Status: Finished


Arrogance and the Letter

Marie was waiting for me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest where we would be heading on or way to Care of Magical Creatures.
She was silent for a while but then she suddenly started to smirk.
"What?!" I said once it irritated me.
"You two are so adorable!" She squealed in the highest voice she could produce. "When he hugged you, oh it felt like a fairytale!"
"Oh shut up Marie!" I said irritated. "How can you think we're adorable. Malfoy?! He's far from adorable! He's despicable!"
"I think you mean you like him." She said obviously teasing me again.
"Marie shut your yap." I growled as Marie giggled.
After a while of walking we added ourselves to the group that was already waiting for Hagrid. Marie finally stopped teasing me and her cheerful face replaced itself with a sour expression. I said if she didn't stop teasing me with Malfoy, I would hook her up with Goyle.

We had class together with the Gryffindors.. Ew, Weasley.. I still can't imagine I was actually being nice towards him. I was really out of my mind. Slytherins usually don't talk to blood traitors.
When the class started Hagrid ordered us to look at the most hideous animals I had ever seen in my life. They were grouped together in a small pen and they looked like a combination between snails and toads. They appeared to be the size of a fat cat but unfortunately weren't as cute as cat's. They had a row of small sharp teeth and enormous claws that looked like the claws of moles. On top of that all they were spitting slime everywhere.
Hagrid called those awful things Snoads..

"I am not touching those.. Things." Said Malfoy pulling up his nose.
"Neither do I." Said Pansy, as if she thought she could get back on Draco's nice side now she said that..
How pathetic..
"Common Malfoy." Said Hagrid. "They won't bite.."
"Won't bite! Look at the teeth they have!" Yelled Malfoy hysterical as he pointed at one of the creatures.
"The only thing yeh need to do is catch 'em and bring 'em over into thos' boxes." He said as if that was easy, and the Snoads were as nice as kittens.. "But first I'll tell you som'thing about 'em. Snoads live in dark caves and som'times you can find 'em in cellars of old houses. They are as heavy as cats and eat all kinds of vermin. If yeh pick 'em up right they won't attack yeh. Now who wants to be the ferst?"


"I'll do it." Said Potter eventually as he walked over to the pen. Of course.. How could I have thought differently. Potter is always the first with everything..
Hagrid explained to Potter how he had to pick up the Snoads without hurting the creatures or angering them.
Potter put on his gloves an picked up one of the Snoads the way Hagrid told him to. I secretly hoped that the Snoad would bite his hand off. Sadly enough the Snoad was only spitting slime out of it's crooked mouth and made weird purring noises when he picked it up.
A few other students walked over to the creatures and did exactly the same as Potter did.

"Ew." I said with a dramatic sigh as I approached the creatures. Malfoy was eyeing me surprised and Pansy glared daggers at me. Heh..
I was staring at the creatures for a while before I put on my dragon leather gloves and convinced myself that they were harmless.. I picked out a Snoad from the pen and I walked towards a box.There I dropped it and I turned around, proud of myself that I even dared touching one.
The Snoads seemed indeed as heavy as cats. But I really wouldn't like to have one of them living in my cellar. I walked back to the pen where a lot of people were trying to grab a Snoad, but I got pushed to the side and almost fell in to the bushes.

Suddenly someone caught my hand and dragged me away. I stared at the hand that grabbed me and I quickly recognized Malfoy's ring. (An emerald with a silver snake soldered halfway over it.) After a while of dragging me through shrubs and bushes he suddenly pulled me tight against his chest and embraced me in a hug. I heard his heart beating really fast which was probably from the running. He didn't say a word. He caressed my back and I felt his fingers moving in my hair. It gave me goosebumps somehow.. But then confusion and irritation struck me..
"Malfoy what are you doing?" I whispered sarcastic.
Malfoy stiffened but didn't say anything and continued to hold me.
"Malfoy!" I hissed when I started to feel uncomfortable.
Suddenly he let go of me and stared in to my eyes. I cocked up an eyebrow and stared at him with a confused expression.
"I had an urge" He said and then he left me without another word.
What the fuck?!

"Wait, Malfoy!" I yelled and luckily he stopped dead in this tracks. He turned around and faced me with his ice cold attitude.
"What?!" He spat.
"What the fuck was that about?!" I said irritated.
"I.. I'm getting.. I'm starting.. Never mind." He said glaring at the ground. "Do you still hate me?" He asked quickly after that.
"Well what do you think?" I said waving my arms exaggerated.
Malfoy rolled his eyes.
"This needs to stop." He said irritated.
"Fuck you." I hissed in to his face.
"Fine." He said as he walked closer up to me. "Do you want me to hook up with Pansy while both of us get killed? Because I'll do it right away without any hard feelings!"
"No, I want you to hook up with Pansy while you get killed, plus you leaving me alone!" I said poking my index finger in to his chest.
Malfoy glared at me.
"So you don't care at all!" He said making a face.
"I don't care at all." I softly hissed through my teeth.
"So you don't care about this either?" He asked. But when I wanted to ask him what he meant; he pushed his lips against mine with so much force that I almost fell backwards.
I was never this insulted in my life! I pushed him away and I smacked him in the face immediately.
He stumbled backwards and glared at me.
"So this is what I get when I just saved your butt for the second time on a row?!" He said. "I'll won't save you again." Then he sniffed in his own cocky way and left me alone in the bushes.

Since class was already over I slowly walked inside the castle for lunch. I entered the Great Hall and ignored the many looks people gave me. I sat next to Marie and told her what happened. Malfoy was there too he sat at the table next to Pansy, she was obviously flirting with him again.. Malfoy didn't really took any notice of her.
"I hit him in the face." I whispered victoriously.
Marie who was eating a piece of dry cake could barely hold her laughter. She quickly took a sip from her pumpkin juice which prevented her from choking on the dry substance.
After our lunch in the Great Hall we prepared ourselves for our next class, which was Transfiguration. I just walked inside the entrance hall when a silver coloured owl landed on my shoulder. It had a message attached to it's claw with also a silver coloured ribbon tied around it. I opened the piece of parchment and I to my own surprise I saw the letter came from Malfoy.

Dear Forester,
This weekend we're allowed to visit Hogsmeade.
I'm sure you remember the note from my father?
Meet me Saturday 11 AM at the lake.

I folded the message in eight and put in my trashy bag.
"Who was it from?" Asked Marie curious. Her black eyes stared at me and they contained so much eagerness that it wouldn't surprise me if she blasted into pieces one day.
"Malfoy." I said. "This weekend I'm going to meet his parents.. I hope it works out." I said while I bit my bottom lip.
We walked in to the classroom and found ourselves a seat.
Because I was so worried about Malfoy's letter I couldn't get my mind set up for Transfiguration.

"Miss Forester is there something wrong with you?!" Said professor Mc Gonagall very annoyed.
I looked up from my piece of parchment where I wrote: Malfoy I hate you on.
"Wh-what?" I asked as she ripped me away from my thoughts.
"You changed your bottle in to a plate. Not a glass like I've ordered you to. Is something up with you Miss Forester?"
"Oh.." I said looking at the plate before me. "Oh I'm sorry I just.."
"You used to be one of the finest students in class. I expected a better result from you." Said Mc Gonagall as she approached me.
"No, I'm just distracted. I'm sorry professor." I said while I quickly threw my notes in my bag. Marie made a perfect glass, except for the label of the bottle that remained.
I gave my wand an elegant flick and then it turned in to a bowl. Well it last it looked more like a glass..
"I want to talk to you after class miss Forester." Said professor Mc Gonagall with a face as if she ate a lemon.
I nodded.. Great.. I hate that woman..

Class ended, and happily for us it was out last one. But the memory of professor Mc Gonagall made me feel awful.. I wonder why she wants to see me..
When everybody left the classroom, I remained last together with Mc Gonagall.
She closed the door and quickly sat behind her desk. She eyed me very seriously which gave me the creeps.
"Miss Forester." Said Mc Gonagall severe.
This is going to be awful.. I can feel it..
"I heard you need to get married." She said abruptly.
"I.. Eh.. Oh.." I said hesitantly.
WHAT?! How does she know that?!
"Though unfortunately that doesn't give you a free ticket to not paying attention in class." She continued as she pressed her lips together.
I just felt an enormous pile of anger boiling up deep inside of me.. And that usually means war..
"I'm not marrying that.. that.. boy because I want it! I've got no choice!" I yelled suddenly. I was surprised I even had the nerve to say that to her..
Professor Mc Gonagall's lips formed a thin line and I could almost see lightning flickering in her eyes as she kept looking at me.
"Nonsense!" She said. "I want your entire mind paying attention! Not only half of it! And now you can better go to the Great Hall. Professor Snape expects you at seven!"
She stood up from behind her desk and pushed me out of the classroom without an excuse. I was so angry that I wanted to curse everyone who annoyed me that moment.

I said practically nothing to Marie during supper. And after I ate my piece of apricot pie, I walked slowly towards the trophy room where I was suspected as usual. Snape wasn't there yet so I slid down the wall and sat on the cold stone floor.. I hated life..
I played with my wand for a bit, I thought about how stupid things were turning out for only a few minutes until a cold voice addressed me..
"Miss Forester.. Already here? Pretty early aren't we?"
I glanced upwards from where the voice was coming, I saw the face of Snape reflected in the light of the many torches. I nodded in silence and got back to my feet.
"If I didn't know you better, I would swear you're up to something.." He said with a voice cold as ice. He glanced at the door and then back at me, as if I would've hexed the door and stole all the trophies.. Tss..

Snape unlocked the door and I followed him inside.
He threw me the rags and the cleaning tutorials again and I automatically started rubbing the rag on a dusty trophy.
After a few minutes the door opened and Malfoy came in. Snape gave him a rag as well and left the room.
Malfoy didn't greeted me as I suspected, and I wasn't taking any effort of doing so as well.
I don't know what is is but I've got this nauseating burning feeling deep inside of me. That's making me sick all the time when I see that scum face.
Suddenly out of nothing he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a wall that wasn't covered with cabinets.. I dropped my rag in surprise. He slid down on the floor and pulled me with him until we sat next to each other.
What the hell?
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Tadadum! Chapter 7 :D