted look. I was shocked, I couldn't believe he told his father that I'm his..

"I wanted to tell you this at the lake." Said Malfoy as he looked at me from one eye to another. "But YOU-"
"Wait a second." I interrupted him. "What did.. you say.." I said, my voice was shaking. At every word I spoke I panicked a little more..
"You heard me Forester." Hissed Malfoy as he turned angry again. "And they're planning a marriage."
My blood just turned ice cold.. Marry this low excuse of a man?!
"FORGET IT MALFOY!!" I yelled. "Not if you were the last man alive!"
"Well as if I'm enthusiastic about this entire shit-load!" He spat. "If we don't marry my father will kill us!" He huffed. "It seemed he was already planning this when we were born!"
"Kill us?" I said softly. "Doesn't he have a conscious?"
"He's a Death Eater Forester. Death Eaters don't have a conscious."
I stared at him. I know he meant it somewhere deep inside. It freaked me out..

"Great.. And what can we do now?!" I said highly irritated.
"Well we hate each other." He stated. "It would be really unreliable to our parents to say we're a couple when we'd love to tear each others throats out."
"So what are you saying." I hissed.
"We have to stop being this hateful. Like I told you already! If they'll find out, we're dead meat!"
"Okay that is one thing I can't do at this moment.." I said getting angry.
"You have to! I already kind of.. accepted my faith.." He said scratching the back of his platinum blonde head.
Suddenly the flashback from the potions class haunted me again.. The fact that he liked me.. That he admired me.. That he hated Pansy.. And that Crabbe was more of a dog than Goyle..
That last thought made me snicker but I shot back to reality before I knew it.. And suddenly the anger crawled slowly back in to me like a spider hunting it's prey..
"Well I don't care that you accepted yours!" I yelled. "I can't pretend to like you.. Because I don't like you! And I will never do!"

Suddenly and owl flew towards us and landed on Malfoy's shoulder. Around his paw was a small piece of parchment bond together with an ivy coloured string. Malfoy untied the message and the owl flew away. He opened the note and read it quickly.
After that he groaned inwardly and gave it to me.
I hesitated but I took the note and started reading it.


Meet us and the Forester's at the Three Broomsticks so we can celebrate your engagement.
Take Elenore with you.
Don't disappoint me.

Lucius Malfoy.

I groaned and handed it back.
"Well, you better start pretending you do like me." He growled. "If you don't even want to hold my hand I think our parents think I'm not treating you well.." He said irritated.
"And you aren't Malfoy!" I yelled. "Look at my wrist! The mark is still there!"
I showed him my wrist, the bruise had an ugly green colour.
"Stop calling me Malfoy." He said ignoring my complaints completely. "You can't do that in front of our parents. Then they'll think there's something wrong."
"I think there's something wrong with you! In your head! Bloody hell Malfoy!! How could you do this to me?! Are you insane!"
I started to walk away but Malfoy grabbed me at my shoulders, and he pushed me roughly back against the black bricked wall.
"I know you don't like it. And don't look at me like the fact that I do, because I don't like it either." He said threatening.
I glared at him and he glanced at me. He took a deep breath and glanced to his left. When he did that he glanced to his right. It seemed he was making sure there was nobody looking at him.
"Malfoy let me go." I said with a trembling voice. "I didn't know what he was up to but I've had enough for the day."
Malfoy stared apologetic at me before it happened.
He kissed me hard on my lips. I was so surprised that I didn't know what to do.
Suddenly I realized that this Flobberworm was kissing me. I pushed him away from me and I ran back to the Slytherin common room. I closed the door to my dorm and I saw Marie waiting patiently for me on my bed.

I turned around and tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear.
"W-What are you doing here?" I asked as nonchalantly as I could. But it didn't sound convincing at all..
"Waiting for you to return and explain to me what's happening.." She said pulling up an eyebrow. "Or else I'll get madame Pomfrey to examine you.."
I laughed sheepishly.
"Right.." I said.. "Well there's nothing wrong, only the fact that I got kissed by a slimy git and I'm going to get forced to marry him."
Marie widened her black eyes and her jaw dropped.
"Whoo, wait.. Kissed?!.. What?!"
"Malfoy.." I said and I felt tears pricking in the corners of my eyes.
Marie was so shocked that she didn't noticed her mouth was still wide open..
I explained the entire situation and that she couldn't tell anyone or else I was screwed.
Because everybody knows I hate Malfoy.. And I still do.. No matter what happens.. Even if I need to marry him..

He just keeps ruining my life isn't he?
♠ ♠ ♠
Pff this was the most complicated chapter to write so far.. O.o